Friday, August 24, 2018


G'day all. The internet is a bit wonky as they say in the Outback. 

So where are we? 
Has everyone who knows POTUS been indicted or given immunity yet? And this from the guy who only hires the best. Gives us the mediocre if this is the best. 

We have a judicial election coming up. What's the over/under on voter turnout? 
Rumpole is setting the line for August 24 at 160,000 county wide. Register your selection in comments. 

And that reminds us that it's almost time for the legendary, award-winning, earth shaking, Viagra-taking Football Survivor Pool. 
Everybody into the pool! Monitor these pages closely and you will see where and when to register. 
TO REGISTER SEND AN EMAIL TO FBPOOL12@GMAIL.COM WITH THE SUBJECT LINE "MAKE THE BLOG GREAT AGAIN" OR "MTBGA" from the email address you are using and let us know under what name or nom de guerre   you wish to be listed under in the pool.

You have no idea how many people, mostly those who wear robes, try and play and send an email on the first day of the season to Rumpole instead of the proper football pool email address. It becomes ponderous man...ponderous.

NEW THIS YEAR- One pass. You can take a pass on any one week and automatically survive to the next. 

Any interest in a FF league? We need 12 confirmed players and we will set it up. Leave a comment or better send us an email and we will send you an invite. 

People like Ovalle and DOM are too afraid to play in the very public spotlight of this widely read blog, but your chance at fame and FF immortality awaits. 

This is our favourite time of the year. And that doesn't include impeachment season. 

When you travel the raison d'etre  (for those of you who wear robes, literally "the entire raison") has become plugs, charging and wifi. People walk, phones in front of them, texting, emailing, busily sharing with the world where they've been, what they've eaten, what they've seen and done. And in doing so, they miss where they are. In a phrase from the last decade, they "aren't in the moment." 

From the end of WWII to about 2000, it was the obsessive taking of pictures. The pictures couldn't be shared other than roping unsuspecting guests to a dinner party where albums, or slide carousels would be produced, and pictures of your Aunt Matilda next to the edge of the Grand Canyon feeding a chipmunk popcorn, would be proudly displaced:  "And here we are in front of Cinderella's castle....and here we are at Weeki Wachee springs watching the mermaid show... and here we are at Gatorland...and here we are at Monkey Jungle which was closed because one of the monkey's opened a gate and then taunted the gators and the gators were roaming the park... and here we are at Lums getting the fried clams..."

We think you should put the camera and the phone and the wifi down and enjoy where you are. Smell the dessert. See the rock formations, close your eyes, and remember the small cactus flowering in the barren dessert and don't worry about tweeting it. 

From the free Outback...fight the power mate. 


  1. The payoff payment cohen made was always with the understanding it would be reimbursed. Cohen was trump's attorney and clearly acted as his agent, or agent of the trump org, in the transaction. The payment is only an illegal in kind contribution if the intent was to influence the election. But who's intent?

    Cohen's information says the principal purpose of the payoff of those involved, including cohen, was to influence the election.

    Is Cohen's intent as agent relevant? Or is trump's intent (or the trump executives who would do the reimbursing) what matters for the campaign finance charge?

    Assuming it's the latter, how will USAO prove the factual basis for the plea under fed r crim p 11, such that judge Pauley will be able to accept it? Will Pauley just accept the plea no big deal?

    I will love to read a factual proffer, assuming it's not conclusory (regarding purpose of the payoff) like the information.

  2. Rumpole, I would gladly take your advice on traveling, except that it would mean, possibly, divorce. LOL. The wife thinks that the reason for traveling is to stop every five minutes for a photo shoot. Its depressing. But then again, that's why I take a guys only trip every year that involves hiking or long distance cycling or something (anything really) where I can credibly say that I can't be on the phone. And the wife is genuinely surprised and puzzled every year when I come back with nothing more than 2 or 3 blurry pictures at the airport. She looks at me with this face of pity that says, "poor schmuck, he hopeless without me. He can't even properly enjoy a vacation if I'm not there to tell him how."
