Monday, December 25, 2017


It started on November 16 2005. Our "Welcome Post":
We seek comments, rumors, and stories on any and all Miami Justice Building habituates, Judges, Prosecutors, Attorneys, and defendants. While we (the royal we) will not be libelous, and we will not pick on those not able to defend themselves [ insert your favorite judge here] , we love a good story about a Judge or lawyer putting his or her foot in their mouth. A juicy rumor that is not too harmful will also be posted.

Three thousand, four hundred and nineteen (always spell out all numbers in a brief, as per the Blue Book) posts later, here we are. 
It's good-nee important- to see where you started to guess where you're going. 

In looking back, our worst moments were reporting on the deaths of friends and colleagues; admittedly something that we never planned for. Judge Manny Crespo was, we recall, the first death we reported on. Our absolute worst moment was our untimely announcement of the terribly unfortunate death of our friend Judge Rob Pinero, before he had in fact passed away. We made up for it slightly by remembering that "he wasn't a good man, he was a great man" and in fact his Rabbi used those words (quoting us, much to our astonishment) at the funeral. 

Our best moments are those that celebrate the victories of our friends and colleagues (prosecutors and defense attorneys alike), and we do not deny that we relish catching one of those who wears a robe acting a bit pompous, and then reporting on it. 

Where we go from here really depends on where you-our reader-takes us. Blogging can be easy, or there can be those days when we haven't blogged all week, it's 10 PM, we are in trial, a brief is due Friday and we just have no idea what to say. This doesn't happen often, but it happens enough to make us realize that after fifteen (15!) years, we are no longer that young, muck-raking blogger, turning the Miami legal establishment upside down. 

Having done this for fifteen years, we realize (and hope) that there is some young public defender or prosecutor, or law student, who will be the next Rumpole. We cannot do this forever. Chateaus in Switzerland and beach houses in Big Sur await. Someone will emerge who has the same love of the history and reverence for the characters that daily create the tapestry of the greatest courthouse in the world: The Richard E Gerstein Justice Building. 

See You In Court.


  1. The blog had a lot of promise. Even when it was ugly it was news worthy. People who pretended they did not read it were lying.

    This year however I found myself unable to read it. Granted I would keep going back hoping for the way it used to be. But I Find now that I give it almost no time or notice.

    Rump has gotten older crankier non introspective and less effective at presenting the issues.

    Millennial Me is a caricature. It’s wonderful to have a female perspective but this over the top persona comes off as actually quite boring. Whenever I see her posts or comments I glance and don’t read them.

    Please make an effort in 2018 to return to the day when the Blog actually had teeth to it and when people pretended they weren’t reading it but actually could not get enough.

  2. Just read in the Florida Bar news that Rick Messerman passed away due to cancer a few months ago. Old timers will remember Rick was a PD for 4 years in the mid-70s before returning to his native Cleveland to practice primarily family law. While in Miami, Rick had a great fondness for sailing and female court reporters....not necessarily in that order. May he rest in peace and keep sailing in heaven...

  3. Congrats on such a long and great run. Keep it up!

  4. 11:36 Am...thanks Mom...or should I say "sorry Mom, I'll try harder?"

  5. Dolphins...WTF!???

  6. 11:36 Am...another little boy frightened by the big, bad, girl blogger who has taken his voice from him. Maybe if you cry to your mommy, she will make you a warm milk, give you a codfish oil enema, and send you off to beddy-bye.

  7. Rump stop this fight before 11:36 gets hurt anymore. MM just tore him (?) apart. Schwing!

  8. Judge Pineiro's legacy lives on. His daughter, Allison, is now an assistant state attorney in Juvenile, following in her parent's footsteps. And, yes. Judge Pineiro is still missed by all.

  9. In no particular order, I miss the stock market posts, football picks, and WWII discussions. Also, the guesses as to Rumpole’s identity.

