Sunday, October 02, 2016

NFL WEEK 4 2016

This is bounce back week, or the week decent teams revert to the mean and win when they lost last week.
Survivor pool-wise, the in-artfully named team in Landover, MD, is the pick of most of the players.

Tampa Bay is the home dog, getting three against the Broncos. The Bucs bounce back for the win.

Carolina Panthers bounce back giving 3 on the road in Hot-lanta against the struggling Falcons. 

And because we are riding this train until early January, the Oakland Raiders, +3.5 on the road against the perplexing Ravens. 

Saints at Chargers, under 53.

Waiting on a few late comers for the SP. Mssrs. Immache, Kaeiser, and the Hon. R. Faber, were on top of their game and picked the Bengals over the hapless Fins for Thursday night. They are already assured of playing into October.
The stragglers are in and the pool is locked. 


  1. Fake Shumie is a chump. Colby and Kenney are clowns. Feiler and Plea D and Basco and the rest will not be the best. it will be me. The real, original, and only one who will not budge...

    Real Fake Former Judge!!

  2. Real fake former judge is a drudge.
    His picks are mud
    he is a dud
    his posts are lame
    even though he likes to flame
    on his shoulders will his failures rest for blame
    he thinks he can play this game
    but against fake colby fake kenney and fake all the rest
    we will end up being the best
    into his hole he should crawl
    and not come out until after fall
    or even stay in there until ever all
    because he knows nothing about football
    out on him we are going to call

    Fake all

  3. The dolphins lost on Thursday I agree
    we need a new coach from the Belichick coaching tree
    or Landry, or Shula, or Lombardy or Noll
    instead of these awful coaching trolls

    The fins are bad
    in total disarray
    it makes it hard for working people to pay
    for tickets and hot dogs and hamburgers and beer
    to cheer for a team
    that plays like a scared deer

    We need a QB, a rb and a new D
    we need receivers and ends who can see
    we need in fact a whole damn new team
    this task is harder than it may first team

    so lets start with the coach
    out the door you go
    and bring your QB
    no thrill Tannehill

    and lets go to the draft with a new coach and team
    and lets start over
    so we fans can dream

    Fake Jay White

  4. Is today national bad poetry day?
    Did I miss the email on this?

  5. Funny how Abe laser is quoted in the herald as stating that defense lawyers drag out capital cases because it is so lucrative. Yes Abe, defending death row clients at 100/hour is incredibly lucrative. You bum.

  6. Death penalty litigation in Miami and it's cost:

  7. REAL FORMER JUDGE renounces any affiliation to REAL FAKE FORMER JUDGE.

    He is a fake, never served on the bench and must cease and desist this mockery of a sham of a fraud. Please RFFJ, govern yourself accordingly. RFJ

  8. BAL HARBOUR SHOPS SaleswomanSunday, October 02, 2016 11:03:00 PM

    I love how SIR KENNY picks the Steelers.

    He obviously had inside information. We are on to you Sir. I thought you would pick LORO PIANA as a long shot. Not your style?

  9. A handful of victims in the survivor pool. Any given sunday, i guess.
