Saturday, June 03, 2017


Dear Diary,
What a great amazing covfefe week! 
But for this covfefe relapse of my tourettes covfefe covfefe It would have been perfect. 

Went to Europe and the Middle East and also Israel. 

Met the covfefe Pope. 

Told the president covfefe of Germany that she was covfefe covfefee. 

Gonna fix global covfefe warming. I'm so much smarter than the generals on this covfefe problem. 
It's so covfefe simple. Air Conditioning! Covfefe. 
Start with the antarctic, you know, the north pole area. Roll out some covfefe ginourmous AC units. Plug em in and set them to 40. That will bring down the temp. 

Then to Saudi Arabia. I have to admit it was warmer there than I realized. But build some ACs (make america great covfefe again) in Tennessee and Detroit. Ship em to  Zimbabwe Arabia, and turn them on. End of problem. I'm a covfefe hero.  Withdraw from the Paris accords. Who makes a treaty in Italy anyway covfefe?  All the Italians do is drink that tiny coffee covfefe and make pizza. What do they know about global warming? 

Final piece of the puzzle. Everyone with AC in their house or car opens the door for an hour a day. AC your neighborhood. It's going to be amazing. No one's ever seen an idea like this. 
Memo to self: Invest in room heaters company. It's going to be real cold real soon. 

Back home. Tried to fire the FBI guy, but realized I don't covfefe have one yet. So I'm adding Chris covfefe Christy to the list. Hire em. Fire em. Made a living on TV that way. 

Bestest week ever. Until next week. 



  1. Brillant.

    real former fake former real former fake judge.

  2. 12:27 absolutely positively the best name for someone who has ever posted on this blog. The best. Ever.

  3. I will stir a pitcher of dry covfefe-tinis to enjoy during Comey's testimony.

  4. Rump. Love your blog but all this anti Trump ranting is getting boring and many of us practioners arent that interested. Why cant we go back to talking about things that pertain to our daily practice and get off the natiinal politics. Have lots going on that warrant discussion. Rulings, trials, courthouse stories. Come on man, get back to the bread and butter. One of my pd colleagues just sent me an Order where Judge Hanzman took State to task for leading court into error and vacated an attempted murder conviction and 40 year sentence on a Rule 3. Thats the kinda stuff this blog shoukd be focused on. Not Washington politics. Just my opinion.

  5. 4:08. Thanks for reading. Now leave. It's my blog. I'll write what I want and you are free to never read it again.
    However, if you think you can do it as well as I can, or better, then send me an email and a proposed post and if I like it I will post it and send you a link that will allow you to post on the front and you are free to prattle on about Judge Newman not waiting for lawyers, ditto Judge Hirsch, and who won a case and who lost and what not.

  6. Hey Rumpole, must eat you up that Trump is going to remake the federal judiciary and Make America Great Again. Enjoy your little blogposts #FakeNews

  7. I refer you to my prior post "This is how it ends".
    I'll give anyone action 8-5 he's not POTUS Jan 1, 2019

  8. I applaud your Courage Rump. Also not much f=going on here anyway. The REGJB has the highest guilty plea rate in the state.

  9. RUMPOLE - can you please give us an update on the condition of Mr. Naphtali?

    My heart hurts for him. Does he have family? Have any of our colleagues or judges gone to see him? Even just to hold his hand and let him feel the kindness and love of our small community?

    Let's all be kind.

  10. From your mouth to God's ear Rump. This imbecile is the worst, most ridiculous POTUS
    ever. And his crowd of dancing bears and other side show acts are filling in the void left by the closing of Ringling Bros.

  11. Thank you 12:40 am. Please post what hospital Naphtali is at?

  12. Mr. Wacks passed away on Saturday. RIP
