Saturday, March 25, 2017


Dear Diary... another big win this week. Destroyed Obama-care by not passing a new health care bill. Now everyone will see Obama-care fail and we will have a new health care bill. 

I promised to repeal and replace Obama-care on day one...just never said when I would start counting. 

Enemies list: Freedom caucus. Doofus idiots. Wait until they need me...just wait. Oregon. They're so smug up there. I'm sure their behind this health care mess. Also Thailand. The CIA. The FBI. Turns out they were bugging me. Recording me as I spoke with my pal Vlad. 

To Do list: Withdraw from Nato. Ditto the UN. That property on the east side would make an amazing Trump Tower. The best. Call it Trump Tower UN. No one will ever see anything like it. An entire building devoted to cultures from around the world...and only Americans will be allowed to live in it. We'll have a Taco Bell, a Wo-Hops, a pizza joint, a sushi- place, maybe even an Indian take-out. Total world culture...all for us. 

That's enough for now diary. Next week I'm going to get a tax bill passed by failing to make payments on the deficit. Then threaten a nuclear conflagration in Asia, belittle a state legislator in Arkansas because I can, and get my picture taken on a pony on the white house lawn. 

I love being president. So much fun to win. 


  1. "Politics sometimes rewards braggarts, and Trump is a world-class boaster. He promised a health care plan that would be “unbelievable,” “beautiful,” “terrific,” “less expensive and much better,” “insurance for everybody.” But he’s abysmal at delivering — because the basic truth is that he’s an effective politician who’s utterly incompetent at governing."-Nicholas Kristof, NY Times, March 24, 2017

  2. Props the PM Trudeau for making it a effing crime to criticize Islam in Canada. What the hell is going on in Canada?

    And there is more blame to place on healthcare that one man, trump. Like 8 years of terrible govt prior to him, Paul Ryan, etc.

    In fact, I'd say trump is doing better than you. He's a billionaire president and your an anonymous blogger.

    When all the celebs move to Canada, I hope they don't express any opinions on Islam, lest the pedophile Muhammad will stone them to death

  3. Apparently four idiots resorted to violence at a pro trump rally to attack and pepper spray peaceful supports our our executive in chief. Ah, the tolerant left. Where were these protesters when news came out of all the missing African American girls in DC? Or the hate crime perpetrated against a black man in NY? Perhaps too busy gearing up to attack others for for their political be
    Ifs and getting black masks to hide their identity....

    Four counter-protesters were arrested, three for illegal use of pepper spray and one for assault and battery, Kevin Pearsall, a spokesman for the California State Parks Police said on Saturday evening.

    Fight the snowflakes

  4. If you get your news from the New York Times you truly are an idiot

  5. 5:44, The idiot is the one who can't tell the difference between an opinion piece and reporting. You just keep feeding at the Breitbart trough, OK?

  6. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  7. Just curious, 5:44 and 5:45, where should I be getting the real news from?

  8. I echo 9:28 am's question: where is the real news? do you think that Washington Post, Chicago Trib, LA Times, SF Chronicle, Boston Globe, are fake too? what investigative journalist is doing work that you rely on?

    With regard to NYT, what articles are fake? is there some information that NYT has reported that you have a reasonable basis to refute as fake? what is that reasonable basis?

    Obviously lots of lawyers are morons. But at least our training requires us to provide a reason for our assertions. What is the reason for asserting that "NYT is fake news."

  9. The newsmen at Fox like the over educated genius, Hannity, are the only real truth tellers in the news world. They are much better than Pravda.

  10. 9:28 a.m., get it from different sources and alternative media and compare all sources with the corporate media.

  11. 4:51 - what "different sources" and "alternative media". If you rely on them to determine that NYT is "fake news," say what they are so I too can be a more discerning news consumer please.

  12. is John gault the brother of Willie Gault the ex-bears wide receiver and kick returner????????????????

  13. Nostradamus here... trying to get this blog back on track with my future predictions.

    Next Circuit Court Judge: Wolfson
    Next Third DCA Judge: Miller
    Next Federal Judge: Ruiz

    Watch it happen.

  14. Whatever Presidentisimo Trump says is by definition the truth. For instance, on a very important issue, the Pres says more people attended his inauguration than Obamas. On another very important matter he says that he got more electoral votes than any other candidate since Reagan. The liberal media responds by showing pictures of the inaugurals and restating historical facts. What could be more unfair! Who cares what really happened? What is important is that this president be treated with the reverence and respect he deserves. The people will feel better once these liberal elitist journalist get with the program. After all what could be more important than the blissful happiness of the masses.

  15. Next Circuit Court Judge: Multack
    Next Third DCA Judge: Trawick
    Next Federal Judge: Lopez

    1. Next Circuit Court Judge: Wolfson
      Next Third DCA Judge: Miller
      Next Federal Judges- 3 openings: Hanzman, Ruiz, De la O
