Saturday, November 03, 2018


One of our own from the REGJB is running for Congress, and if you live in her district, you should vote for Mary Barzee-Flores. If you don't live in her district, you should contribute to her campaign and volunteer to help for this last weekend. 

Mary Barzee-Flores started her career at the Federal PDs office. One of her trial partners was a young David O Markus. You may have heard of him.  From the Federal PDs, Barzee-Flores ran for Circuit Court judge and won when after qualifying, her opponent withdrew.  

On the bench at the REGJB Judge Barzee-Flores was one of the very good judges we have had in our courthouse. Her intelligence was undeniable, and she was firm, fair, and moved her docket efficiently. She sentenced defendants to just sentences and she called it as she saw it. That her opponent is running offensive negative commercials cheery-picking some decisions to attack her is both troubling and a direct assault against an independent judiciary. 

After leaving the bench, Judge Barzee-Flores went into civil practice where once again, her litigation skills and talent were obvious and undeniable. A well deserved nomination to the federal bench followed, but the republicans played politics with all of President Obama's nominations in his last two years and they ran out the clock on her nomination through blatant political stalling tactics. 

Now, Rumpole says, is time to show the Republicans that they should be careful what they ask for, because they may get it. Having kept Mary Barzee-Flores off the federal bench, she is now back running for Congress. 

Here is the kind of congresswoman we believe Mary Barzee-Flores will be: 

She will not vote to deprive Americans of health care. She will keep Obama Care, which all of the sudden Republican candidates who voted against it numerous times- like her opponent- now support because they know Americans with pre-existing conditions want to be protected. 

She will not look at the rising oceans and see the regular flooding of Miami Beach and other cities on Florida's coast and throw up her hands and say "you can't prove why this is happening." Mary Barzee-Flores understands and embraces that science now uniformly accepts that humans have caused global warming and she will work to put our country back on track as one of the leaders to save the planet. 

Mary Barzee-Flores will not respond to another tragic shooting by pandering to the NRA. She has called it as she sees it- there are too many guns in our country which are easily accessible to mentally ill people who use them to shoot up schools and houses of worship. 

Mary Barzee-Flores  will not call the exodus of poor people in Central America fleeing gang violence "a caravan of thugs, gang members and middle easterners." 

We could go on and on. But the simple fact is this- we need good, smart, hard working people like Mary Barzee-Flores who has dedicated most of her career to public service. She will respond to the problems we have with smart and common sense solutions. 

This election could not be more important. 
Our planet is in jeopardy. The response is not "drill baby drill." 
Our society is hemorrhaging in violence. The response is not to arm teachers and priests and rabbis. 
Health care costs are a leading cause of personal bankruptcy. The response is not to repeal landmark health care reform. 
Poor women and children, hearing the call of the words on the Statute of Liberty are looking to the country President Reagan called a "shinning city on a hill." The response is not to send the military to shoot them dead at the border.  

The beginning of the road  back to sanity is to elect smart, strong and dedicated women like Mary Barzee-Flores. Vote now. 
You can go here and volunteer and contribute.

I am Horace Rumpole, and I alone am responsible for the contents of this blog post.


  1. Yes because so many of us live in that district ��

  2. Yes because even if you don't live in her district, which stretches from Miami, through the Everglades, to Naples, her type of leadership can help our entire state. Our Nation. Global warming doesn't have districts. School shooters don't pick congressional districts. People who get sick and need health insurance aren't differentiated by where they live. Leadership is leadership. With women like Mary and others who get elected, we can change for the better. So if you do not live in her district, open your wallet and click and contribute.

  3. I know Mary and encourage my followers to support her with your vote and cash.

  4. You want everyone to support Mary with MY vote? I can't vote for her. I'm registered in Bangor, Maine.

  5. Get the f uck outta here pandering for Barzee-Flores. She was/is a condescending a$$ when she was on the bench. And you want me to give her money so that a position in DC can go to her head? Pfffffffft. No thanks, I'll keep my money in my wallet.

  6. She does not have a prayer in hell.

  7. Hey whatever happened to Rick & Suds; Owen Chin; Kenny Marvin; Dan Geffin; George Yoss; Hammerin Hank A(dorno); AM Radio; Shumie; Shula; Root Beer; White Castle; Court Reporters losing it at the Mutiny; Beepers; Ladies Night; The Jay White Building; Mel Kessler; Carl Mecke; The Goodyear Blimp over Miami Beach; The Forge; Chef Michelle Bernstein; a Couple of sawbucks and a handshake on the way out of Joes; Chef Allens; Normans; The Miami Heat; Charles Chips for sale at the SAO on Fridays; Fluoride in the water controversies; Feldine; The Bridge Tender; Shoe Shine Guys at the courthouse; Delores; The chicklets chewing gum guy at the courthouse; Krispy Kreme Doughnuts at the courthouse; May Cain; Pando Pando Pando; Shenberg; Colby; Marilyn Milian; Joe Farina; Weatherington; Lozano; Riots; Eric Kumerow; Shay Bilchick; the greatest legal mind ever to sit in the REGKB: The Meek Robinette; Yale Galenter and Lee Cohen; dropsy cases; 3rd DCA Judges coming to the courthouse trying cases ala Alan Schwartz; Douglas McArthur, Esq; Deep-Voice Dave Tucker; Ernie Yokum; Greg Samms; Pac Man; Blockbuster Video; the Cambridge Diet; The Atkins Diet;

    and of course, the heart of Miami....Uncle Neil Rodgers.

  8. Yoss is in retirement from carrying Hank's briefcase since he got disbarred. Court reporters now off limits via me too. Roy and Dennis are dead, Joe's will miss them.I do.Shoe shine guy went on trial for murder. All Judges in dade were recused. Shenberg in Arizona teaching future felons how to prepare for jail. Miss the MEEKER< your motion is DENNNNNIED> Yale got sued by OJ. Miss Short Schwartz . Made alot of money on Blockbuster and Coral Gables Federal. Ernie "plead em" Yokum. What about Norman Haft, Gino Negretti, Don Frost and others that notable characters. Farina, Weatherbird and Cowart the best Chiefs we have ever had. Much better than those who followed.

  9. Norman Haft stabbed his client with a pen in a memorable case in the REGJB. The prosecutor was a great guy and retired to Vegas. What was his name?
    Gino Negretti a/k/a the Cuban-rocket because a client blew him through the roof of his car with a car bomb and he survived to try cases and collect fees for another day.

    The Shoe-Guy went on trial for murder??? What happened?

    Who are Dennis and Roy who died? Joes's maƮtre d's?

    Never heard of Don Frost.

    Yoss retired? The great Adorno Zeder Yoss firm is no more???
    BTW who was Zeder?
    Who made a lot of money on Blockbuster and Coral Gables Federal? Shumie in a LBO?
