Monday, June 18, 2018


Summer is here. And that means gentleman lawyers ….must still wear a coat and tie to court as if it is December in Duluth, North Dakota, although it is 90 degrees out with 144% humidity. Miami court's are still in the 19th century when it comes to dress code. 

A reader writes us this: 

Have you read Lincoln's Last Trial by Dan Abrams? A transcript was recently found by the family of the murder defendant. It was the case that propelled Lincoln to the presidency and the only known transcript of a Lincoln trial to exist. Lincoln was an expert at bonding with a jury and knowing what not to say. The writer of the transcript was the same man who transcribed the Lincoln Douglas debates. 

And Rumpole responds: of course we have. Who do you think runs this blog?  

And a reader who wears a robe wrote us a short email complaining about the Lawyer's Bill of Rights and wants to know why lawyers are late, unprepared, disrespectful, texting in court, talking in court, never ready for trial, and other petty complaints. 

Why indeed? Perhaps our readers will respond. 

The President and Attorney General are separating children from their parents at the boarder and blaming the Truman, Kennedy and Carter administrations. 

From Occupied America, where conservative Republicans are all about family- unless the family has darker skin and is from another country- Fight the Power! 


  1. Can’t post. Won’t allow. Must go off app and onto google to post. Not right. Others are having technical problems posting. That is why there are so few comments.

    Definitely broken Rumpy.

  2. I think there is something wrong with the blog. I can’t seem to send a comment from my iPhone. I have to open the blog on a Google to send.

    RUMPOLE - can you fix this???

  3. Rumpole - any recommendations for good summer reading? I prefer thrillers/mysteries, some historical fiction (American Civil War), and presidential biographies.

  4. Yup, couldn’t post from my saved blog site on my phone. Had to search it out, click on and post?

  5. I used to know it was summer when Arthur Rothenberg would show up in his seersucker suit and straw hat.
