Sunday, December 17, 2017


Happy Sunday! It's your favorite Girl Blogger under 30 Millennial Me! 👩 Still the only blogger in the history the justice building blog to us an emoji. And that record won't be broken any time soon we are guessing.

We've been reading Rumpole since law school and we know that come holiday season he likes to do best of lists. We thought about doing best local restaurants (Eating House or Dirt on South Beach or Milos for seafood), or best books (but Rumpole has already done that) so we settled on Best Legal Movies. 

1. The Verdict with Paul Newman. 
First, there are Newman's icy cold blue eyes....😍but the story is great. Alcoholic lawyer, down on his luck, has only one case- a med mal case and  goes up against the Archdiocese of Boston and the biggest law firm in Boston with a crooked Judge sitting on the case ruling against him. 
But the movie has some of the best lines ever:  
When discussing the only expert witness the plaintiff has (A 74 year old, Black, retired doctor who is not board certified) Newman's partner in the trial, his old law professor, whispers to Newman at beginning of the trial: "So all we have is the witch doctor? Yes. Well, look at it this way, it's refreshing every time a doctor takes the stand who isn't a Jew." - you have to take the movie in the context of the times- 1982).
When discussing the lawyer for the other side and Newman says "he's a good man" his professor responds "He's the prince of fucking darkness. He'll have witnesses testifying he saw her (Newman's client is in a vegetative state) water-skiing in Marblehead last weekend." 
And of course, when Newman is sandbagged in court, afterwards his professor tells him "You forgot the first rule I taught you in law school -Don't ask a question you don't know the answer to." 
Newman fights with the Judge "You're a bag man for the boys downtown", and fights with his own alcoholic demons all while the defense has planted a spy in his camp- but a surprise witness at the end turns the table and the good guys win. I just love this movie. 

2. To Kill A Mockingbird: A classic. The reason many lawyers say they became lawyers. Although I don't like lawyers who name their kid "Atticus". It's too much. But every lawyer should watch this movie once a year. 

3. A Few Good Men. 
"You can't handle the truth!" Nicholson. Cruise. Enough said. 

4. 12 Angry Men: Henry Fonda leads an all star cast. I love watching a young Jack Klugman as the only Jew on the jury stand up to the racist juror in the jury room. 

5. My Cousin Vinny: Opening statement "Everything that guy just said was bullshit!" "I'm done wit dis witness..." "The youts...what's a yout?" Classic stuff. 

6. Judgment At Nuremberg: Spencer Tracey as the American Judge in Germany displaying a very human conscience in judging Nazis including Nazi Judges who were "Just following orders".  Another must watch movie for law students.

7. The Caine Mutiny: Humphrey Bogart and who ate the strawberries??

8. A Civil Action: The Book was way better than the movie.

9. Miracle on 34th Street: Santa Claus is real!

10: You pick it.....

Now I know I missed some. I googled this and admittedly I have never seen "Witness for the Prosecution" or that Al Pacino movie where he is screaming "I'm out of order? You're out of order!" so the list isn't complete. But it's pretty good and I think the only real arguable point is why I didn't put Mockingbird first. I didn't because while it's a more powerful movie with a major sociological point for the times, the Verdict is just more fun to watch on a Saturday night when I've got nothing going on. A pint of Hagen Dazs Mint Chocolate Chip, my cat curled up beside me on my's not a bad way to spend an evening. 



  1. Ben and Jerrys Chunky Money or Cherry Garcia or NY Fudge or wait...Phish Food! are much better "I'm all alone on date night" ice cream companions with a movie and a cat.

  2. Last Monday night will be talked about years from now, when the Miami Dolphins, winners of the 2017 and 2018 Super Bowls began their improbable win strike which allowed them to sneak into this years playoffs. A win over the Chiefs on Wild Card Sunday, then the Jags, then the Pats allowed them to sneak into the Super Bowl where they beat the Vikes 42-40 on a last second 49 yard field goal in what will be considered the greatest super bowl in history. That win propelled them to their second undefeated season in 2018 and allowed them to whitewash the Eagles in the Super Bowl 52-3.
    And historians will look back and see it all began with a win over the Patriots on MNF last week.

  3. Gotta go with MY Cousin Vinny first, Judgement at N second, Mockingbird 3rd, and Erin Brokervich which wasn't even listed fourth.
    MM is a dope not dope.

  4. Love the inclusion of the Caine Mutiny- MM is wise beyond her years.

    Listening to the Dolphins game and not loving the female announcer at all. (sad face emoji)

  5. I'm not a big Football fan, but I love it when friends come over with beer and we have pizza. It's fun and I like rooting for Miami, but I don't understand a whole lot- like punting for example. Why?
    Also holding. Why can you bash the beejesus out of somebody - knock them ass over tea cups- but why not a gentle hold? Doesn't make sense.

    And when a guy catches or runs with it, shouldn't he be able to throw it to someone else? That would make it more exciting, no?

    Maybe next week a best pizza in Miami and a best toppings. I like mine veggie- shrooms, onions, tomatoes, banana peppers, extra cheese, well done and crisp.

  6. You know what Miami doesn't have? A place for a great dog and sauerkraut and dark brown mustard and a cool root beer with a creamy top. That's what this town needs.
    Plus more indy book stores.

