Thursday, November 09, 2017


It was a very nice turn out last night in the swanky Brickell Village area as hoi poloi mingled and discussed the issues of the day at the REGJB. 

Judges Gordo, administrative honcho De La O, Richard Hersch, (blog comments fav) Zilber, Oscar Rodriguez-Fonts, Jason Demitreoleas (sorry for the spelling) Tinkler-Mendez, among others showed the flag for the bench. 

And now, we've had our fill of socializing with those who wear robes for another year. 

Everyone's fav fed blogger has a few posts covering federal rabbits, and the selection of Lauren Louis (wife of ace criminal defense attorney Dore Louis we think) as the new magistrate. 

And lest you forget that the smartest POTUS with the self proclaimed best memory and highest IQ is in Asia, here is, word for word, the toast of the self proclaimed best and smartest President ever at the dinner with the South Korean President:

Together, our nations remind the world of the boundless potential of societies that choose freedom over tyranny, and who set the free. And we will free, and we will sacrifice, and we will hope, and we will make things beautiful, especially the aspirations of your people.

He had us at "and who set the free."

From Occupied America, with the world's most eloquent president, set the free, make aspirations beautiful,  and fight the power. 


  1. As you yelled at the moon last night, I hope you took comfort in the fact that we have three and one quarter years left of his first term. Forget that he has done more for the economy, employment, growth and voter confidence than was done by his " apology tour" predecessor. It is a sham that he has the rough-hewn New York side to him, but we have survived it with you; you should be able to survive it with him. By the way, I hope you take enormous satisfaction about having won three super blue contests, particularly that blowhard in NYC. That sure shows strength!

  2. I was going to attend the soiree but received an alert on my smart phone from DJ Esquire that there was traffic congestion in the Mary Brickell area including, but not limited to, a minor accident involving a scooter and a pedestrian. So I turned around and went back to the office to work.

  3. Did Zilber make a toast last night? What was he wearing? He is the best!

  4. To 8:18 am
    You are 100% correct when you state that it is a sham.
    Alas note the irony in that you attempt to be condescending and yet become self-defeated due to a simple misspelling. Sad.

  5. I agree with 8:18. However Trump did promise to end all domestic terrorism and murder and it looks like the peckerwoods are are in full competition to see who can get the most kills at one shooting. Terrorists are kicking his ass too. Remind me exactly what it was that he did? I seem to remember that he inherited a pretty positive moving economy. Lastly in about a year President Pence is going to need to be the greatest apologist ever. Wait! There is the flag everybody ignore the idiot and salute the banner.

  6. "Hoi polloi."

    Like most people who use that phrase, Rumpole, it does not mean what I think you think it means.

    The hoi polloi are the common folk.

    You probably got thrown off by the phrase "hoity-toity." Lots of folks who think they have a good education and a commanding vocabulary make that mistake.

    Now, you might come back to argue, ex post facto, that you MEANT to use hoi polloi in its proper way; that you MEANT to say that all the common folk were gathered for the event. But the context in which you used it suggests otherwise.

    An honorable fellow like you, Rumpole, will no doubt confess the error, be glad to now know better, and move on. Right?

  7. No- I know exactly what hoi polloi means. For example, I didn't use "the" in the term, because the term encompasses that word. Second, if you were a long time and careful reader of the blog, you would know my disdain for the legal profession (myself excluded) in general, and judges in particular. I can think of no other profession where the term "common" applies, then the judiciary. And finally, if you search the term on the blog, you will see I have used it correctly many times over the years.

    Who do you think you're dealing with? This isn't my first rodeo. This ain't my first blog post. This blog is without a doubt the finest written blog I have ever read. And I am sure the same applies to you.

  8. Where is the traditional yearly post about the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour?

  9. To 1:35 How preppy-like. You know when this column was just about bullshit and football, it was less offensive than it is now. The only satisfaction is that as each conservative, young federal judge is appointed to the bench, and each socialistic, progressive reg is retracted, you liberals are dying a thousand deaths, in about the same ratio as the ever-slimming page count of the Herald.
