Thursday, June 28, 2018


Judge Federico Moreno, a US District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, has made President Trump's short list for the Supreme Court. His name, with several others, has made most of the media stories about the short list. 

DOM and his federal blog notes that if selected, Judge Moreno would be the first Supreme Court Justice from Florida who also is  "A Venezuelan, a former practicing criminal defense attorney, a former assistant Federal Public Defender, and a UM Law Grad."

What DOM left out is that Judge Moreno would also be the first former Miami-Dade County Court Judge to serve on the Supreme Court. He also would most likely be the first Supreme Court Justice to have previously presided over a DUI trial. Not to be overlooked is that Judge Moreno would also be the first Supreme Justice who presided over a trial that Rumpole won. 

For those of you who have never lived in a world without a Starbucks on every corner, Judge Moreno was nominated to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals by President George Herbert Walker Bush. However, when Clinton beat Bush, Judge Moreno's nomination was not resubmitted and he has served with distinction as a District Court Judge in South Florida, including a term as Chief Judge.
If...and "if" is always a difficult proposition, but IF Judge Moreno had made it to the Court Of Appeals in 1992, then it is very likely he would have been the first Hispanic Justice of the  Supreme Court. But that did not happen.

While there is no better Judge on the list, or any list, to serve our Country on the Supreme Court, we -unfortunately- think it is unlikely that Judge Moreno will be chosen. Trump has indicated his desire for a judge to serve 40 years, and that probably excludes Judge Moreno. BUT, on the other hand, if the President wanted to make a choice that would be almost unanimously praised, and who would garner votes from many Democratic Senators, then Judge Moreno is the choice. 

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and President Trump has the ability to make the correct choice with Judge Moreno. 


  1. Don t know why you fetishize him. Saw him bully my pregnant colleague a few weeks ago. Outrageous.

  2. The trouble with politics is that it attracts politicians. Judge Moreno is certainly not a unique being. There are plenty more like him - dedicated jurists who have served justice and climbed the ranks learning all the way up. Effectively, judicial technocrats (I use that word in the light most favorable). But politically minded folks (one all sides of the political landscape) are more interested in their own politics, agendas, and legacies than they are with actually "getting the job done" (which is what technocrats are best at doing). So, we see appointments based on political philosophies rather than on good judgment.

  3. I would suggest that some of the best opinions for criminal law attorneys where those penned by “ right wingers.” They have protected criminal lawyers in both Valez and Cuellar. Most of your readers have no idea what those cases stand for yet they enjoy them in practice everyday. Thomas, who wrote cuellar, also wrote the decent in defense of medical marijuana more then 20 years ago. RBG was shoulder to shoulder against medical marijuana and Thomas was appalled that the commerce clause was used to limit a states right to legalize it. Marijuana for medicinal purposes. He was ahead of his time. Scalia wrote Booker making the guidelines advisory and Crawford which confirmed ones right to confront a witness against him. Prior to Crawford countless people were convicted based on 911 tapes in domestic violence cases. These are amazing opinions and I would say that if I had to choose between making abortion a states right and campaign finance reform, I’m going with a lawyers Rights to get paid by a criminal defendant under valez and cuellar. The right to smoke weed if my back hurts. the right to cross examine. and finally, to give judges the power to sentence defendants reasonably, without being handcuffed by the sentencing guidelines.

  4. 10:03 is absolutely correct, but if lawyers don't read the decisions, imagine the general public, posting inane RBG "queen" memes on social media.

    Scalia was one of the best friends a criminal defendant (and a criminal defense attorney) ever had, yet the left got drunk dancing on his grave, because he was on Team Bad Guy.

    It reminds me of the leftist zeal to throw George Zimmerman in prison for the rest of his life, even though the evidence clearly demonstrated his factual innocence. Who cares about actual jurisprudence and the rights of defendants when you get to call the bad guys "Nazis" and "Racists" and pat yourself on the back for "resisting" an "occupied America".

    Whenever people bemoan the fading religiosity of the US, I tell them look no farther than the political left -- it is the current embodiment of the worst elements of American Puritanism. Dogma-based, intent on shaming heretics, self-righteous, armed with a list of cardinal sins (racism, sexism, the various -phobias) with which they can bludgeon their moral inferiors and polish their own halos.

    Be suspicious of anyone who sincerely believes they are battling "evil", whether it's a Salem Bible-thumper, or an ACLU card-carrying protestor.

  5. Uh Scalia didn't write Booker.

  6. 10:03, on point and Gorsuch seems like a pretty libertarian minded justice as well. Hope Trump goes 2 for 2. Thomas' opinion in Cuellar is arguably the most important piece of legislation for the criminal defense atty ever written. And virtually zero crim def attys have any idea about it and most of you all think Thomas is evil or stupid b/c CNN told you you're supposed to think that.

    1. Rumpole do You agree about cuellar?

  7. Yea, Yea, Yea.

    Moreno and Hanzman and Zilbert are the best.

    My new retro Tretorns are in and I’m walking on air! Life is good. Who cares if the world is falling apart. My feet are STYLIN’.


  8. Scalis didn't write Booker.

  9. Why does Rumpole take the weekend off - and not put up comments.

    Come on Man. I check it a hundred times for updates on Saturday and Sunday.

    Please comply - or I’m going to start following the civil courthouse and Flagler Street.


  10. I agree with 10:03 that the right leaning judges write better criminal opinions.

  11. Glad to see that 10:03 would rather catch a buzz than protect a woman's right to do what she wants with her own body.

    I'm guessing that 10:03 and his cheering section are all male.

    1. Obviously, I would rather have abortion legal. But I can see how reasonable minds could disagree on this issue. For example, Abortions after the four month seem extreme. And partial birth abortions seem like murder. However, I can still c how reasonable minds could disagree. In the end, abortion is guaranteed by the Florida constitution and I live in Florida and I’m guessing, so do you. It’s also hard to say that the us constitution provides for abortion because of a right to privacy. Although, I can see how reasonable minds could disagree.

  12. Moreno was a former defense lawyer and former federal public defender? Then why is he such a pro-government d1ck? Guy acts like he's a former prosecutor.

  13. I’m also Hispanic and Florida native and I cant stand MORENO. He would be the worst U.S. Justice ever.
