Thursday, August 11, 2016


Two lawyers contest for the same judicial spot in backwater Miami-Dade, a small sleepy, southern town. 

What do you call them? 

Plaintiff and Defendant. 


Herald article here. 

Knowing less about civil law than the average judge knows about the fourth and fifth amendments, we have no idea what the complaint alleges. Replevin? Intentional infliction of emotional distress? Slander? Sedition? 

Have at it


  1. No wonder why attorneys have such a bad reputation. We are a pathetic legal community. Neither one of these clowns should be running for Judge.

  2. Could the "Love Suite" at the "Executive Tropic Garden Hotel" ever be described as "clean"?

  3. Pathetic. Win the job at the polls, not with this crap. I'm no longer in Bloch's camp. Weak, despirate move!

  4. Well that escalated quickly.

  5. was going to vote for bloch over this trumpian disaster. but after reading this lawsuit, he loses my vote. anyone who sues over stuff like this in an election is a tool and not worthy of my vote.

  6. Looks like legal wranglings amongst the rich and not so famous. Appears that the traditional political mud thrown to win is now officially legal mud. However, I believe this is still an election and not some MSJ hearing where you kick out the other side's standing or legal sufficiency to avoid a jury trial. This stuff should have been brought to the public, not the courts, and let the jury (we the people that vote) resolve it with finality. Voters aren't morons, we can see through the mud to select a qualified candidate. I say the Judge on this case should kick it to mediation, tell the parties to figure it out amongst themselves and prepare for trial day when the jury will decide. Neither side might not like our verdict.

  7. Bloch went too far now- it is ridiculous that he filed a complaint.

    She has interests in hotels so what? The fact that people have sex in hotels is not a news at all, that is ridiculous. I agree that she should not call her self a former prosecutor but all the rest of it sounds like Bloch's desperation. It's a bit beneath a sitting judge to go file this suit and drag another candidate through the mud.

  8. I wonder how much Bloch paid John Walsh for an endorsement?
    Is it legal to pay for an endorsement?

    Even if Del Rey wins, the JQC will bounce her. Way too many ethics violations.

  9. Man, I heard bad things about the guy, I was inclined to vote against him. But then, I read about her, and was pretty set on voting against her. Now, he files this schmegma, and reveals what a total douche he is. I gotta say I am swinging back to her.

    Rump, wtf do I do here? Do I just vote for her because she is more attractive?

  10. The case is in Judge Jerald Bagley's Division 09.

  11. Curious as to what blocks parents did to get 37 mill. And why isn't he chillin on a yacht instead of schlrpping in the REG

  12. Sad. Just sad. Can we just say "no" and vote for someone else. It seems that neither of these members of the lucky sperm club deserve to be on our bench. Judge Ed Cowart must be spinning in his grave right now.

  13. My mom and dad just called to ask me which judges to vote for. I told them del rey, even though I have no idea who she is.

    Bloch, you're lame. Go run for city council of Hialeah.

    I'm sorry, but judicial elections are supposed to be above this bull crap.

  14. Miami Dade residents should do themselves a favor and vote for neither candidate. We can all agree that they both should lose this election.

  15. Bloch should be disciplined for filing tho frivolous lawsuit. At best this is a complaint about comply with financial disclosure regulations.
    Article V of Florida's Constitution sets 3 requirements to be a Circuit Judge.
    Be an Elector of the State
    Reside within the territorial jurisdiction of the Circuit
    Be a member of the Florida Bar for 5 years.
    The suit to disqualify Del Rey as unqualified does NOT even claim that Del Rey doesn't meet the Constitutional requirements.
    Bagley should dismiss tho suit and award Attorney fees and costs to the Defendants

  16. Still want to know where Bloch's $$$$ comes from !! DMD

  17. How sad that a judge as great as Bagley has to preside over such stupidity.

  18. You dont make 37 million working for the county atty's office or surfing. He's a trust fund baby. you can see the financial disclosure at the Florida Dept of Elections website.

  19. There are many talented lawyers in Miami-Dade. A pity none are on the ballot for this seat.

  20. Well, Marcia gets my vote. Bloch would have, but really...this? Lawsuit?
