Sunday, February 05, 2017


SUPER BOWL UPDATE: We got the coin toss right. Again. We always do. It's a lock. Take the Falcons, no points, lay 100, win 130. The o/u is a massive 58. It's a tough call and while we originally liked the over, take the under. Could be 28-21, or even 35-23. It will be close. Enjoy the game. 

The 9th Circuit to the rescue! (lots of escalation points today!!). 

The Trump Justice Department (Motto "your papers please..." (said in an ominous German accent)) appealed District Court Judge James Robart's order which blocked nationwide 45's immigration ban/order/birthday party invite.

Robart- a Bush 43 appointee unanimously confirmed in a voice vote in 2000, was first attacked on Twitter by the so-called leader of the free world who tweeted
"The opinion of this so-called ridiculous and will be overturned!" (exclamation point original!).
Justice lawyers worked over-time on Saturday, pausing only to watch SNL skewer 45, and filed a stay request with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (Mission Statement "Dude! Bringing justice to the coast when we're not snowboarding and goroving")

This morning, in language peppered with west coast legalese,  the Ninth Circuit said "no way Dude President stay for you. Grad a burrito and send us some more briefs like on Monday."

Meanwhile- It's Superbowl Sunday, and our preliminary review leads us to believe you should eschew the points, take the Falcons and the odds, and slam all your dough on over and tails for the coin toss. More later. 

Prediction- 45 mocks 92 year old George Herbert Walker Bush's superbowl coin toss "No one wants to see old guy in wheelchair tossing coin at superbowl. Loser to Clinton. I beat a Clinton. No more fed funding for Super Bowl and NFL??"

1 comment:

  1. The New England Patriots won once again. What say you, Rumpy Rump?
