Monday, November 20, 2017


Hollywood. Congress. Liberal Senators and even TED talks conferences for goodness sakes... have all been roiled by accusations by women of unwanted sexual advances by men. 

When will the shoe drop here?

Take one powerful and experienced lawyer. Give them power (robes). Add dozens of not powerful and inexperienced lawyers, court reporters, and the like. Mix. KABOOM!
It's happened before. Many many many times. 
Who amongst us has not heard the whispers of the Judge with the young PD or ASA? Or the older lawyer with the law-school intern. 

The last few months have been eye openers. 

Here is our question: What procedures are now in place for a young ASA or PD or any of the courtroom personnel to make a complaint against an older, powerful lawyer?  Other than emailing us (and we have gotten those emails which we treat in the strictest confidence and destroy upon reading), where can someone in the legal system turn when an unwanted advance is made? 

From Occupied America, where the most powerful man in the world liked to "grab them" (meaning women)  in a region not suitable for discussion on a family blog, fight the power. 


  1. ASAs and PDs be careful.
    Look out for each other.

    Maybe there isn't a problem.
    I doubt there isn't, though.
    Lawyers aren't the only predators.
    I fear some judges too.
    A robe is an aphrodisiac?
    Not when the man wearing it is a creep.

    1. I vote this comment as the single most brillient post ever on this stupid blog.

  2. Let me be very very clear- I WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES POST A PERSON'S NAME. If you have had an issue, make a complaint with the authorities. If it becomes a public record, we will write about it.

  3. In the know don't ya knowMonday, November 20, 2017 10:07:00 AM

    Fine Rumpole. I know of two separate judges, both male, both last sat in the last century, who slept with female defendants in their court.
    And of course that doesn't include the public allegation against one judge resulting in his resignation, only to have him resurrected as a county court judge, then a circuit judge, then he was indicted in court broom, went to trial, hung jury, and then pled and served a quiet year.

  4. Me: Female. <30 yoa. Considered good looking. Former collegiate athlete. Definitely in shape.

    LAST WEEK, despite everything we are reading, I was propositioned by a judge, who is married, and before whom I have a case. I am not saying criminal or civil or state or federal or male of female. But believe me, this is a BIG BIG problem in this county. It's happened to me with other judges and with supervising lawyers ever since my last year of law school.

    So now what?

    1. Use the audio recorder on your iPhone more.

  5. A judge on the 4th floor who was in now the drug courtroom, no names mentioned, who is deceased, chased female prosecutors around his office. They moved males in there real fast. Hewas an avid tennis player.

    I know, I was a male put in that division.

  6. Rumpole,

    What will you do if a number of readers write you about the same perp? As you can see in the contexts of congress and entertainment, victims still working with, under, before, or in the community of the perps may not be able to go to the authorities without risking their livelihoods.

    So making a public record by reporting abuse to the authorities may be an unrealistic predicate if you want to be helpful.

    Assume that neither the PDO nor the SAO deal effectively with complaints of harassment. Assume that these office cultures reward stoicism and punish 'tattling'.

    Can you provide or suggest a venue for readers who would like to air grievances, find support, and act collectively against the perps.

  7. How's a guy supposed to get a date? Geez.

  8. Best topic ever. Judges be forewarned, a reckoning is coming.

  9. readers can use the blog. If someone has evidence they can email me and I can put them in touch with people who will investigate their complaint. I have friends in high places.

  10. I know Judges that dated young prosecutors and public defenders. He was prolific in the 90’s. Was that wrong?

  11. What about my comment that I WOULD NOT print any names didn't you- who keeps sending me this judge's name, understand? Even though he is deceased, I'm not doing it.

  12. People need to start saying who these folks are. How would you feel if this was your little sister or brother and they get propositioned, harassed or even worse? Aren't you going to wonder, what if I had said something? Of course people don't want to say anything because of fear of retaliation ( and yes that can happen). But the more you push people into corners, the fewer options they have.

    We all know which judges are notorious for screaming at people and berating them. But saying something is a different story. These abusers need to get outed.

  13. Judge --- you need to stop your lewd comments to lawyers. Or you'll be in the barrel.

  14. The deceased judge formerly on the 4th floor later had a tennis center in N. Miami Beach named after him. The guy really had a lot of charisma. I'm sure some of those girls did not resist.

  15. "He denies it. He denies it. By the way, he totally denies it."

  16. Dear Mr. 6:24:00, I liked him too but, I know more than one who did resist. He loved any defendant who passed the poly too.

  17. Are female court reporters fair game still?

  18. Surprised to see no posts about the PDO. Guess which young PDs get chosen to go on murder trials and the like with the old boys? Young hot PD gets to move her career along and old boy gets to hang out with her for a few weeks. Young male PD or a homely female PD? Enjoy your 42k year salary, 250 "C" cases and the holiday party.

  19. what about the female judge tearing it up with a lawyer in front of her?

    whys no one talking about that?

  20. Most court reporter s working around here now are over 50 years old. Just take a good look. Digital taking over. Why spend 2 years in school when the job nay become obsolete in about 5 or 10 years. Fair game? I don't think so.
