Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Howard "Mouse" Gross, a former REGJB circuit court judge and one the legends of the Justice Building passed away in December, 2018. Judge Gross was a judge during the cocaine wars of the 1980's. He sat on the bench during a time when the judiciary and the practice of criminal law, as well as Miami in general changed in fundamental ways. The influx of drug money changed Miami from a sleepy southern town, to a chic metropolis.

 Where the criminals were, the money was, and that's where the lawyers went. The change in Miami spawned the careers of some of the best criminal defense attorneys in the nation including Roy Black. Jack Denaro, Joel Hirschorn, James Jay Hogan, Steve Bronis,  and Richard Sharpstein to name a few. Local characters like Sy Gaer , Mel Kessler, and Stuart Mishkin flourished in the practice of criminal defense. Judge Gross was on the bench for all of this, along with his compatriots like Judge Ellen Morphonios, Judge Arthur Snyder, Judge "Fast" Gerry Klein, and our own and still practicing Ted Mastos. 

His obituary is here. 


  1. Very Sad. Judge Howie Gross swore me in as a member of the Bar. I even rode Harley Davidson’s with him later in life. He had such a big personality and was always warm and fun to be with. God bless him.

  2. Wasnt Gross charged and tried for bribery? As I recall a Broward judge was assigned to hear is case. During his attorney's closing argument a spectator yelled out that Gross was a crook or something to that effect. Despite that, the king of the "laid back defense", Micheal Tarre obtained a NOT Guilty vedict. A strange case for sure.

    1. Yes, he was. I was his court reporter and attended some of the trial against him.

  3. Gross was charged. Tarre completely outlitigated Lavecchio who prosecuted the case because Gross was guilty from the get go but Tarre got the NG and he gets the props.

    Judge Futch was appointed to handle the case from Broward and he wanted to see Gross go down.

    Real Former Judge--- wow a crooked judge was your mentor. Take a bow if you're not too embarrassed.

  4. DeSantis appoints Carlos Muñiz, who has never been a judge, to Florida Supreme Court


  5. Dan Futch was a former trooper. He was a real piece of shit to anyone who appeared before him. Was dumb as an ox. In the top 10 of the worst Browierd Judges and thats a real accomplishment with the trash up there that has sat on the bench the last 35 years.

  6. This is a very HOSTILE and mean spirited blog site.

    Not Rumpole-but the mean responders. Why not LOVE instead of HATE??

  7. Let's not forget Howie's partner in crime, Miami Beach lawyer Harvey Swickle. He also got an NG, but he was disbarred and never practiced law again. Long time ago. RIP Howie.

  8. Guys, Mousie was a corrupt judge but, a rather nice guy.

  9. A human being and former colleague passes away and some creepy soul feels the immediate need to bring up the worst part of the deceased life?

    What does that say about the miserable state of being within the person who posts nasty things?

    Whoever it is on this blog who immediately feels the need to say bad things about another human being does not have any kindness or compassion within their heart.

    Shame on those who feel that need to not be kind.

    Instead - why don’t you go Volunteer your time to do good things for humanity instead of spreading your vile and disdain for a fallen man.

    Are YOU perfect? Have YOU ever deviated from integrity?

    I’ll pray for you.

  10. 25 years ago, there would have been 100 comments. I think his name is better known in the graveyards now than in the courthouse.

    1. He performed my marraige ceremony 45 years ago and will be remberd for generations in the ***** family

  11. 10:54 - you post as "GOD"? You are a freak. Gross may have been a nice man, but he was a corrupt judge who was disbarred. That's not spreading hate, it's spreading truth.

  12. Wow! Certainly is great to know how much some “ criminal defense lawyers “ respect the presumption of innocence and the verdict of a jury of local peers. The man was charged, stood trial and was acquitted. This is the system we have chosen to resolve accusations, if you don’t like or respect it then maybe this isn’t the right constitution or country for you.

  13. Howard Gross was a crook
    I was sentenced by him back in 1983
    probably i din't have enough money to bribe him
    I just hope his creator will take care of give him the sentence he never got on earth

  14. Mouse performed the marraige ceremony for my wife and i 45 years ago, and will be remembered for generations as a first in a world of lasts.

  15. Check out The Whistler by John Grisham and the memories will come flooding back. Operation Court Broom and then there was Morphonios.

  16. The "mouse" was merely one of the corrupt judges in that era. Shenberg sold CI identity so the CI c0uld be murdered for $50,000. Roy Gelber was a great handball player and an even better crook. Morophonio Sepe and "chicken noodle" Goodman likable but corrupt. And court-appointed attorneys paid the judges back by free meals, kickbacks and vacations. What a time that was.