  10. 2:49- that is wonderful to hear about Rob's daughter. And yes, I agree, he is missed. He was the best. And as to what the other 2:49 misses, I can promise more stock picks and more WWWII posts. In fact, you gave me an idea: We will do a stock picking contest- people can sign up and starting Jan second, everyone will have $5,000.00 to spend on stocks. We can trade once a week (because otherwise I can't keep up) and see who wins.
    APPL at 172 anyone? I've been loving it and loading up since 2010, so I've got quite a bit.

  11. Join me in the #nomoreLOL campaign. My study shows #babyboomers invented it on the early internet chat rooms of the 80's. The GenX and GenY'ers made it popular in the 90's and 2000's. But us #Millennials need to end this annoying three letters. Please join me #endLOL

    Follow me @millennialme786 for more info
    Let's work hard and END LOL in 2018!!!

  12. This post is just a lot of whooo haaa

    So there

  13. MM:

    Stop asking people to follow you on Twitter. First, no one is here to read your posts. Second, try to contribute something, other than self-advertising... it's a bit in bad taste. Third, try to find your own original voice instead of being a rumpole copy cat.

  14. I have an original voice. I'm not trying to be a Rumpole clone (ala Captain ahem ahem)...I think my posts are very original. Of course you could stop complaining, get off your couch and contribute...or not.
    Rumpole told me basically one thing: "Be yourself" and I've tried. Really really really tried (sniffle sniffle) ...I mean I'm just a rookie at all of this...and you are all being so hoo hoo.

    Is that what you want? Some subservient crybaby girl? Not gonna happen hotshot.

  15.'ve got spunk kid....
    I hate spunk.


  16. MM:

    That's a very low blow and also completely undeserved. If you have been reading the Blog since its humble beginning more than 12 years ago, then you know that I have never attempted to be a "Rumpole clone". I would never try to be like Rumpole. Rumpole is a brilliant writer, creative thinker, and someone who I have mostly enjoyed reading over the years. My niche in my blog posts has also been to stick with my interests, which include the JNC, Judicial Elections, politics, etc. I leave the creative writing to Rumpole and I don't think there is any Blogger out there much better than he. I would never claim to be that kind of writer. I enjoy writing about those aforementioned topics and appreciate Rumpole giving me the chance 12 years ago to author a post or two. I never really thought I would still be posting all these years later, but I am still proud to be part of the team.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future to see where you go with your writing style and your subjects. Save you low blows for those who don't want to "let the girl blog".

    Captain Out .....

  17. I definitely enjoy RUMPOLE’s stock picks.

    Last I remember, I bought a heavy position in Bank of America on his recommendation.

    I still think that AMAZON is the pick for this coming year. Artificial Intelligence is going to be huge going forward. Facebook, Google and Apple are the leaders. Apple with $250 billion in cash is poised to buy up any company and instantly compete.

  18. Put my 5000 in bitcoin. It will either be worth 6 million or zero.

  19. Millennial Me shouldn't be the representative for the SAO. Get someone else, or no one at all. Of all the pressing and important issues in society right now, she's worried about using "LOL" in conversations? And if that was some sort of joke, it fell flat. She's not funny, she's not interesting, and she doesn't sound like she's been at the office long. There are better representatives for our office.

  20. I'm no fan of MM, and I think her unwarranted criticism of the captain, a co-blogger, should be the last straw. Especially with no apology. But we don't control the blog, we just read. At some point we should accept that and stop whining.

  21. It's a fun blog, but I also find myself checking it less frequently. My favorite parts are the inside-baseball REG gossip, which I think can be best served by a PD or ASA. Show up in division every day as a "B" or "C" and you hear and know everything. If MM really is an ASA relatively new to felonies, she should be chock full of gossip. I havent seen her break any stories, but hey ... give it time, I guess.

    I also realize I read the blog most when I was thinking of transitioning from SAO/PD to private and then actually doing it. At that stage in one's career, one knows nothing about the business of criminal law. How much do I charge for a simple battery? How important is office parking? Do I need a secretary? what do I do when a bondsman approaches me with shady dealings? How do I manage jail visits when Im not the attorney of record yet? What about the flirtatious client? What about the crazed client, unhappy with your hard work who is now lambasting you online or to the Florida Bar? What about tire-kicking clients who already have a lawyer but want your consultation? And when a victim contacts you before she goes to the SAO, how do you behave ethically and still rep your client?

