Saturday, January 26, 2019


No president except perhaps Lincoln ( and we can debate this with noted Lincoln-phile Judge Hirsch) came to the presidency in more difficult and desperate times than Franklin Roosevelt. The country was in the midst of a soul-crushing depression. Fascism was on the rise in Europe, while isolationism kept Roosevelt from working with Churchill to check Hitler. 
The country needed a leader and the time met the man in the form of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 
When facing desperate times Roosevelt famously said "When you come to the end of your rope, Tie a Knot." 

On Friday, the 45th and arguably worst President of these United States tied a knot, albeit a small one with his small hands. He agreed to open the government for about a month without receiving any funding for the Gutenberg Printing Press or The Wall. The officers at FDC and the clerks in federal court who work so hard to help us do our jobs will now have some relief on the horizon. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross can buy some more caviar and champagne and wonder why he doesn't see many court clerks when dinning at 1789 in DC. 

Every day attorneys in the REGJB face problems and seek solutions. The judge denies the motion to suppress and the lawyer has to explain to the client about cutting loses and accepting a plea. The judge grants a motion to suppress and prosecutors must speak to supervisors, who must speak to supervisors, who must speak to supervisors, who then reluctantly agree to continue the case.
But our point is that every day the people that we work with show more ability and more resolve to effectively negotiate a problem and tie a knot than the leader of the ignorant and uneducated thirty percent of the country. 

We end our post with another wise quote for the worst president from the best President:
"It's common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another one. But above all try something."
Franklin Roosevelt. 

The sharp reader will quickly retort that the requirement is "common sense", which our current president lacks. For this we can only say 2020 cannot come soon enough. 

From occupied and closed America, fight the power with common sense. 


  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. Pelosi dog walked Trump right down Pennsylvania Ave. Bravo.

  3. You know ... all of us know that you are an irrepressible left wing ideologue. Now, in addition, it appears that you also like the approach of the speaker of the house and the majority leader of the senate who are more concerned about opening our borders to potential new Democratic free-loaders in the voting pool or in the count for representatives. We also know how sad you are for the poor government workers who have been inconvenienced so that we can maybe get a solution for our border and immigration problems. But, apparently you think the answer is to release all of the potential Democratic voters and breeders into our country or perhaps have drones watch them as they pass over our borders. We also know that the border agents who favor a barriers are obviously all morons. Only right-thinking philosopher kings like you know best.
    I do not care about the poor Central Americans. I care about the poor in our community who have no chance of getting $12 to $16 per hour jobs as long as your illegals cross into our country and will work for less. Rich liberals and rich conservatives like cheap labor, but our people suffer.
    I do not understand as well why you do not simply limit your columns to the courthouse and the issues that we have there. You could make a big difference there, and I suspect that your small, but effusive crew of fellow progressive ideologues will always give you credit for your narrow-minded, single perspective view of things. And, by the way, to the extent that you do pay attention to other issues, when are you left wing Jews going to pay attention to the enemies of Israel that you seem to favor. How ironic if the Christians are left to protect the Holy Land while the people chosen by God to do so spend their time advancing pinko, pc, trendy causes. Why worry about Israel when we can focus on climate change! How narrow minded of the people of Israel.

  4. 74 years ago today over 7,000 prisoners of the German #Auschwitz camp, including 700 children, were liberated by the soldiers of the Soviet army. 1,689 days of murder, humiliation, suffering and pain were over. Today #WeRemember⁠ ⁠ | #Auschwitz74 #OnThisDay

  5. I cannot print personal details of retired judges, like marriage, etc, unless they specifically authorize me to do so. sorry. It's good news, but the individuals may want to keep it private and it's not what we do here.

  6. Rump, I do not know who got married, but I went to Chick-n-Chuck, the real former judge's chain of beef and chicken sliders in Wisconsin. They had one at the airport. I was just passing through. It was great. Two fried chicken sliders, a pickle, slaw and tomato slice on a small toasted potato bun. And two beef sliders with Wisconsin Beer-Cheese soup sauce (a bit spicy cha cha cha!) and Colby melted cheese and tiny fried onions. They knocked it out of the park. Was so good I got a box of 20 each for the trip. $5.99 for a sleeve of 20! Can you believe it? How do they make money? Plus a heapin helpin of onion rings (more beer-cheese soup sauce) and a tub of coke and I was in fast-food heaven! I ran five miles when I got to my hotel in Vegas. More on my Vegas trip later and the best steak experience on earth at SW Steak. Until then....

  7. 1:44 must be the "aren't any queers in the Church" guy who used to call up the old Neil Rogers show.

  8. @1:44 - there is something wrong with you. I suggest that you show your comment to your priest, physiologist, or just a good and loving friend. Tell them about how angry you are. They may be able to help.
