Tuesday, June 11, 2019


List of things we would buy upon seeing an advert on a bus bench: 

Phone Repair
Shoe Cobbler
Dry Cleaning
Ice Cream

List of professionals we would not hire if they advertised on a bus bench:


Cario-Thoracic surgeon
Any surgeon
Any doctor
Hair Transplants
Computer Repair
Divorce Lawyers
Bankruptcy Lawyer




"Hey honey... we need to hire a criminal defense attorney. 
F. Lee Bailey is supposed to be good. 
Or how about that guy on TV all the time- Michael Avenatti? 
Those guys from Morgan and Morgan advertise all the time. Maybe they can get me 400K for a wrongful arrest...oh wait! Look at that ad! And he handles criminal cases. Well, that was easy."

Coming soon: 
Law firms on coffee cups in the EL Chapo Café; 
The ABC law firm lunch special; 
Lawyers Ads in the new elevators;
Basically we can monetarize the entire REGJB. Ads on escalators, walls, over courtrooms. You name it and you can advertise there. 


  1. I'm okay with it. Q is a solid choice. Also, when the competition is to see who can do your battery on leo case for 500, it's basically a role of the dice. Some are horrible, buy many of those who do then for that amount would do just as good a job as the guy who wants 25k for the same thing.

  2. On the second list, you forgot about massage therapists. Stick to word of mouth, so to speak.

  3. You get what you pay for ...

  4. Rumpole, maybe you are the only lawyer who does criminal cases that is booked solid with well paying customers. The rest of us are really wondering where the clients have gone. Arrests are way, way down. Blame lack of overtime, body cameras and police for being lazy if you want. For me, I simply don't make the money I used to and it hurts. So, don't be critical of Alberto advertising that way. It's legal and he isn't handling first degree murder or federal money laundering cases like you only handle.

  5. You’re just pissed you didn’t think of it first.

  6. Your elitism is showing.

  7. 7:31 am you have a valid point. And beyond that what's the difference between a sign on the parking lot and ads on twitter or facebook?
    It's a new world.
    I guess it's just passing me by.

  8. Respect the Q
    Fear the Q
    Close your eyes...become the Q

  9. The TRIALMASTER never and has no need to advertise.

  10. I guess I need to weigh in, from Fort Myers where I am doing a $10 million Rico case. All my defendants are from Miami. Hell, I referred a third of them. The funny thing is I am going to win after being here for an entire week fighting and taking depositions. I’m about to file a C-4 motions and if that does not do the job I’ll be picking a jury. Yes you can laugh but that’s one of my many many cases. Hey guys, Shhh., don’t advertise. I have for DUI manslaughter‘s and several leaving the scene of an accident with death. I have 11 lawyers on contract and three full-time associates. this is my 32nd year in practice and I am about to retire soon. You guys can pick up the slack and start advertising but I don’t charge cheap fees, I get results and I fight. As a former assistant Public Defender, I help every lawyer that has asked me for help and I also help every defendant and I allow payment plans and reasonable fees but I ain’t cheap. I’m no clinic.
    I am the Q, I’m here for you, and I love you all. !! From Fort Myers, I’m signing off. Albert M. Quirantes, “FEAR THE Q”

  11. Look. This is a business. Not a charity.

    We get our clients where we can, how we can, provided the measures are legal. Many MANY defense attorneys rely on bondsman referrals - the dirty little open secret around here. I'd much rather see guys putting us bus bench ads than engaging in this shady practice that can cost you your bar license and the referring bondsman his or her freedom.

    What's the difference between a bus bench ad or a website with good SEO? Guy gets a DWLS, walks out of court, wants to hire an attorney, and he sees Alberto's advertisement. It's not a first degree murder case but its honest work and it's the day to day stuff that pays the bills.

    I do not fault a criminal practitioner for advertising provided it's ethical.

  12. Maybe I'm a hater but I think its tacky. Most of my clients are white collar and I don't advertise. Yes, I could put up bus bench ads or the banners by the courthouse. But I wouldn't want my clients to see that I'm also pandering to the lowest common denominator. As someone who regularly sends him stips, I know Q is a volume practice and I can't compete with him fee wise. Good for him, may he continue to be successful.

  13. The Q is actually an excellent lawyer and a smooth operator in court. Alberto also surrounds himself with quality lawyers like Carlos P Gonzales, Jorge Alonso, Arthur Spiegel, Roger Elkind and others. Most of his clients are satisfied with his work and by all accounts, his fees are reasonable but not typical high volume fees. I see the Q in Federal Court all the time arguing motions and picking juries. I don't have a problem with his ads, he never goes after other lawyers and these kinds of ads actually remind the public they have an option to get a lawyer to help them before going to court. I think that approach helps the industry as a whole.

  14. To borrow a line from Clay Davis "I'll take any motherfu#&ers money if they giving it away!"
    The average criminal defendant has not graduated HS, and doesn't make smart drawn out decisions. Most decisions are made out of convenience or impulse. Q has managed to have his info right in the place where customers are leaving pissed off at something (justifiably or not). Only thing better would be to advertise on the receipts at Gordos or 7th fl cafe.
