Monday, December 05, 2016


BREAKING Tuesday, 9 am ish: Ralph, Judge Murphy's super-bailiff thwarts escape!

It was not just a normal calendar before Judge Dennis Murphy on the second floor of the REGJB Tuesday morning. A probation violation caused a defendant not in custody to attempt to flee after the Judge ordered him into custody. 
Eyewitness reports that first out the door was Ralph, the popular bailiff, who tracked and down assisted in apprehending the recalcitrant defendant who, we hear, ran UP the down escalator. Ralph was seen shrewdly covering the down escalator, cutting off an avenue of escape. Brains over brawn. 

All in a days work for a great bailiff. 

Important escape tip: preparation matters. A successful escape involves many moving parts, not the least of which is heading for an exit to get out of the building. All running upstairs gets you, is eventually the roof. 

Richard Rorty, a philosopher and author, died in 2007. 

In 1998 Rorty wrote a book entitled "Achieving Our Country."

At the turn of the century, Rorty was concerned about the marginalization of the American working class, a condition he predicted would not last. Here is an excerpt from his book, which is remarkable in its vision of what the future would bring. 

"Something will crack...
The non-suburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking for a strongman to vote for- someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, over paid bond salesmen, and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots."

Here is where Rorty really nails it:
"One thing that is very likely to happen is that the gains made in the past forty years by black and brown Americans, and by homosexuals will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion...All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet."

And in 2016, America found its "outlet". 


See You In Court.  


  1. Typical liberal. Always blaming, whining and analyzing the people who don't think like you do. "The gains by blacks, Latins and homosexuals in the last 40 years will be wiped out"? And all because of uneducated white people! Oh lord, how scared you must be! WE SURVIVED 8 YEARS OF LEFTIST LIBERAL POLICIES AND WE WILL SURVIVE THE NEXT 8 YEARS OF NATIONALISM.

  2. Dear Mr. President Elect: Thanks for reading the blog. Appreciate the time you took to make the comment. Personally, I would appreciate a tweet as well. Even a nasty one. As you have often said (And as Roy Cohn taught you many years ago) any publicity is good publicity.

    Great job on Carrier btw. You saved 800 jobs. Obama created 16 million, but who's counting?

    Not sure your tweet today on the new Air Force One is correct. It may be expensive, but as I understand it, it will have advanced communications that will allow you to tweet from 50,000 feet. Sometimes technology costs.

    Your Obt' servt.

    PS. I think Mitt is the call for Sec of State. But Petreaus isn't a bad second choice if you can get past the misdemeanor for misuse of classified information. I know that bothers you.

  3. Speaking of nailing it - J.L. Mencken had this to say (nearly eighty years before Rorty wrote that book, no less):

    As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.

  4. Rumpole, my 6 year old has some extra coloring books (unused) you're welcome have them (including crayons) if it helps you feel better about LOSING the election.

  5. Are you sure about those coloring books? They are in short supply as the PEOTUS is denting the supply because as I understand it the only briefing books he will read are those that allow him to color between the lines.

  6. Point Rumpole!
    Don't mess with the king.

  7. Nice to see Ralph get good publicity. He's a consumate professional , a total gentleman and a friend to all

  8. I love the right wing hypocrites who comment. They talk a lot of shit but they would never live in a community that voted for our new President. There are states where their ignorant policies have been implemented for years. I'm talking about Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas and the like. You don't live in these bastions of conservatism, you live where the liberals created culture and wealth.

  9. Trump is the king now...



    75 Years to the day that Pearl Harbour exploded in a hail of bombs and thus began the entry of the US into WWII.

    Thanks to all the heroes of that day and for every soldier that sacrificed for the greater good. They were all part of "The Greatest Generation"; (including my father).

    Cap Out .......

  11. Ralph the Bailiff is the best! He is such a good guy. He deserves many thanks for all that he does day in and day out. What a pleasure to see him recognized for all that he does.

  12. F*ck Trump. He is a racist and a misogynist. If you support him then you are too. He is unprepared to be President and surrounding himself with the swamp water he swore to change. They are the climate deniers, the neocons,and the people who trashed this economy the last time a Republican was elected. And now they are coming back because a small-minded man with no experience fooled enough Americans in critical states to vote for him helped by a Republican party that abandoned the principles of their party in order to get elected. He is not my President. I will not support him. F*ck him.

  13. So Rump, who are the top 10-15 up and coming private practice attorneys? Who will be running these halls in the not-so-distant future? I need to wind down shop soon and want to connect with someone who can eventually take over my practice.

  14. Hahaha I love it. Keep condescending to white working class Americans. Please, please keep doing that. As a Miami lawyer making a 1%er type income, please keep letting white working class Americans know how stupid and hateful they are.

    The GOP now has the White House, both houses of Congress, the SCOTUS, and a majority of state houses and governships.

    What could possibly go wrong with Dems doubling down on identity politics and a sneering dismissal of white middle Americans and southerners?

    So glad this "stronger together" facade has been shitcanned and Dems can just finally write off 55% of America.

    Never stop, "Rump". Seriously, writing as a Trump voter who wants to see him get 8 years of SCOTUS picks, please never stop.

  15. 4:23:00 - If you think that you can fool America with your racist bullshit, you are wrong. White America IS in trouble, but it's not because of what you think. Demographics tell us that by sheer numbers America is becoming brown/hispanic and urban. The new Republican rant of White Power backfires over time. It's inevitable. Trump has no mandate, he lost the popular vote by over 2 million votes. His election was a combination of poor democratic turnout, fear mongering among white Americans, throwing shit at Hillary, and just enough votes in key states to get elected. His victory is the last gasp of a dying breed. America is becoming more urban, not less. He is vilified on the left, untrusted by the right, and his administration will shock many Americans who are unprepared for what he will do with global warming initiatives, women's rights, consumer rights, etc. The 1% will do well because that's who his tax policies will benefit, but the vast majority of Americans will not. They will grow angry and frustrated because he cannot deliver on his promises. His "my way or the highway" approach will make us an outlier on the world stage and marginalize our strengths. We will be less safe and less secure. America will pay a price for being fooled by this petty man now in a position of power. And the democrats didn't write off 55% of America, it's actually 45% and falling. It's just that the 45% got lucky.

  16. Breaking News!!!!
    Victoria Brennan resigned to avoid being removed.
    Ding dong, the witch is dead.

  17. 4:23 is right on. The arrogance is almost comical at this point. Read a great article on CNN (of all places) that talked about how the left attempted to weaponize racism and bigotry, calling everyone who disagreed hateful and bigoted and racist. Numerous people on this blog have done it. As a result, charges of racism and bigotry -- once serious and consequential -- are now just cheap political tricks that are used to stop discourse on the issues and victimize (mostly) white working class Christians. Really unfortunate.

  18. Lol. 10:17. Isn't that how the kids say it? Sounds very ominous.

    Hillary didn't win the "popular vote." She won Los Angeles and Manhattan; that's it. Break it down by county and Trump won, I believe, 97%, or more. That's what the numbers work out to.

    Perhaps you all shouldn't have spent so much time and energy promoting the killing of cops, obsessing over who gets to use what bathroom and whether you're entitled to your wedding cake.

    Decency will win out at the end of the day. As a percentage, and comparing it to previous elections, Trump won an astonishing number of minorities. You will call them Uncle Toms and turncoats, but these decent and hard working people will stop being your salves in increasing numbers and this ominous and comical prediction of yours won't come to be. Americans -- of all stripes -- are decent people who are increasingly rejecting your destructive and divisive ideology. Buh-bye.
