Sunday, January 08, 2017


It was a good season for our Fins. Maybe it ends today, but they are playing a team they beat handily a few months ago, so....anything can happen in playoff football.

Lots of rumors flying around about who will be US Attorney in the SDFLA... but as of yet, no facts. 

Does the US Attorney resign January 20? Or do they just keep plugging on until Washington acts? 

Ten words Donald Trump WILL Say during his inaugural speech:

9. Defense
8. Terrorist 
7. America
6. Trade
5. Congress
4. Freedom
3. Oil & Gas
2. Ronald Reagan
1. Donald Trump

Ten Words Trump Will NOT say during his speech:

10. Civil rights
9. Education
8. Global Warming
7. Ecology
6. Arts
5. Love
4. Martin Luther King
3. Intelligence
2. Reason
1. Justice Building Blog


  1. Footsteps echo downed darkened hallways
    A season's promise ended in loss
    Our heros vanquished
    on frozen fields
    many thousands of miles north
    A playoff loss that hurts
    and will take months to overcome
    until spring yields to summer
    and summer's golden blazes hint at fall
    when every teams chances are equal for the crown
    and we all yell
    That's another Miami Dolphins FIRST DOWN....

    Until then (sniffle)
    see ya in the funny papers

  2. Make America Great Again, can't wait for the new administration.

  3. Also to be heard: China, CNN, SNL, fake news, Meryl Streep
