Monday, September 17, 2018


Breaking: Broward veteran ASA Stacy Honowitz has been arrested for shoplifting forty-two dollars and change in beauty supplies. Channel 10 has the story on the web  here. She has been suspended. As the case below shows, she is absolutely presumed innocent. We have seen more than one professional caught in a shoplifting snafu that wasn't what it first appeared. And the late-great Richard Sharpstein once defended a newly married man who was arrested for shoplifting when he attempted to return some wedding gifts to a bridal registry. Richard-being his brilliant self- had this spectacular line in closing argument on a case he won: "He was a stranger in a strange land." 

We're not sure how a person who was identified by an eyewitness who was "60%" certain, loses a trial and an appeal, but that's what happened to Tony Brown. 

Enter enterprising journalism students, and lawyers from the under-appreciated Regional Counsel's office. Add one great judge who is not afraid to do the right thing, and what you have is the below order. 
Congrats to Regional Counsel Lawyers Philip Reizenstein and Kristen Kawass who get the win. 


  1. A 26 page order which frees an innocent man. Thank you Judge Hanzman! What would we do with you?

  2. Karma is indeed a bitch Ms Honowitz

  3. if she hires the Q she'll be fine. Or David.

  4. I have dealt with Honowitz before and she was VERY reasonable and on top of things. She "no actioned" a case where the allegations against my client were fairly serious and brought by a law enforcement officer.

    I think we should ALL give her the benefit of the doubt!

    I have put items from a Best Buy store in my purse inadvertently and walked out. Luckily, I was not caught but returned the items to the store as soon as I realized what happened. I once also absentmindedly walked right out of Miliams with groceries in my hand and didn't realize what happened until I was driving and noticed the items were loose in my front seat and not in a bag. Marched right back to pay!

    BTW:I don't have Alzheimers just a lot on my mind.

  5. Is court closed tomorrow? I need to atone...there was that yoga instructor, way too young for me...the 20K I kept on a clear no action...the court reporter when we went to NYC on a depo...I lied to a prosecutor about twenty times, once to a judge, but the judge deserved it. Lied about 10,500 times to clients. Taxes? Kept about 150 grand as south-cheese (into the pocket not the bank).
    Anyway, I need some serious repenting time tomorrow. Are courts closed Rump-de-la-rump?

  6. Brett "the threat" KavanaughTuesday, September 18, 2018 2:37:00 PM

    Amen brother. I'm needing some atonement as well.

  7. For you haters or youngsters one of the pitfalls of aging or having a major medical condition such as major surgery, heart attack, on medication for cancer, diabetes, going through menopause, is that you can make an honest mistake. as warner wolff would say, let's go to the videotape. when I was a young asa I had a case of a retiree committing petit theft, he had money. the mind is some weird shit. and yes she comes off as a you know what on tv but for those of you who have NEVER had monster cases let me clue you in, the media is addictive. that is why you see avenati and many others on tv so much, it is as addictive as all the other addictions, take it from someone who was on tv regularly for a year. and you are not missing anything, you neophytes, because the media will make you a star and then tear you down and step on you the first time you mess up.!

  8. It's erev yom kippur. Let her go to temple, ay some prayers, fast, eat bagel tomorrow night after the fast and the shofar blowing and let her go on her way.

  9. Oh sure, let the jewish female off. If she was a sister who was a prosecutor you know they'd have already fired her ass, and opened a federal investigation.

  10. WHoa, hang on there pardner...Jews steal, but we just embezzle from banks or commit stock fraud. We don't shoplift. That's for the goyim.

  11. I'm pretty sure we're heading down a path no one wants to go. let's just treat the last two comments as semi-farcical and move on.

  12. All proof positive that "it takes a lifetime to build a reputation...but only a moment to destroy it" !!!! DMD

  13. I am offended by the comments about Jewish people. I'm not Jewish. I just think you folks are not funny.

  14. 4:48, In the wise words of one of the sages of my people- Sgt Hulka….



  15. all you people of a certain religious persuasion do is talk or study. pick up a racket, play a sport for god's sake.

  16. 2:42---exactly what type of "racket" do you suggest that we should pick up? דמד

  17. you know exactly what too fa to meant. tennis, racketball not rico. hair spitting lowyas. where would this country be without 5'6" and under male jewish lawyers who couldn't play sports. a lot better off I say. take that!
