Sunday, September 24, 2017


Dear Diary: 
Best week ever of greatest presidency ever.

Loving the Rocket Man quip. They loved me at the UN. It was so quiet during my speech, you could hear a pin drop. That's how much they loved it. None of that polite clapping junk. 

But this week is all about the National Anthem. I love being the president who defends the national anthem. Obama never did that. Neither did Bush. Or his brother the other Bush.

I know more about the first amendment than any lawyer alive. It doesn't cover free speech at work. When you're at work, you have to do what your boss says. Or...and this is my're fired!

And that's all I was saying in my speech in Atlanta. When Benjamin Franklin was drafting the first amendment, he never meant it to be applied during work. You can say whatever you want when no one is listening. That's what free speech is. And, excuse me but kneeling isn't speech. It's a physical action, so duh! It's not speech and no first amendment. Otherwise, first amendment? Repeal and Replace!!

When our greatest general ever, George Patton was about to invade Japan, he gave a speech that what they were fighting for was for the young boys back home, on freshly cut fields of grass, about to play little league baseball and football and who were standing for the national anthem. That's what the invasion was about. And when some solider didn't agree, Patton SLAPPED HIM!

That's what I am talking about. NFL owners should slap those players who sit during the national anthem. Then fire them. 

What we need is more Patton and less...what ever is not Patton and that means less sitting during the national anthem. 

Memo to whoever is my chief of staff: After repeal and replace we need new law: Everyone must stand during the national anthem and if they sit they lose their health care and face a ten years in prison with NO PAROLE.  And then deportation to Mexico after paying a five ten thousand fine to pay for the wall. 

I love this job! And I'm so damn good at it! 



  1. I wonder when your little stalker will post an objection to you pointing out that the jackass who presides over this country is advocating for firings, boycotts and press intimidation in order to prevent people from commenting on him, the government or anything else that will expose him. Let me say this in anticipation. Americans have the right and in many cases the duty to say whatever whenever in regards to the government. The people who need to shut up are those who are drawing a paycheck from taxpayers. Nobody in the government should chill the speech of any American. Is there an end to Trumps treason.

  2. Has RUMPOLE given up on the football survivor pool?

    Sad. End of tradition?
