Friday, March 01, 2019


Either the current state of Lot 26 OR the picture of the first atomic bomb explosion that caused Robert Oppenheimer such grief.

Lot 26, that bastion of peace and parking spaces is CLOSED as of Friday for repairs and software updates. Until then the lawyers who have that coveted parking pass, and police officers who park where they wish,  will mingle with hoi polio and park with the public across the street(YIKES)!

This is not good.
Mondays will be a disaster. Uber/Lyft anyone?  


Robert Oppenheimer, the scientist chiefly responsible for the successful explosion of the first atomic bomb, quoting the sacred  Hindu text Bhagavad-Gita upon seeing his creation successfully tested. 


  1. SIR KENNETH with a huge win at the Justice Building for some big time rapper. Kudos. You are a champ.

  2. BTDT ... saw your comment from the other day. You are 100% right. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who serve us in the Justice Building and courts in general. Thank you for having served as a prosecutor. My point in the earlier post was more about “appreciation” by the public after years of dedicated service as a Judge vs “validation”. It seems that there have been many who have worked for years as dedicated jurists, putting in real hours and brainpower, yet - when their time is done - not one person even remembers them 5 years later. Very few have been honored with a portrait as they do in other jurisdictions. Even today, the judges who have portraits hanging are unknown to the masses who pass through the halls of justice. I guess decades ago, when there were only a handful of judges in our county, they were held in higher esteem and in reverence. Now - there are hundreds of judges in South Florida. No big deal anymore right?

  3. Say what you want about Judge Jeri Beth Cohen, but she has saved so many lives in her drug court over the years. People may not like her abrasive nature, but she should be praised for her time in juvenile court. Judge Cohen is one of the greats and will always be remembered.

  4. Can we now tell stories about Judge Alan Schwartz... the stories that are not so flattering?

  5. Jeri Beth Cohen: One of the worst judges in Dade history. She may mean well in drug court but, law and courtesy don't apply to her. Me no fan.

    When she makes friends and family take drug tests, she is way out of bounds.

    Is she retiring soon?

  6. Drug Court is way out of bounds. Judges are independent arbitrators of controversies brought before them in a lawsuit; not freaking social workers handing out sobriety coins.

  7. 120 pm..........For true believers, satisfaction comes from know we've done our best to make a difference. But, I do see your point. I do wish more people would show their appropriate appreciation.


