Tuesday, January 09, 2018


Several alert readers sent us pictures regarding the on-going saga of Lot 26 near the REGJB.

Not a lot of spots available for cars that don't have red and blue lights on top of them

And so it goes.

From occupied America, where there are NO parking spots, Fight the power for a space. 


  1. I pay $100.00 a month to park there and have to fight with cops for a parking spot.

    No me gusta cops.

  2. Bertie Soto used to do something about it. She would call police agencies and demand that they not take all of our parking spaces.

  3. Although times change some things stay the same. When I went on the road in 1975 with the then named DCPSD there was insufficient parking for court at the Justice Building when we(officers) were due for court. On occasion we parked a marked unit on the grass or wherever so we wouldn't be late before the Court as we were lowly police officers and didn't want to disrespect the Judge by being late. On more than one occasion I returned to my unit to find a city of Miami metermaid had issued a parking citation. Guess city/county govt. hasn't changed.
