Monday, November 14, 2016


There is something in the civil court division that handles complex business cases. What could those be?  "Plaintiff sues defendant for failure to indemnify the debentured bonds issued on behalf of the party of the third part..."  Yawn...

In any event, in a decision that spilled on to the comments section of this blog for the past few posts, Judge Soto chose veteran Judges Betty Butchko and Will Thomas to fill two open spots in the complex division. Many of the comments opined that Judge Hanzman should have been selected. Judge Hanzman did indeed apply. A very successful litigator in private practice, Judge Hanzman joined the bench for all the right reasons and spent a considerable amount of time in what we consider to be THE toughest assignment for a circuit court judge: Dependency Court.

When Judge Hanzman was not selected for the complex business section, he asked to come to criminal court. His request was granted and we in the REGJB will be welcoming a premiere jurist and former top-notch litigator in 2017.

At some point during the comments, there were some misguided comments about Judge Hanzman's race, an issue that should not really occupy any important discussion. That being said, Judge Hanzman, who is caucasian, was thought to be African-American by some commentators. Eventually, Judge Hanzman had enough and posted this comment last week. His handling of the race issue was perfect- a humorous dismissal:

Michael Hanzman said...
This is Judge Hanzman. Please stop posting about business court. The Chief Judge picked two outstanding Judges who have been there longer than I have and who will do a great job. I practiced civil law my entire career and one of my goals in leaving and going on bench was to learn other areas and be exposed to different parts of our community. That is why I stayed in dependency for almost 5 years. And while I have enjoyed civil I never practiced or judged a criminal case and thought it would be an interesting new assignment. One of the benefits of our court system is the ability of Judges to be exposed to different areas of the law and this is an area I've never been exposed to. And because i have always aspired to be Federal Judge- and am considering applying- Judges who i admire and respect advised me that I should round out my experience by doing some criminal work. That is why I decided to transfer. And while i would have welcomed the opportunity to serve on our expanded business court the Chief Judge had many qualified applicants and made the choice she felt was best for the court. Her job is VERY difficult and often thankless and she does not deserve to be insulted for doing public service and working everyday to try and serve our system. If any bloggers feel they could do better join the court and contribute. Don't bitch from the sidelines. Finally, and as an aside- I'm not African American. Just a short white bald guy.

Friday, November 11, 2016 2:39:00 PM
We received some emails from some individuals purporting to be African-American who apparently want to invite Judge Hanzman to "join them". Now, first let us say that race is a sensitive subject. The African-American experience in this country, from slavery, to civil rights, to the current socioeconomic and racial issues that divide the country is no laughing matter. But in the spirit of this blog, we reprint some of the comments:

"Judge Hanzman, get yourself an ipod and download some Marvin Gaye, Donna Summer, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, Jay Z, and Snoop Dog. Tune in, chill out, get your groove on, and there might be some hope for your bald-white-ass yet."

"Rumpole, if Hanzman will eat some collard greens, change his Sirius station to some soul, and read The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison as well as some Maya Angelou, then we would welcome him as an honorary brother. "


  1. Is anyone else having trouble getting on South Florida Lawyers Blog?

  2. The complex litigation division is the big firm and influence peddlers playground. The division is notorious for influence peddling by the large firms and “king maker” types, and by the judiciary kowtowing to influential firms and individuals. The division is evermore intoxicating when the judges assigned to the division are seeking Federal appointments and pay extraordinary homage to those in a position to facilitate or influence the sought after appointment. Influence peddlers comprise the committee and the selection process to sit on this division is driven by this committee of influential firms and influence peddlers. It is no coincidence that Thomas and Butchko are seeking Federal judgeships. Perhaps its time the legislature looks at amending section 43.30 of the Florida Statutes and takes the influence peddlers out of the judicial branch.

  3. Love how you're sucking up already.

  4. From one short white bald guy to another -- well done.

  5. Kudos to 12:41. But there is more. There is nothing "complex" about the cases assigned to this unit. The entire division is an exercise is self aggrandizement by a pompous cadre of attorneys who love patting each other on the back as they down their sparkling mineral water at La Loggia or whatever eatery has just made the front page of the DBR. The complexity arises not from the substance of the cases but from the inability of lawyers to think clearly, exercise a degree of modesty and brevity, and to stop larding on the horse shit and just plain bad English when drafting a complaint. Why is it that criminal judges have no problem handling very difficult death penalty cases while at the same time disposing of 3d degree felonies?

  6. Yo Yo Yo My man Hanzman. You da man.
    You da dude
    Hang out wit some brothers and cop a city attitude.

    We'll eat some southern
    in da hood
    and listen to Lou Reeves to put ya in da mood

    and when the thought strikes you
    I want you to make an emotional pilgrimage

    cause yes I'm a brother
    and we're all made in the lord's image.

  7. To November 14 @ 6:06 pm: AMEN!!!

  8. Butchko is not qualified to be on the federal bench. Thomas on the other hand is exceptionally qualified except Rubio will never let it happen. What a shame.

