Friday, March 29, 2019


We neglected to report that among the mid-season judicial moves, we missed the return of Judge Pooler to our humble REGJB. There is nothing better than arguing a motion before the judge, and then getting a piece of candy from her chambers afterwards.

The REGJB used to be a warm and friendly place to work. Judges held cooking contests in their chambers with prosecutors, defense attorneys and staff vying to make the best cookies or lasagna. Now the building is more like the halls of Congress- two sides who barely get along and speak over each other. 

Having nearly lost their entire case against Officer Aledda with an acquittal on one count and a jury hung 5-1 for acquittal on all counts, the Dade County State Attorneys office has made the "wise" and "legal" decision to re-try Officer Aledda. 
This is an outrage. The community has fairly well spoken on this and enough is enough. It is very difficult and trying to go through the criminal trial process, and doing so as a police officer-not to mention one with an infant at home- is too much a price that the prosecution is seeking Officer Aledda to pay. He made a split second decision that night - it turns out to be a wrong decision- but his  actions were not criminal- they were not close to being criminal. It is significant to note that the jury acquitted the officer of the culpable negligence count of shooting at the autistic man - which means they found the discharge of the weapon justifiable. 

This is not only a disappointing decision by State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle and her office, but a wrong one. 


  1. If you like cops so much you should apply for a job at the PBA.

  2. Rump,

    You're confusing Judge Catherine Pooler with her sister, Judge Teresa Pooler. Katie had the candy and was super nice.

    Teresa is nice too but, no candy and never grants anything. We would rather have Katie there.

  3. Who's the SAO trying to please with this retrial?

  4. Judge Seymour Gelber has passed away. Served as a juvenile court judge for many, many years. He was 99 years old. Uncle of Florida attorney general Dan Gelber. The Childrens Courthouse downtown is named for him and the late juvenile court judge William Gladstone. Also once served as Miami Beach mayor. What a career. RIP.

  5. Tess always has candy in chambers. And her JA is a very helpful. Judge T Pooler is great.

  6. Re-trying this guy is an outrage. Call it the politicization of our justice system.

  7. Rump..........forgive me, but I thought the most important part of the post was this paragraph:

    "The REGJB used to be a warm and friendly place to work. Judges held cooking contests in their chambers with prosecutors, defense attorneys and staff vying to make the best cookies or lasagna. Now the building is more like the halls of Congress- two sides who barely get along and speak over each other."

    It's a very unfortunate and totally unnecessary situation that needs to change.


  8. Too many years of Rundle passing the buck and never prosecuting cops and now she decides to try this guy twice. Lame. With so many dirty cops actually violating rights, stealing and lying and nothing ever happens to them. Sad commentary on our elected State Attorney but no one can beat her.
