Friday, September 01, 2017


And where is Rumpole eating? 
First, as we head into the last holiday weekend of the summer, we need to update our long time and careful readers on what the best legal blogger and social commentator in the nation is reading. 

"Dereliction Of Duty" by H.R. McMaster. When our current national security director was just a scholar/solider he undertook a doctoral thesis about the Vietnam war that because a fascinating book. Want to know how we stumbled into defeat in Vietnam? The politicians and the military didn't talk to each other and manipulated facts behind each others backs. 

"Giant of the Senate" by Al Franken because we read everything he writes and once again he doesn't disappoint. 

"The Force" by Don Winslow. A NYPD beach read for this weekend if you just want to tune out and drink some cerveza by the pool. (Tequilla for us). 

Have you read the Richard Stark novels? Crime noir 1960's including some cool Miami scenes. Pick up any of the series and enjoy. 

If you haven't read "Shattered" detailing the loss of HRC and the country to the current POTUS, now is the time to rip through the book this weekend and find out just how we came to be in this unfortunate situation and how Trump won. 
And because of that victory detailed in Shattered, we now have a situation where a  madman controls nuclear weapons in the Korean conflict (and Kim Jong-un is involved as well.)    

Where is Rumpole eating? 
The best new and exciting restaurant in the county is The Grey, in Savannah, Georgia, where the chef turned an abandoned (and segregated) bus station into a southern food wonderland. "Comeback sauce" can't be missed. Pork belly shows up everywhere, and where you least expect it, and the collard greens are smoked. Need we say more? 

Readers know that we often find ourselves in the Big Apple, and when in NYC we now find Rumpole dining (when he can pull himself away from the noddle shops that dot every corner) at Superiority Burger, where nothing on the menu is more than nine bucks (judges take note!), and the "megamouth" is our fav burger of the summer and is vegetarian to boot. In fact everything is vegie at Superiority and most can be made vegan!

Enjoy the last holiday weekend of the summer. Think of your country men and women suffering in Houston and the surrounding areas and donate to your fav charity. They need dry clothes desperately. And when you're done being charitable and altruistic, then remember you live in Occupied America and Fight the Power!

(and remember "boards don't hit back"). 
Hands down the coolest guy of the 1970s....Well, maybe him and Ali. And Noam Chomsky of course. 


  1. No one gives a shit what Rumpole reads or where he eats.

  2. Love the Chomsky reference.

  3. Who's the Calista Flockhart look-a-like in the PDs office breaking all the hearts?
    New hire.
    What's her deal?

  4. Who the hell hires/instructs the SLCPD?
    Time for a well deserved educational judgment!

  5. 2:12

    She's outta your league.

  6. 2:12 - can you be any more creepy.

  7. Bruce Lee - left this world much too soon. What a terrible loss for his family and for all of us. He really was a great man.

  8. How about getting the Roy Black heart stuff off, its been 2 years.

  9. Mom says Rumpole's reading list is the best thing to come out of Miami since Jeb!

  10. Why do I care what an anonymous blogger reads. I simply peruse this blog for court house gossip. Kind of like tmz. Not interested in what you eat, read or jerk off too. Especially not interested in your politics. I'd watch CNN if I wanted bad political conversations

  11. Hey 5:50. You have to read in order to be interested in a book review. Start your own blog with whatever the fuck you want on it and stop telling people more intelligent,harder working and more educated than you what to do. I'm sure there are plenty of shiny things to amuse you somewhere else.
