Wednesday, January 04, 2017


DOM, in a scooping mode, breaks the story that USDJ (and former REGJB Miami Circuit Court Judge) Ursula Ungaro is being considered to be US Attorney!!

We can think of one former Dade Circuit Judge who became US Attorney- the sui generis career of Tom Scott.

Scott was a circuit court judge, a US District Court judge, US Attorney for the Southern District Of Florida, and he also worked the door at Joes for a period of time (not true). 

Of course, considering the soon to be POTUS, the new US attorney could be one of the guys at the door at Joes.... Eddie has taken care of us for the last few years at Joes. He would be a fine choice. 

DOM opined that Ungaro would "whip that office into shape". Cheap shot at the current USAO? 

See you in court. 


  1. Whoever takes the spot won't be the first choice of Trump. Enjoy being second bananas.

  2. I think Trump needs to look no further than Daryl Trawick for the US Attorneys position.

  3. Rumpole, you were close on Thomas Scott on the previous comments page:

    My recollection is that he was the youngest Judge ever (age 31) to serve on the Circuit Court bench when he took office in 1979. He served nearly five years in Circuit Court and then left for a year for private practice before getting appointed to the Fed bench by Ronald Reagan in 1985 at the age of 37. I believe he was the youngest ever appointed to the federal district court at the time as well. Interestingly, Reagan appointed Alex Kozinski to the 9th Circuit at age 35 that same year (1985) making Kozinski the youngest on the Federal Appeals court ever. Scott spent five years on the federal bench before resigning in disgust in 1990. That was the year that Congress refused to give the federal judges a raise. After another stint in private practice, he was tapped in 1997 by Clinton as the US Attorney to the SD of Florida. He left that position after three years and now runs one of the most successful insurance defense firms in Florida, "Cole, Scott, & Kissane".

    Scott was famous for many reasons: first, as the young circuit court judge who handled the Johnny Jones "gold plumbing" case. Jones was convicted of grand theft and Judge Scott sentenced him to three years in prison followed by five years of probation. Jones was the Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent at the time of his arrest. Jones was accused of using his school board account to purchase gold plated plumbing fixtures for his vacation home in Naples. The 3rd DCA eventually overturned the conviction and ordered a new trial.

    Scott was also know for showing up earlier to the MJB than any other person in the building. No matter how many cases you could cite in support of your Motion to Suppress, he always had one more to ask you about; and he did it at his not so famous eight am special hearings. If you ever had to enter his chambers, you were always met by his German Sheppard that went everywhere with him.

    Cap Out .....

  4. 9:23- Miami's own Janet Reno was "3rd banana" and nobody ever mentions that.

  5. Except for you Rump, who just mentioned it.

  6. This US Attorney spot is going to:


    Decided already. Done.

  7. Philip Bloom had 7 am special sets. Phil Knight was also an early riser but he compensated for it by taking an afternoon nap. Interesting about the "3rd Banana" issue. William Rehnquist was one as was Anthony Kennedy. There are probably others but I cannot think of them. Just for trivia's sake, the two who stepped to the plate before Janet Reno were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, each done in because they did what 99% of people of their stature did back then (and still do): pay nannies in cash.

  8. No joke about Alex Michaels as the next U.S. Attorney. He is third cousins of Melania Trump. The President Elect is just going to appoint him without a Federal JNC or Senator input. Mark my word.

  9. Judge George Orr had calendar calls and probation hearing on Saturday morning for a while. A lot of cases got settled well before that. George was a great guy with an awesome sense of humor. No one like him will will ever replace him.

  10. The way to determine who will be appointed US Attorney under Trump is to make a list of the possibilities, and then assume it will be none of those people.