  9. Hanzman is my brother from another mother.

  10. Fake FORMER JUDGE JUAN COLBY GONZALEZMonday, November 14, 2016 10:57:00 PM

    Listen to me.

    I knew Marco Hanzman since we first came to the United States in 1960. We fled Cuba and it took Hanzman years to even learn how to speak English. He and I got our first jobs together at 12 years old as busboys at Versailles in Little Havana. To this day the old timers still remember him as the "short Hispanic bald muchacho". Legendary.

  11. Hanzman should have posted this if he wanted to be a "Federal Judge", he shouldn't have used the word "bitch", also he should have capitalized his "i's".


  12. The Captain Reports:

    Rick Scott announced today that the number of juvenile arrests continued to decline in 2015-2016 according to the latest delinquency report released by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). Statewide, juvenile arrests dropped another 7 percent in the last fiscal year, which resulted in a six-year decline of 37 percent. This year’s decrease is keeping in line with the drop in delinquency Florida has had each year, resulting in the lowest number of juvenile arrests in more than forty years.

    Governor Scott said, “The continued decline in juvenile arrests in Florida is a reflection of our commitment to keeping our communities safe and having the best juvenile justice system in the country. We will continue to support effective programs and services by making important investments in DJJ so Florida remains a safe state for all families and visitors.”

    The current report, covering a five-year period, released by DJJ also shows a decrease in certain felony offenses, including a 4 percent decrease in aggravated/assault battery, an 8 percent decrease in weapon/firearm arrests, and a 12 percent decrease in felony drug arrests. Overall misdemeanor offenses decreased by 15 percent last year with an overall decline of 40 percent in the past five years.

    Department of Juvenile Justice Secretary Christina Daly said, “By keeping our focus on front end prevention and diversion services, DJJ is working hard to provide the right level of treatment for Florida’s youth while always placing a strong emphasis on holding them accountable and ensuring public safety. DJJ will continue to work side by side with our law enforcement partners and community stakeholders to keep kids out of the juvenile justice system or from going deeper into the system all together.”

    The five counties with the largest populations in Florida continue to show decreases in juvenile arrests over the last fiscal year. The county with the largest drop was Miami-Dade County with a 12 percent decrease, followed by Broward County with an 8 percent reduction, Orange County with a 7 percent decrease, Palm Beach County with a 6 percent decrease, and Hillsborough County with a 2 percent decline in juvenile arrests.


  13. The Captain Reports:

    Gov. Scott finally names a black Judge to the bench in Broward naming Keathan Frink to the bench ...

    Governor Rick Scott announced the appointments of Martin S. Fein and Keathan B. Frink to the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court.

    Fein, 44, of Davie, has been a sole practitioner since 1998, and formerly served as an Assistant State Attorney in the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Fein received his bachelor’s degree from Auburn University and his law degree from Stetson University College of Law. He fills a vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Renee Goldenberg.

    Frink, 41, of Cooper City, is currently a partner with Kelley Kronenberg. Previously, he was with Fulmer, LeRoy & Albee, PLLC; served as Assistant Regional Counsel for the Fourth District Office of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel; and served as an Assistant Public Defender for the Seventeenth and Thirteenth Judicial Circuits. Frink received his bachelor’s degree from Florida State University and his law degree from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. He fills a vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Dale Ross.

    1. Governor Scott also previously appointed Kal Evans to the Broward bench. In contrast, Lawton Chiles appointed NO Black men to the Broward bench.

  14. I'm sorry. Judge Keathen Frink is NOT African American.

    He is Asian. Please get your facts straight.

  15. Lurvey is Asian. So is Hanzman. Chinese food every Sunday and on Christmas day dinner.
    Bung chow.

  16. HEY 10:57 Chump. Yeah you. I'm talkin to you. No one wants your tripe on this blog. It's not fun. It's not funny. Neither are you. Stick to survivor pool football. Oh wait- you washed out in that too. Do us a favor and just disappear until next August when your buddy come back and play jacks and survivor pool football. Until then STFU

  17. Hanzman and Lurvey are members of the lost tribe of Atlantis. Also the fifth of the twelve tribes of Israel (The Morris tribe. Organized around the belief that nothing can't be fixed with a good pastrami sandwich, a knish, and a Dr. Brown's cream soda.)


  18. 1:12 AM. The Captain stands by his previous Comment that Keathan Frink is black.

    8:12 AM. You are correct sir. Gov Scott appointed him to the County Court bench in 2014.

  19. Hot off the press and beating The Captain to breaking news:

    RUIZ switching divisions with HANZMAN in January 2017 - Ruiz to Civil, Hanzman to Criminal.

    Huge loss for REG. Ruiz is one of the best in the building.

    Hanzman will be great, no doubt. But why can't we trade for someone else?

  20. its only a year switch. Go read Hanzmans criminal 4th DCA and circuit appellate opinions. He will be fine for our clients. No bs!!!


    Extra Extra, read all about the Possums, Racoons, and Rats tampering with murder evidence under 95.
