Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Dear Diary... big speech tonight. Thought it was a state of the union address and then was informed that it is too soon for me to give one. So Speaker Ryan, that little twerp, just invited me to address congress. It is a congressional address, not a state of the union address. I'm very upset about this. 


Dear Diary, just blew off some steam. Fired some white house maids I caught speaking spanish. No more espanol en la casa blanca I say. 
I was thinking about the state of the union. I hate unions. They're job killers. I am a job creator. So I'm going to give a state of the Trump speech. The speech should be about me, That's what people care about. How many people were at my inauguration. How many electoral votes I won (ALL OF EM!). How high are my poll numbers- through the roof. It is the best month in any presidency ever. 

A few final thoughts. I smell a rat behind this state of the union business. A big-eared, born in Kenya, non-american, muslim Barak Hussein Obama rat. And I'm gonna get even with him. Obama care will become Trump-Insurance. I going to erase his name from the history channel. 
Tried to fire the limo driver. Caught him making Taco-Bell runs for the secret service guys. Mucho Bigo-problemo with these hombres. 

Enemies list. Obama. Kenya. Ryan. Wisconsin. Mexican maids. Those supreme court justices not coming to my speech. CNN. The Golf channel. The archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey. NATO. Holland. Taco Bell. 
The Yellow Pages. Candle-Pin bowling. That roller coaster at Coney Island. The Bee-Gees. ABBA. Little Anthony and the Imperials. Chicken Kitchen- they screw up my order one more time and put onions on my chicky-chop and the CIA is going to hot wire their soda machines to make everything taste like Dr. Pepper, which is really so misunderstood. California- go ahead- try and secede- make my day. 


  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. JUDGE MARTIN ZILBER is number one in my book. He runs a calendar like no other. Polite, follows the rules and is the consummate Judge.

    He set the bar with his well reasoned and academic lengthy Orders on complex issues while in Juvenile Dependency. Read his orders. Judicial restraint and written like a law review article.

    I wish other Judges in the Criminal division could sit with him while he conducts his courtroom.

  3. I thought teen aged girls wrote tot their diaries, not adult men. Guess you need a safe space

  4. Love the Diary of a Mad President series. Great stuff. Hilarious.

  5. You keep writing to your diary; I'll keep making America great again with our outstanding president It's a win / win

  6. MAGA = Make America Great Again --try to do the same for your blog --and drop this inane political satire--leave it to SNL and the stupid 11:30 TV shows !!! DMD

  7. To paraphrase the late and great Neil Rodgers...and yet you can't stop reading this blog. Hmm....

  8. Love the diary. Please keep writing. You've got the style down bigly.

  9. Judge Zilber has the background as a real trial lawyer before ascending to the bench. That makes a difference. He knows the Evidence Code and has authored many academic legal articles on complex areas of the law.

    He cites cases that are authoritative off the top of his head. Kudos Judge. He reminds me of Judge Baker from the past.

  10. @2:15am & 8:14pm--are your comments sarcasm? They are posted as comments in the trump post...Because he seems like the opposite of everything said in both comments. I've been in his courtroom a few times and there's always a long line of PAs with zilber making everything take three times as long. Everyone in there looks annoyed. The staff clearly can't stand him, luckily he can't see their faces but anyone in line can. Polite is definitely not a trait of his. He never lets anyone get a word out. The only positive is he cuts off the state too. I'd love to see these orders and scholarly articles because he doesn't speak like a Hirsch or DeLaO. Couldn't find anything online. I was in there a couple weeks back when he was throwing a fit about some prosecutor not giving him a proposed order so can't imagine he'd write his own. I don't know his background well but he doesn't strike me as a litigator, at least what I just read online he apparently inherited his $$$ from his father, owned a cab or bus company. Another judge buying his way into a robe, has our bench ever been this pathetic? I won't be picking up anymore cases in zilber, not worth the hassle.

  11. the comments regarding Zilber are obviously sarcastic and describe another one of our Judges whose scholarly works and orders are well known and have been the subject of prior discussion. sure the readers know know who it is.
