Thursday, February 16, 2017


45 says the issue of former Natl Sec advisor Flynn resigning is due to conspiracy theories. 

Conspiracy theorist? Takes one to know one.

Obama's  birth certificate is a fraud. 
Obama registered as a "foreign student". 

Wiretaps showing the national security advisor illegally negotiated with a foreign government during the administration of a prior president= Fake News/ conspiracy theories. 

President Trump: "The leaks are illegal."
Candidate Trump: "I love Wikileaks"

Up is down. 
White is black. 
Truths are lies. 
Lies are true. 

From Occupied America...Fight the Power!


  1. Well. . .maybe.

    But when Dennis Kucinich and Salon Magazine (no rightwing Trump supporters they) think something's up, maybe something is up.

  2. Are the MAGA readers concerned about the first month in?

  3. Rumpole, resist the urge to sound " cute" with your sascarsm and do your research so you don't sound like the fools that erroneously believe they are smart.

  4. Trump received more electoral votes than any presidential candidate in the last 50 years. Somebody who knows told me. Get over it and accept that he is already the greatest first month President ever. Look at all he has done for the economy.

  5. No he didn't. He actually got the 7th lowest total. Obama and GHWB and Clinton all got more electoral college votes. For example GHWB- Bush 41- in 1988 against Dukakis received over 400 electoral votes.

    Please stop reading the blog and go back to Fox and Breitbart. Thanks.

  6. Well, only 47 months until a yet to be determined democrat is back in the white house.

  7. Are you suggesting that I should accept these numbers that the liberal media and the liberal historians are selling over the word of the most informed and intelligent president ever elected by an overwhelming majority of the American people?

  8. Although theoretically troublesome, I root for the deep state to take him down with leaks. No one now (except Cheney) thinks the Pentagon Papers leak was treason.

  9. Lamentably, I can't think of an absurd enough statement about our current president which can be recognized immediately as comedy. Almost everything he says or does is crazier than anything a comedian can come up with. I will not bow to someone as great as you.
