Saturday, March 11, 2017


UPDATE #2: POTUS FIRES BHARARA!  Say that fast five times. Then get a glass tumbler. Grind sugar with bitters. Pour a jigger of Jameson whiskey, squeeze an orange rind, add ice. Drink your old fashioned. Ruminate. 

UPDATE: NY Times reports here that Bharara is refusing to resign!
PB is refusing to go gently into that good night. Pardon us a moment while we offer PB some private advice. 
(sotto voce:  PB, buddy. You can't do this. We mean, the man is a nut and incompetent and not fit to be dog catcher in Queens, but like some judges we both know in the SDNY, you have to respect the office if not the man/woman who holds it. And DJT is president. And in our humble legal opinion, you serve at the pleasure of the president, even if he is the worst out of the 45...even including Taylor, Tyler, Andrew Johnson, Harding and Hoover. You can't just stay. They will arrest you for trespass and interference with a governmental institution. And the guidelines with enhancements...oy. You've made your point. You read the blog. You're fighting the power. Now pack up the desk, and the paperweight, and the flag, and get out while you can.)

45 and his Rusky contact/AG Jeff Vladirmirovich Sessions sacked all remaining US Attorneys Friday afternoon, including Preet Bharara, the US Attorney for the Sovereign Southern District of New York. 

45 had previously met with Bharara in November, and assured him and Sen Chuck Schumer that Bharara would stay in the sensitive and powerful position. 

But that was then. 
And this is now. 
And certain men's words are not their bonds. 

Just by pure happenstance, Fox news propagandist Sean Hannity gave a rousing diatribe the night before, urging the president to purge the traitors in his midst, including all the holdover US Attorneys appointed by Barack Obama. 

It's reassuring to know that important policy decisions are being made by the White House after long and careful and deliberative thought, and not by the spontaneous reactions of an impetuous nincompoop whose emotions are ruled by the cable TV news shows he watches. 

From Occupied America, Fight the Power. 


  1. Rumpole, your obvious biases and one-sidedness greatly abridge your credibility.


  3. Rumpole ... Question:

    Should Tan Mom be a Wack Pack member??

  4. Who gives a crap. Now he can go tell everybody what a great white collar defense lawyer he is and have his clients plea out, just like every other former ausa/usa

  5. I am biased how?
    I see evidence. I make decisions.
    I see a man accuse a former president of a felony with no evidence. And a few minutes later use his same office for a petty attack on a reality TV star.
    And based on this, and other irrational acts (size of crowds, threatening Australia) I call him- based on the evidence I see- unfit for the office he holds. And that's a bias? Or is it a decision based on facts?

    And what credibility do I have that is abridged? Do I ask you to accept statements of fact without proof or evidence? Did I accuse President Obama of illegally ordering the instillation of wiretaps without any proof and ask you to believe me?

    I am not a reporter you moron. I am a commentator. I see things, I give you my point of view. And if you do not like what I say, I urge you- URGE YOU to not ever read this blog again.

  6. Yes, BUT what about Tan Mom ??

  7. Hey Malcontent(s),

    Follow Rumpole's sage advice
    Don't like the content?
    Don't read the blog!
    There's plenty of right wing/conservative/alt-right drivel out there - wallow in that to your heart's content. Leave the rest of us alone

    Some of us like the commentary just fine
    Stop telling people what to do or write or like
    Different strokes .....
    Vive la Resistance!

  8. When are they going to post for the open County Seat? It has already been two months now.

    Waiting to apply......

  9. Another possible angle. Maybe Cuomo is calling in a chit that Trump owes him. There has always been an incestuous relationship between the real estate/union/mafia/construction industry and politicos of both parties. Tough to have sympathy for this guy: you live by the sword and you die by the sword. He serves at the pleasure of the president, pure and simple. He knew that going in and should realize it going out. Many US Attorneys are smug and pompous. They think they are above the fight but the reality is that they are not.

  10. To put this (non)issue in perspective

  11. Perhaps you are a commentator, but you should strive for at least 10th grade sophistication. Perhaps Trump made the comment about Obama so that the investigators would check out all of the White House leaks to find out which of you well-intentioned, all knowing, all-wise Progressives violated federal law an leaked documents. How classy, to have the conversations between the President and the president of Mexico and PM of Australia summarized. You would think the transcripts were on the DNC server.

  12. The issue is not my level of education, but the level of education of the most powerful man in the world. He does not read. He gets his news from cable TV, Biretbart, the NY Post and the NY Daily News. He is taken in and influenced by the fake news he claims to despise. He was quoted as saying last year that the Dept of Labor stats were false, Friday he said they were not. He does not believe carbons cause global warming. I would bet my life he could not name the author of "I know why the Caged Bird Sings", the importance of ANY of the Federalist Papers- or what they are, or the plot of To Kill A Mockingbird.

    Not that it matters but I am an autodidact (look it up) on the subjects of Cosmology (ditto), medieval German, Goethe, and recently (for fun like the rest) Organic Chemistry. I am a highly successful lawyer who lectures and writes and is well compensated for it. I run a widely read blog that is so popular and compelling that even readers like you, who profess to don't like it, cannot stop reading it.

    Not bad for a tenth education. Perhaps I should run in 2020.

  13. Keep up the good work rummy. And feel free to put some advertisements on the site so that you may make a few dollars in return for your diligent work.

  14. I can't stop reading this crap. It's fucking hilarious how unhinged you are, Rumpole! It really gives me great pleasure because you have always been such a pompous, pontificating jerk and now you're losing your mind because Trump is president. We just survived 8 years of a lazy, celebrity loving and seeking narcissist and you're worried about Trump! You are freaked out that he tweeted about The Apprentice?

    Did you freak out when Obama played golf after the Berlin attack?

    or after James Foley was killed?

    By the by, old chap, don't conveniently forget how many times Obama said he learned about major shit from watching the news

    You may be as brilliant as you tell us you are but you, like most liberals and most of the media, are intellectually dishonest. You lost and you can't handle it.

    Please keep up the GREAT work: it makes my day.

    Circle K

