Sunday, April 23, 2017


Dear Diary, coming up on 100 days as the big kahuna. The Big cheese. El Jefe. Da man. That's me! 
Got a guy on the supreme court. Voted to allow an execution in Arkansas. Only sad part was the scum executed wasn't Mexican. Oh well, better luck next time. 

100 days- promised to end Obama care on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to build wall on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to stop North Korea from launching missiles on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to rip up Iran deal on day one. Oh well. 
Promised tax cuts on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to expose global warming as chinese fake news on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to lock-up Hillary on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to declare China a currency manipulator on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to end World Bank on day one. Oh well. 
Promised to not interfere in regional conflicts like Syria. Oh well.  
Promised to withdraw from NATO on day one unless Germany paid fair share. Oh well. 

Here's what I did do...
Biggest inauguration ever. What will good health care do for the average american versus his president having the biggest crowds ever? I mean really, I know what's important. 
Re-did the drapes in the Oval. Obama had such bad taste. 
Lots of golf. 
Lots of Mar-a-lago. 
Oh yeah...
Did bomb Syria. 
Did threaten Australia. 
Did insult German leader whaz-her-name by not shaking her hand. That sent a message. New sheriff in town. Can't push me around the way Bin Laden did with Obama. Which reminds me, when we catch Bin Laden it's going to be a big deal. Going to put him on a reality TV show. Make him work on wall with Mexico. Etc. Calling Mark Burnett later for ideas. 

Did insult all US intelligence agencies. 
Did have Patriots to white house. Super Bowl guys. Winners. Like me. 

Everyone is saying this is the best presidency ever. That no one has ever seen a presidency like this one. Loving that. 

Job is good. Golf game improving. 
Gotta go. Treasury guy apparently has Mexican Amex card...gonna charge like 100K to start work on the wall. That will show them! Plus the travel points go to Ivanka and Jared. 

Phone call later with some good stuff cookin on French Election. Le Pen is our gal. 

First state dinner with Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. State Dept said we can't have state dinner with local mayor. But I say yes. Burgers. Taco Bell. 



  1. Donald Trump First 100 days. Accomplishments: confirmed U.S. Supreme Court spot vacant for over 1 year. Border security increased, illegals reduced at southern border 70%. Wall Street doing well 3 trillion increase. Inherited 2 wars like Obama- is letting the military and border patrol actually do their jobs. Deporting criminals only, Obama deported more than any president in history. Plays golf-is good exercise for 70 year old and provides privacy from media and microphones for important conversations-like when Obama and Clinton played golf to discuss replacing Biden with Hillary for the 2012 election. Trump is cutting do nothing staff at agencies, doing a dozen macroeconomic decisions to stimulate the economy and create jobs, businesses are hopeful. the ACA will be improved within the next 4-6 months, Obama took 15 months to pass it and it didn't take effect for 3 years after passage. Of all places to criticize the POTUS Rumpole, this blog and the attorneys who follow it benefit from the neglect of social policies of several decade now. This country needs generals to kick our asses and restore this country's morals. Defense attorney like and covet murder, pedophiles, poverty, male drop outs (1.3 million per year) who are a never ending supply of clients. In 3 years the economy will be doing so well and we will be out of Iraq and Afghanistan that Trump will be reelected , crime will be down, so all attorneys need to learn new areas other than criminal law.

  2. You don't stop playing poker because you get old
    You get old because you stop playing poker

    Texas Dolly Brunson

    btw rumpole, been reading the blog ever since you and I met at a table at the Bellagio last year. Don't know if your readers know, but you can hold your own...and some of theirs.

  3. Well written. 11:04. If the wall was being built, he'd be a racist, if he prosecuted Clinton for her list of crimes, he'd be a misogynist. The liberals can't get over a republican was elected bc America was sick of the liberal agenda. So no matter what he does, he will be criticized. Terribly predictable.

  4. 11:04 has really figured out your readership, Rumpole. He's (it's most definitely a 'he') revealed us for the sadistic cynics we are: rooting for poverty, murder, pedophilia and failing schools to keep ourselves in sharp suits and maseratis. Instead, we should be bending over so that the generals can kick our asses. There's a word for that, wanting to see civilians bent over so that the generals can kick their asses. A word other than a sexual paraphilia.

  5. I didn't know the FBI read your blog, Rumpole.

  6. I didn't notice he had done anything for the economy other than terrorize the air and seaports with unconstitutional orders. Does he have bills, laws or something that he is proposing be passed by the congress? Also, I noticed that terrorist are still bombing and killing overseas and the murderers in Chicago do not abate in spite of his presence in the White House. He is, however, a hoot. Funniest clown ever to be President. America may not be great again just yet but the kook is hilarious. I will admit that 11:04 is Donalds best spinner which explains why he is not employed by the Pres. Only incompetents need apply.

  7. 1104 boy you sure have me pegged. by use of the word paraphilia you must work on ryce cases and love the challenge of getting guilty rapists and pedophiles back on the street. are you by any chance either of the david marcus'?

  8. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  9. 7:47 seems a bit over the wall. Let's see, we have about 1361 days left of that bad man. Then, maybe we will have Pink Bernie or Crazy Pocahontis! After all, legislation that does not result in more voters for your side is legislation wasted.

  10. Some like the fruits of government. Some don't. An objective standard for what is good in politics is elusive. For sure, those who don't like those elevated to rule wail the loudest. A peacetime President is rarely popular. However, an insulting, confrontational President wears a "kick me" T-Shirt. T Rump gets what he deserves. So does America.

  11. Well at least President Trump got more electoral votes than any other presidential candidate in history and he had more people at the inauguration than Obama. He was the star of the greatest tv show in history until that idiot Arnold took over and tanked it. I agree with 11:04 that getting a supreme court nominee confirmed by a republican senate is one of the most difficult tricks ever pulled off by a Republican president. I feel great already.
