Monday, December 17, 2018


ITEM: Refugees, including children,  are  arriving at the US border with identification numbers written on their forearms. 


And people wonder why Israel exists. 

Here is the reason why. Because this happened before. And it's happening now. 

The motto is "never again" and yet in 2018 children are being marked on their arms with identification numbers because of who they are ("foreigners"). 

It makes us sick. 
And what is worse is this country, whose men populate the cemeteries of Europe because of what dictators did in the last century, is doing nothing about it. It's a dishonor to the US Soldiers who lie in the cemeteries in France that we are sitting quietly while children are marked with numbers on their arms. Those men gave their lives so that this would not happen again, and yet, here we are. 
Shame on us. 


  1. Border patrol saves the lives of refugees every day. Your attempt to demonize them by comparing them to nazis is the work of a silly child. Your rhetoric is designed to divide. Look in the mirror... You have become Trump!

  2. Shame on us> We are not marking the children' forearms. It is the Mexicans. That kind of petty sensationalism and blame-the-U.S. attitude detracts from your credibility. If they didn't make the children, then you'd be blaming the U.S. if the children got "lost" in the system and couldn't be reunited with parents.

  3. Rump how many were marked....3? Who marked them... A Mexican ngo?

    Amazing post but i don't think the mexicans are like the nazis.
