Thursday, January 19, 2017


The interregnum (what a great word) ends tomorrow as Donald J Trump takes the oath of office and becomes the 45th  president of the United States. 

CJ John Roberts will administer the oath. Query/trivia: who was the last person who was NOT a Chief Justice or Supreme Court Justice to swear in a President?

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas will administer the oath to VP elect Mike Pence. 

Have they done their homework here? The last time Justice Thomas said anything in public was "Supersize that and an order of onion rings as well...yes I'm sure I don't want a coke. Don't ask why please".  

Pence takes the oath first, which means for a few awkward moments Obama will be president, and Pence will be his VP. 

Trivia: Where was the first inauguration held?

Vegas odds: 1,000-1 Trump does not say "baba booey" in his speech. 150-1 someone shouts out "baba booey" loud enough to be heard on television. 

As per tradition, President Obama will get one last ride on his plane. The plane will NOT be called Air Force One when it flies him to California for a holiday. 
Trivia: What is the plane called when the president is not on board? 


George Herbert Walker Bush is the 41st President of the United States. He is currently in the hospital. He is the greatest man we have ever known. We worked with Mr. Bush in DC when he was Ronald Wilson Reagan's vice president. Of course we cannot explain the exact details here. But here are a few stories. 

He was and is an inveterate letter writer. He has corresponded on a regular basis with hundreds of regular americans he met throughout his life. He is a war hero, the youngest bomber pilot in the Pacific in WWII at the time he flew his plane. 

In the 1950's Bush and his wife lost their daughter Robin to leukemia. There is a letter from GHWB to his mother about his daughter which we highly reccomend as a poignant example of his humanity. Here is part of what he wrote:

We need a legitimate Christmas angel, one who doesn't have cuffs beneath her dress. You have to be a father to know this,” he wrote. “We need a little one who can kiss without leaving egg or jam or gum. We need a girl. We had one once..... But she is still with us. We need her and yet we have her.”

In 2o13, Bush shaved his head in solidarity with 2 year old Patrick, the son of one of the agents on his secret service detail who was being treated for leukemia and had lost all his hair. He is that type of man. 

Many years after the death of Robin, as VP while running for president, Bush was in Poland and found himself visiting a children's hospital. There was a young child who was ill with Leukemia. Bush didn't know that at the time he picked up (the boy as we remember it) and the boy gave him a hug. Bush asked what was the matter and through interpreters he learned the child had leukemia. The incident was being recorded by reporters. Bush kept a smile and played with the boy for a moment, and then put him down and excused himself. He walked off to a small area where he couldn't be seen and he broke down. One reporter witnessed it and later asked him about it. Bush explained about his daughter. The reporter asked him why he walked away? That showing some emotion in front of the press during a presidential election would have been a great thing for the campaign. Bush gave the reporter a sad smile, shook his head and walked away. 

George Herbert Walker Bush is a great american. He is a real man, with real principles. And unlike the way politics is today with the win at all costs campaigns, there were just some things that were more important to George Bush than winning the presidency. 

We can't say that about the 45th president of the United States. But we do wish him well and hope he is successful. 

See you in court next week.


  1. Plane would be called by its tail number and depending on which one he takes would be either 28000 or 29000.

  2. Executive One. Like the movie.

  3. I believe Judge Sarah Hughes was the last person, not a sitting Supreme Court Justice, to swear in a president, LBJ on Air Force One, in Dallas, after JFK was assassinated.

  4. Special Air Mission 2700 / 2600 (depending on the tail # of the bird taking him on his last tax payer subsidized vacation. Good riddance. MAGA.

  5. Censoring comments I see

  6. We can't say that about the 44th president either! But I can say he is a Defense Attorneys dream, releasing over 1300 criminals should be good for business in the future.

  7. See ya Barry. Make room for a real president

  8. Probably the best post I've seen on this blog in the 10 years I've been reading it.

  9. It's a shame some school districts are banning this historic event. Like the new president or not, it's a part of American history. To suppress that to our children is shameful.

    Also, the 50 or so US congress people who are boycotting democracy is equally shamefully. Like the election results or not, show some respect to our country.

    Thankfully President Obama and his wife are showing their usually high level of class.

    Let's unite this country and stop the division.

  10. Two words: Willie Horton

  11. Props to wolf blitzed stating he wish it was raining. Really patriotic. He's sick

  12. Rumpole, whomever you are, I have only commented once before in your blog when Judge Richard Hickey died. Now, I could not resist complimenting you on the description of President Bush 41 as a real American hero. I forwarded your remarks to former Governor Jeb Bush and he emailed me to "please thank the blogger for the kind words about my dad." FAM

  13. This President is a troll

  14. RUMPOLE. Do you realize that President Trump is POTUS#45 but Vice President Pence is VPOTUS#48?

  15. We NEED more posts from you Rumpole during this most interesting time in history.


  16. Why is madonna giving profanity laced tirades about a topic she clearly knows nothing about. She has not been relevant in over a decade. Maybe more.

  17. I weep for our country.

  18. They don't make Republicans like that anymore. The crazy right wing of the party hounded him and cost him reelection. 92 was the beginning of the steep decline of the grand old party. The current president will finish the destruction. Through it all GHWB has not let any of it affect his class, elegance, patriotism and humanity. History will give him the honor and respect he earned.

  19. Just imagine what would have happened had Toby Keith said, at a public event following Obama's 2009 inauguration, that he had thought about blowing up the White House.

    Liberalism is a mental illness.

  20. The fact that you and Trump care what Madonna says means she is relevant again. The new president cares what any jackass says about him. He will be tweeting his response to Madonna and the lawyers who insult him on this blog any minute now.
