Wednesday, August 14, 2019


The suicide death of Jeffrey Epstein disappointingly brought out the worst in our criminal defense brethren.  Social media was full of “good riddance” posts. We expect that from the unenlightened, uneducated deplorables who sit around swilling beer, scratching, and cursing life’s unfairness. Also from Republicans.

But we do not expect such expressions from dedicated criminal defense attorneys. So we rise, once again, pushing, pulling, prodding and treading where only the brave dare perambulate. 

We wonder whether Epstein's death will highlight the deplorable conditions  the government holds  defendants pre-trial. Mr. Epstein literally could not survive his incarceration while awaiting trial. How could he and his lawyers be expected to prepare for trial? 

Most federal cases are extensively investigated before indictment, generating tens of thousands of documents. It’s nearly impossible to master these docs in the comforts of a penthouse office (some atop garages across from federal court). It is nearly impossible to discern the key to freedom cleverly tucked  into  the pile of refuse, whilst confined in jail.

But we have bigger fish to filet. 

Mr. Epstein unrepentantly supported his belief in sex with young women, many still juveniles. He was recently quoted in a newspaper interview from a year ago comparing such laws to prior prohibitions on sodomy and same sex relationships.

Mr. Epstein’s views were repugnant, ill-advised, selfish, self-deluding, harmful to others, and downright wrong. He was by all accounts a sexual predator who used his wealth to prey on vulnerable young girls. That is why he needed strong, hard, unbending defense, in life and in death. To defend Jeffrey Epstein is to defend an Al Qaeda Jihadist,  Nazis who want to march in Skokie. Illinois,  and all those who hold views that the majority deem repugnant.

Who could defend enemy occupying soldiers wrongfully killing Americans on American soil? John Adams, future president of the United States. 

Our strength is not in the easy cases. The Constitution is built on the steel girders of the hard cases; the defense of the un-defendable- the Jeffrey Epsteins of the world. The Constitution is strongest when turned loose to defend those accused of the darkest of deeds.

All criminal defense attorneys proudly recall the first “how can you defend that person?” moment at a family meal or a party. And yet, when Mr. Epstein killed himself in despair, criminal defense attorneys from across the United States piled on, trashing Epstein, celebrating his death, murmuring conspiracy theories. 

Epstein’s death is a missed opportunity. We have a chance to highlight to the world the horrific conditions under which our clients are incarcerated. Federal detention centers are designed to force pleas.  The abatoir system of indictment and pleas undermine our most cherished and important right- to force the government to prove its case. We already labour under the (wink*wink) no trial tax system, where prosecutors in the blink of a “no” go from recommending one year to twenty, and judges follow along, trying to keep a straight face while denying that the defendant was punished for going to trial and losing. 

And yet in the face of this trial tax, a few brave souls solider on, forcing the government to trial, fighting for their client, and often winning. But sometimes the unbearable burden of pre-trial incarceration proves to be too much. 

Inhumane pre-trial incarceration is the real lesson of Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide. The #metoo movement has nothing to do with how this case ended. All victims have the right to be heard, listened to, respected, and believed when the evidence is credible. And this includes the victims of incarceration in the Gulag United States. 

No one else is brave enough to say this, so we will: rest in peace Mr. Epstein, the legal system failed you. The government has your blood on its hands, and we are sorry.


  1. Rump
    Do you think he should have been released on bond?

  2. The legal system didn't fail Jeffrey Epstein. It failed the victims. His pre-trial detention ordered because of his vast wealth and likelihood of fleeing the country, not because he wasn't presumed innocent. He was a coward who took his own life rather than face his accusers in that Court. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

  3. I disagree. The system did not fail him. He failed to live in our society like a decent person and preyed on young girls. All he did was save us all a bunch of money prosecuting and incarcerating him.

    He paid off Acosta and all the big rich Republicans but, finally was done in by the press. Donald calls it fake news. I call it the press...there to watch what the people in power are doing with our money. Many commit suicide when looking at life in prison. That was his decision alone. (Assuming the guards didn't kill him).

    He failed us. We didn't fail him.

  4. No I don't see how he gets bond based on the fake name on the passport in his safe along with diamonds and the allegation of hundreds of photos of underage women. With a prior I think he was both a risk of flight and a danger to the community.

    As to 9:25 - need I remind you he was arrested and presumed innocent? Yeah I guess I have to.

  5. Epstien wasn't - and IF allegations were true, rightfully so - portrayed kindly in the press. But no one should ever confuse sensational and creative writing with the facts. Equally vilified were the Central Park 5 (with some high profile people calling for their immediate execution) and yet they were entirely innocent of the charges. They faced horrific conditions, and only by the grace of G-d did they all physically survive. Surely they have permanent mental scars. Of course its easier to pretend the reports are always true, but in this country, we are innocent until proven guilty. Thanks Rumpole

  6. Louis Nizer famously said, I’m paraphrasing here, the problem with defending civil and constitutional rights is that many times you are defending sons of bitches when you are doing it. Epstein is the perfect example. As a fellow human being he is in the top 1% of pieces of shit but as a defendant his case raises a lot of problematic issues whose precedent is a danger to us all. The state of the prison system is one of them. I can’t think of a lawyer who isn’t having serious trouble reviewing discovery with their federal clients. Everything is electronic and computers these days except for the federal jail where the 2 computers for defense access are from the 90s and getting permission to bring in your equipment is more difficult than getting permission to bring in a hacksaw. Add to that the miserable conditions and the staff shortage created by this administrations “hiring freeze” and its a wonder any defendant can properly prepare. Further, the government is allowed to have you held without bond when you have no assets and no bond when you have too much even when the crime occurred 15 years ago. More disturbing however is the indictment of a case that had been”resolved’’ a long time ago. Just because the defense took advantage of the U.S. Attorney doesn’t mean the government has a free do over. This is the biggest danger to all of us and nobody has raised a peep. The man was shit. Fuck him! Unfortunately, now that everyone is down with what happened to him it can happen to any of us.

  7. Child molesters are the scum of he earth. All those who participated in brokering the plea deal deserve to be indicted for obstruction of justice. Reading the names of those on the Epstein legal team leaves little doubt as to who brokered the deal with Acosta. The fact all those on both sides were experienced attorneys justifies serious consideration of criminal prosecution for obstruction of justice. How can any of these high polluting legal talents justify circumventing the victims rights act, they cannot. Their actions, even under the guise of defending their client, are despicable and unethical, but of course because of their elite stature they are above the law. Unfortunately, many details about too many issues died with Epstein. One has to wonder the extent to which others, including some on the legal team, partook of Epstein's hospitality and perversion. Justice warrants a aggressive Grand Jury investigation.



    I am happy to report that I received a text message earlier today from my good friend Raag Singhal who currently serves as a Circuit Court Judge in Broward County.

    Trump just nominated Raag to an open seat as a Federal District Court Judge.

    Before his appointment to the Circuit Court bench, Judge Singhal was in private practice. And before that he was an ASA.

    Anyone who has ever dealt with him knows how fair and kind a person he has always been.


    Cap Out ....

  9. "Mr. Epstein killed himself in despair"

    Sure he did.
