Thursday, November 17, 2016


As much of the world watches transfixed over the train-wreck and incompetence of a Donald J Trump led transition, we wondered how the cabinet would be filled out if we only had the denizens of the REGJB to fill the posts. 

Obviously Janet Reno as AG, since she was AG, so lets leave her out of it. 

We'll start it off.  Our appointment to the Supreme Court would be Ed Cowart, a gentleman, a scholar, and possessed of a razor sharp legal mind nestled in the old south genteelness of a different era. 

Our second choice would be the late Circuit Court judge Michael Salmon, who was scholarly and always wanted to be an appellate court judge. 

Lawyers, judges, past and present are all eligible. Have at it. 

See you in court.


  1. This is NOT the occasion to write bad comments about certain people. This is a positive post.

  2. Herb Klein: A hero who stood for something and never lost sight of the importance of doing the right thing. A scholar, a trial lawyer and a wonderful judge to try a case with. Always compassionate with all who appeared before him and generous with his time and advise for young lawyers.

    As a new felony PD, I received many suggestions after a trial. He could encapsulate my clumsy cross examinations and arguments into short, concise statements that had impact and made common sense. He knows how to tell a story and capture an audience. My time in his Court is a highlight of my 37+ years as an attorney.

  3. Manny Alvarez for SCOTUS bouncer...

  4. I would respectfully request that SIR KENNY be nominated as MINISTER OF STYLE and ALL THINGS GOOD.

  5. Tom Scott (former State and Federal count judge)-United States Supreme Court
    Judge Bobby Scola-Attorney General
    Jose Quinon-Ambassador to Cuba
    Scott Fingerhut-Department of Education
    Judge Fred Moreno-United States Supreme Court
    Judge Milton Hirsch-Solicitor General

  6. Rump, did I ever tell you about the time KFR threatened to blackball me if I broke my commitment? It is a really intetesting story about gender discrimination and pay inequality within MiamiSAO. I think enough time has passed and it is time for me to go public.


  7. Secretary of Defense: The Late Great Judge Henry Oppenborn

    Secretary of Health & Human Services: Judge Steve Leifman

    SCOTUS: Judge Kevin Emas

    Treasury Secretary: Judge Jason Bloch

    Department of Homeland Security: Hugh Rodham

    Secretary of Dept of Energy: Sy Gaer

  8. Pedro Echarte for SecDef. The DeathStar technology would upgrade our forces.

  9. Secretary of State: Michelle Estlund

    Secretary of Veteran Affairs: That guy who wears his Marine Corp sergeant's stripes lapel pin every day

    Homeland Security: Jason Gray

    SCOTUS: Ed Newman

  10. Press Secretary

    Katie Phang

  11. Secretary of State DeLaO (love typing that name)

  12. Press Secretary Victor (Millan's Bailiff)

  13. Secretary of War (reverted) Alex Michaels

  14. Juan DeJesus Gonzalez Ambassador to Italy

  15. 8:54----If that was a highlight of your career, you must have not had much of a career.

  16. Rumpy,

    Something horrible happened in Key West. The chief ASA killed himself when he was told by the incoming State Attorney Dennis Ward that he was fired. So sad.

    To me this is the first death from Trump.

  17. LOL at the poor baby who KFR threatened to blackball if he or she broke their commitment. Sounds like another entitled whiner. Good for KFR.

  18. I love saying De la O's name and staring into those baby blues.

  19. Kurt Marmar-suicide. No reasonable explanation.

  20. Margot Moss -- Attorney General