  7. Steves Pizza 125 st north Miami. End of discussion.

    1. No italian With taste buds would agree unless they were a lard ass with a sweet tooth. For pizza try iron side or mister 01.

  8. If the Bills keep playing that quarters D Miami should run on them all day and force them to bring their safeties up ....just sayin.

  9. I'm sorry but there is something very homoerotic about the snap, and if you all can't see it...well, open your frickin eyes people.

    Not that there's anything wrong with it

  10. Here's what you see when you watch an NFL game...
    Ads for many athletes are eating there?
    Diabetic nerve pain medicine commerical
    Applebees commercials...(don't NFL fans eat better than Applebees or is that why they need diabetic nerve pain meds??)
    Ads for shows on the networks

    Where's the Bud Light Clydesdales horses?
    No Ads for star wars?
    How about a nice book ad for once?

  11. Drake plays for the Dolphins!
    How cool is that?

  12. Steves does load their sauce with sugar, no doubt about that.

  13. Very good choices, but I think "Mockingbird" has to come first.

  14. Paths of Glory should be included

  15. Steve's is way too sweet for good pizza---the original Mario the baker in NMB (now long gone) was much better !! DMD

  16. "Anatomy of a Murder," with Jimmy Stewart as wily defense attorney Paul Biegler is always going to be on the top of my legal movie list. "And Justice for All," the Al Pacino movie you referred to, and "Body Heat," with William Hurt as hapless Ned Racine, also rate inclusion on the list.

  17. The Lincoln Lawyer. Excellent book, excellent movie.

  18. Surprised MM didn't include Legally Blonde 2.

  19. Pomodoro’s Pizza in the Gables

  20. Pomodoros is a great little spot just off of Miracle Mile- very small- a few tables and chairs- and a Steve's knock off- the sauce is sugary- but they have very nice toppings like fresh tomatoes, etc.

  21. Presumed Innocent is an excellent legal thriller. Great plot twist at the end. Harrison Ford and Raul Julia are superb.

  22. Presumed Innocent is an excellent legal thriller with a great plot twist at the end. Harrison Ford and Raul Julia are superb.

  23. Anatomy of a Murder

    A Man for All Seasons (perhaps stretching the category a bit)

  24. Raul Julia was amazing as the defense attorney in Presumed Innocent...and what about our local movie about the Willie Falcon/Sal Maglutta fixing the jury in their federal case?
    Hot Miami Nights/Cool Miami Cash with Glenn Close as Judge Seitz and Max Von Sydow as the federal prosecutor?

  25. The wrap party for HMN/CMC at the REN (A venue) was legendary. There are probably a few people still recovering from that hangover several years

  26. I was going to opine but 8:42 took the words right out of my post.

  27. Cant remember the title but the defense lawyer was Hispanic named Sandy. Was about the defendants was accused of murder of his wife and the defense exposed the judge as corrupt. " We will never speak of this ever again" great line by the lawyer to the defendant after case was dismissed by the crooked judge. Double indemnity perhaps?

  28. My God, you morons love lists. This blog is turning into BuzzFeed.

  29. Love Me Some Lurvey starring Ray Liotta as Dan Lurvey; Wangling Weisman starring Adrien Brody as Ken Weisman; Brian's Song (remake-Lawyers instead of football players-riveting) starring Forest Whitaker as Brian Kerlew. My favs.

  30. trial master, that is Presumed Innocent. Raul Julia played Sandy Stern.

  31. The Paper Chase is a classic law school movie. They way it portrays the madness and chaos of 1L year still rings true even if the technology (the dime scene anyone) doesn’t. From a movie buff’s perspective, Witness for the Prosecution is a fantastic film. It’s a black and white film noir thriller based on an Agatha Christy story that involves a great criminal courtroom drama in London.

  32. Why has no one mentioned Inherit the Wind about the Scopes Trial and Clarence Darrow?

    Or the Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duval movie where Downey defends his father, a senile judge played by Duval.
    And surely there had to be a movie about King Solomon as the trialmaster where he offers to split the baby in two?
    And wasn't thete a movie about the Lindberg trial? or the Sacco & Vanzetti trial or the Rosenberg trial?

  33. Good Lord.

    First paragraph is why ASAs get horrid jobs when they leave the SAO - they cannot write. First she misspells "use" and puts "us." She proceeds to start the next sentence with the world "and."

    Rump if you want useless jibber/jabber there are plenty of other people who can write for the blog.

    1. Usually best to proofread your response when criticizing someone’s spelling. Specifically the word “world”. I assume you meant “word”? Just like, maybe, she was using her phone and auto correct used “us” instead of “use”?

    2. It is a widespread misconception among poor writers that it is improper to start a sentence with a conjunction. People who publicly criticize others for this “error” are being jerks. And they’re wrong.

    3. I'm a big fan of starting sentences with "and", where it flows. My favorite legal sentence is this: "Nonsense."

      Even if you're not a fan of such usage, it certainly doesn't qualify as jibber jabber.

  34. Agreed. Let's get back to the business of exposing those with whom we work, with a side of history.

  35. Jaded Justice:. Thanks for the correction. Julia was fantastic but I have never seen him in anything else. That was a great movie and a great line" we will never speak of this ever again" over a scotch on the rocks.

  36. The best by far: Presumed Naughty and A Few Good Strippers.

  37. captain justice where is the county court list of nominees?
