Wednesday, August 23, 2017


# Update below

The Eclipse continues to affect America and Americans, including one frustrated FBI agent as this order written by US District Court Judge Merryday illustrates in a very Judge"Milt Hirschish" way. 
Meanwhile, you thought our post the other day about President Trump telling people it was OK to look at the eclipse was a parody? Ahh...the truth is stranger than the presidency. See below.

Eclipse Order by Rumpole21 on Scribd

We told you the President said it was OK to look at the eclipse. At least he put his money where his eyes were:

And the NY Times reported on the story we broke, here- that the President looked at the eclipse and urged all americans to do the same. 

This blog knows more about the War in Afghanistan than the generals, and knows more about POTUS 45 than POTUS 45. 

Happy 10th Birthday to # (the hastag) in social media. We were one of the first to use #, as in #bestblogever. 

From Occupied America, where freedom is being eclipsed, Fight the blind power!


  1. Judge Steven Merryday. University of Florida Student Body President, Valedictorian(72)and J.D.(75).

    Go Gators.

  2. #ImisstheRENavenue

  3. #realfakeformerjudge is the best

  4. the hashtag that changed an election


  5. I wonder if the agent was a UF grand and needed the time off to attend an UF/Georgia game in Atlanta, the result would have been different.

  6. That judge is a jerk. He denied a continuance and insulted the person for asking for it. What an asshole!

  7. That judge is a dick. What, he never takes a vacation? He doesn't let lawyers or witnesses take a few days off from work? What a dick. And a smug one at that.

  8. Pepe changed the election ( and crooked Hillary ).

  9. #mignasucks #mignaworstjudge #mignapigna

  10. "This blog knows more about the War in Afghanistan than the generals, and knows more about POTUS 45 than POTUS 45."

    Actually, Rumpole, you don't know Shit.

  11. Judge comes off as someone who masturbates to himself in the mirror. FBI could have as easily been vague about his being unavailable on that date and the case would likely be continued. No jurors' time is wasted as they have other venires to fill.

    Judge just wants to be a dick and trot out his overwrought prose. Hirsch's language is often flowery, but always at the service of a legal point he believes in. This is just look-at-me schlock.

  12. Make America Great Again!

  13. Amazing discussion on MIAMI's Diverse Communinty and Racial Divide lead by our esteemed Jurist Judge Martin Zilber, State Attorney Kathy Rundle and Pastor Carl Johnson.

    If you need a speaker on our community, the law, University of Miami, politics or how our criminal justice system works ... contact Judge Zilber.

  14. That order would have been funny if he grated the continuance. In state court we have a way to get even with that kind of judge at the next election. Ask former judge Mc Whorter. She was a jerk too.

  15. What is with this bizarre Zilber obsession. Eh.

  16. Is America great again yet? Let me know what Putin says. We are very satisfied with the man he installed as President. The KKk and the white supremacists have been graduating from our top Universities and working to advance our nation. It is about time Putin and his assistants give these white heros the credit they deserve.

  17. Shumie for President 2020!