    THAT stuff is fascinating and super helpful to readers.

    My least favorite stuff, by the way, is the presidential politics, which I can get better versions of almost anywhere online. Not hard to find a liberal Dem opinion piece written by a white collar baby boomer in 2018 calling Trump the worst. I say leave that stuff to every other site.

  22. Nice change in subject from your biggest failure. The Bloom fiasco.

  23. I never said I was an ASA. Someone else did and others ran with it. I don't need to apologize to the Captain. He's a big boy. He can handle himself, unlike some of the other crybabies we have here.
    11Am let me try and answer your questions:
    How much do you charge? No freaking idea
    How important is parking? Well if people can't park, how will they get to see you? So I'm saying pretty important.
    Do you need a secretary? I'd start by sharing one. Keep costs down.
    When a bondsman approaches you? It depends. If you want to commit a crime then split your fee. You're the one who has to sleep at night.
    Jail visits when not atty of record? Just go. You can get in. No issue there. Clients are allowed to change lawyers.
    When a victim contacts you? Speak with them. They called you. No law against that. No ethical issue there as I see it.

  24. MM you know nothing, and let me give you the name of a good bar discipline lawyer when you get busted for soliciting business in the jail.

  25. I kinda like the "he's a big boy / she's a big girl" line, but nowadays you can only say the boy version, and only about a white person.

  26. If the bloom posts were a fiasco, keep em coming.

  27. No rule against going to see potential clients who contact you first even if they’re represented. Is a rule against soliciting business face to face (or any other way) if you’re making first contact. So basically it doesn’t matter if they’re represented or not although it’s certainly courteous to give your criminal defense brethren a shout out.

  28. Makes so much more sense that MM would be a PD, relieved if she is. But still, can't we hear from someone more interesting? Also, MM you're a WOMAN. Stop saying "girl blogger" or variations thereof like you have in the majority of your comments and posts. We already have enough assholes commenting about the "little girls" on the bench. We don't need you reinforcing the stereotype of the clueless and shallow female in the legal profession. Example--here's a twitter post from your account:

    "The move theater at #citycenterbrickell is Dope! The tickets are way expensive- $25!! But you get like an airline first class seat, and can order steak and grilled salmon and wine to your seat. Amazing but mucho $$$$"

    Dope? "Way" expensive? You get "like" an airline first class seat? Are you trying to sound like a ditz?

    I'm going to stop reading this blog if MM becomes a regular, her posts just annoy me both as an attorney and a woman.

  29. Makes so much more sense that MM would be a PD, relieved if she is. But still, can't we hear from someone more interesting? Also, MM you're a WOMAN. Stop saying "girl blogger" or variations thereof like you have in the majority of your comments and posts. We already have enough assholes commenting about the "little girls" on the bench. We don't need you reinforcing the stereotype of the clueless and shallow female in the legal profession. Example--here's a twitter post from your account:

    "The move theater at #citycenterbrickell is Dope! The tickets are way expensive- $25!! But you get like an airline first class seat, and can order steak and grilled salmon and wine to your seat. Amazing but mucho $$$$"

    Dope? "Way" expensive? You get "like" an airline first class seat? Are you trying to sound like a ditz?

    I'm going to stop reading this blog if MM becomes a regular, her posts just annoy me both as an attorney and a woman.

  30. 2:14 AM You're following me on Twitter !!!! (Smiley face :) )That is totally DOPE!

  31. PS I am a regular on this blog. #Thegirlcanblog so I guess you are going to stop reading.

    C ya, wouldn't want to B ya

  32. "C ya, wouldn't want to B ya" ?


  33. A child in blogger's clothing. Please stop.

  34. Make me (tongue sticking out)

  35. Rumpole, get rid of her!!

  36. Oh Rumpole has to fight your battles baby boy?
    Tattle tale....

  37. You people are so weak. You do know MM is Rumpole, right?
