Saturday, July 29, 2017

The S in Harry

Item: A speech by the president of the United States, to law enforcement officers: 

"Don't be too nice...these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you see them being thrown in, rough, I said "Please don't be too nice..." 

Item: The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution Of the United States: 
"No person deprived of life, liberty, property, without due process of law..." 

On Friday, July 28, 2017, the 46th president of the United States encouraged law enforcement officers to brutalize suspects arrested in a criminal case. 

Item: July 26, 1948, President Harry S Truman signs executive order 9981 desegregating the armed forces of the United States of America. 

Item: July 26, 2017, President Donald J Trump tweets that transgender individuals are barred from service in the United States Armed Forces. 

From Occupied America, where we are one of the very few people who know what the "S" in President Truman's name stands for without googling it, Fight the Power!


  1. The "S" stands for nothing. It's just an "S."

  2. Go Trump! Make America Great Again!

  3. Republican or Democrat, let's just admit it: Trump is a moron!


  4. You are correct sir. The S stands for nothing. He had maternal and paternal grandfathers whose name began with an S, and his mother, unable to decide, just stuck an S on his birth certificate

  5. Likewise, Donald Trump stands for nothing. Nothing but vulgarity, narcissism, ignorance, selfishness and hate-mongering.

  6. There's a Shumie joke in here somewhere, but I'm not going to make it.

  7. Could this mean that you do not like Trump? One of the things that make "progressives" so tedious is that anyone who doesn't see things their way is immoral, evil, anti-democratic, and just bad guys. You guys are sore losers, sore players, and the epitome of anti-democracy. You like it if you win. If you don't, you will do anything to tear down the winner.
    It really is time for someone to create a blog about what goes on at the Justice Building and not to listen to your left wing diatribes part of the year and football crap the other part.

  8. Claude Erskine - BrowneSunday, July 30, 2017 6:35:00 AM

    Truman's mother gave him the middle initial of S. To honor both his grandfathers, so the S. does stand for something / someone.

  9. 6:56 PM You are sooooo right. It is time for someone to create a blog about the justice building. You can't. You have no talent. You're a whiner. You're the type of person who sits around in their cheap condo, staring at the TV muttering to yourself "someone oughta do something."

    See, that's the difference between you me. I do something about things. You say someone ought to do something. I am a doer. You are a complainer.

    As to POTUS 46- we live in a freeish (for now) country. When the POTUS tells police officers to brutalize suspects- I write about it. When he uses twitter to ban transgender people- as opposed to an executive order- I write about it. When he campaigns on being a winner and loses health care- I write about it. When he tweets that North Korea wouldn't dare fire a missile when he is president- and then they fire a dozen or so while Trump does nothing but tweet- I write about it. I try to influence people. I write to bring truth in a world where the executive lives in a land of false facts. When he denies climate change and then the largest iceberg in history breaks off the Antarctica ice shelf, I write about it.

    But you keep muttering to yourself "someone ought to do something." I wouldn't want that as my epitaph on my tombstone, but to each his own.

    Read (google) Teddy Roosevelt's Man in the Arena speech. See if it can change your life.

  10. Epic Rumpole smackdown.

  11. Bear in mind that the S in Harry S Truman does not have a period.
    Of course no American President thus far has had a period.

  12. Let's hear about judges, lawyers, courthouse employess and denizens, and courthouse happenings in this blog. Make a blog for football and another blog for anti-Trump and left-wing politics and let this blog be exclusively about REGB stuff.

  13. I've taken your comment under serious advisement. I've considered it. Writing just what you want me to write. So you can read just what makes you happy. Hmm....not a bad idea. But, uh.. NO.
    Instead, I suggest this. Take your laptop, drive to a bridge and then throw it in the bay and then you won't have to read the blog anymore.

    And...and I really mean this...have a nice day.

  14. Judge Zilber publicly endorses francis suarez on instagram. SMH.

  15. Of course when criminals believe they will be brutalized by police at the direction of the idiot who is the president who do you think will have to deal with their violent resistance? The decent cop on the street that's who! Some of the jackasses who don't want to hear about Trumps daily stupidities and treasons were praising him as a candidate and crowing when he won on this blog. Well he is an UnAmerican scumbag and those jackasses are responsible to this great country and its children. Truth is they don't understand shit about law and football anyway. What balls on these morons! Pretending that they can dictate to an intelligent figure like Rumpole.


  16. Who is currently occupying America that has you so concerned? American citizens? Illegal immigrants? Tourists? Who has suddenly occupied our land?

  17. 46th President? You might want to check your math. I think he is #45, unless you are one of those who only counts Grover Cleveland once, in which case Trump is #44.

  18. You have to love Trump's supporters. When he says or does something despicable that they don't agree with, they say he was kidding. Why would anyone joke about police brutality? Arrest doesn't always mean conviction.

  19. Trump and his supporters are a joke. The idiots who attack Rump are too dishonest to admit that every conservative voice in America think he is a bigger joke. The Wall Street journal called Trump an effeminate, stupid whiner just last week. Trump is a traitor and a liar. What does that make the people who still support him?
