Saturday, October 22, 2016


We're back. Much like the recent denial of service attack that crippled the internet on Friday, we suffered a DOS attack in the wilds of Austin, Texas this past week that left us dark and silent. 

But not for long. 

Here's what we missed: In no order of importance:

A new county court judge (check out El Capitan's coverage);

The Florida Supreme Court struck down the death penalty in Florida, following in the footsteps of the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year. The FLA CT struck the dp down on different grounds: They were shocked, shocked! to learn that Florida can (and has) execute defendants on less than a unanimous jury recommendation. 

But this being Florida and Halloween season, the dp may be dead, but your local prosecutors (Motto: "Kill em all and let the good lord sort em out")   have vowed -much like Dr. Frankenstein- to sew together the monster and resurrect the dp from the dead. 

Good luck with that.  It appears to us that the politicians of Florida have one goal- when the world turns its back on the dp and the  dp is dead and gone and a bygone relic of a neanderthal past, only Florida will be hanging on by a thread. Leaders of North Korea and Iran and China will mock us and our governor and legislators will proudly drawl "we must be doin somethin right if dem commie fellas are callin us kooks."

Donald Trump has accused the CIA of killing Kennedy as a ruse to sneak baby Obama into the US from Africa  as the country mourned and was otherwise pre-occupied, so Obama and the FBI and the Tri-Lateral Commission (remember them?) and the Madison County Wisconsin parking violations bureau could all 50 plus years later conspire to rig the election against him. 

Makes sense if you think about it long enough. 

Sunday football picks tomorrow. 

Thanks for all the emails expressing concern and good wishes, even from robed readers which tells us we are doing something wrong.

See you in court, just not in Austin any more please.


  1. Rumpole, it's rumored that when you travel you - Like Tesla before you- will only stay in hotel rooms divisible by the number three. Is that true?

  2. Actually, something like that. Numerology is very important in ordering one's life in a way that brings sense to the senseless. For example, i like to enter the courthouse on an even numbered time of day, and exit on an odd number. I get past 9 am by calling it 8:60


  3. Here's a number for your friend Phil R. 30-15. Last we heard from him he was calling out Dolphin fans and claiming, and I quote, "Why go to the game and watch this year's super bowl champion pound your team into dust?" Uh, that was dust your defense was chasing when Jay Ajaiy ran past them for 204 rushing yards.

    But we will be rooting for your Steelers to beat the Cheaters this week.

  4. Okay Rump, now that we all know your chosen candidate, HRC, is going to be our next President, can we finally table the discussion of her fatally flawed opponent and discuss your thoughts on her willfully destroying evidence subpoenaed in a federal investigation? Again, without resorting to, "Well Trump is Hitler!", and conceding that she indeed will be our next President, might now be the time to discuss that the soon-to-be leader of the free world not only digitally deleted evidence but had staff take actual hammers to devices which held the evidence? Can you imagine if a 42k a year ASA or a slightly better paid AUSA took an actual hammer to discovery?

    We need not exhume the bodies of the slain diplomats or re-litigate whether a youtube video caused their murder... but merely as people who make our living relying upon things like "discovery" and "subpoenas" and "evidence", maybe this is a good time to discuss her... can we say 'different' approach to these ideas?

    I know, I know, Trump is Hitler, he's "dangerous" and "unqualified"... but what shall we make of this, standing in a federal court day after day, under the picture of this woman who not only did what I described above, but steadfastly refuses even to admit it?

    Well... Trump is Hitler. Let's keep talking about that.

  5. ...and trying to plead the same "I don't recall" and other spurious HRC defenses on behalf of our client !!! DMD

  6. Mistrial in Millan after a three week trial for bailiff misconduct with the jury.

  7. Let's discuss something important, how bout them CUBS

  8. Looks like the crying and whining is at a fever pitch and you crazy right wingers haven't even lost yet. Before you spend the next 4 years and three months with your obstruction and sabotage consider, that if in fact Clinton wins, how poorly your performance has been received by the American people. All of the Clinton issues you mentioned and many more have been aired ad naseum before the electors so if she wins it means the American people dismissed them. By the same token if your racist scum of a candidate is elected he will have been fairly chosen and will have the right to lead us forward. At least wait for a new faux scandal and let's not trot out the same emails Benghazi bullshit.
