Thursday, June 30, 2016


Was that a big-time ASA we saw standing in the street Wednesday, near the courthouse in the morning at the corner of Go & Don't Go, his car t-boned into another car? 

We think so. 
Not a pleasant way to start the day. 

 Here's a good read from the SCOTUS Blog- Federal Criminal Statutes are not blank checks for prosecutors. 

What are you doing for the Fourth? 


  1. Reprinted, with permission from The Captain:

    Dear 7:45 AM:
    You wrote:

    "In all seriousness, if you are voted into office, and you choose to collect a tax based salary to further promote yourself to another office, you should be impeached. Wanna run for prez? Resign your current office and go campaign. We Americans deserve better. Shame for being elected to an important position and abandon it to further promote yourself."

    Maybe I'm missing something, but what office was Hillary elected to in the past four years while she has been promoting herself for president ? What office is she supposed to resign from?

    Thursday, June 30, 2016 10:31:00 AM

    Cap Out ...

  2. Perhaps 7:45 got confused and was talking about Marco Rubio?

  3. 7:45 is actually in the upper intelligence range of the Trump voter bell curve.

  4. She's been campaigning in one way or another since she was a senator and while she was breaking federal laws as secy of state. My bad, it was 745, I was hungover and didn't have my coffee

    Any elected politician seeking another office should resign. I stand corrected.
