Monday, May 09, 2016



We received this email today:

Daniel A. Espinosa, Esq.

7:54 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
We’ll be in touch soon, Howard.

Very Truly Yours,


Daniel Alberto Espinosa, Esq.
10625 N. Kendall Drive
Miami, FL 33176-1510
Direct Line: 305.655.1501

Dear "Danny"

(We didn't know we were on a first name basis)
We are in receipt of your email of 9 May, Monday, 2016. 
We do not correspond with fans or readers on a personal level. We are much too busy to engage in such chit-chat. And there is the whole anonymous thing to overcome. However, readers are important to a blog. Nay, one could say they are the lifeblood of a blog. Therefore, let us thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. 

Yours, etc.

H. Rumpole, Blog Proprietor. 

"Brother, can you spare a dime?" perhaps the best comment we received,  that summarized the failed attempt of Daniel Espinosa, Esq., to qualify to run against Judge Rosa Rodriguez. As detailed in these blog pages,  Mr. Espinosa tried twice to qualify against Judge Rodriguez. 

The first attempt was when Espinosa sent a check from his office account to pay for the filing fee. Filing fees can only be paid from campaign accounts. 
Swing and a miss. Strike one. 

Mr. Espinosa was then apparently able to find his way to the bank and fill out the documents in a successful manner that enabled to him to open a campaign account. Congratulations! We're very proud of you. 

Mr. Espinosa then sent the clerk a new check from his campaign account. He was on his way to fulfilling his dream job as a Judge.  But there was one, insy, binsy, teeny, weeny problem. He wasn't a day late, but he was twenty cents short. 
The check was for the wrong amount. And there was no more time to get a new check to the clerk's office in Tallahassee. 

Swing and a miss, strikes two and three. You're out. Do not pass Go. Do not run for Judge. Do not collect over three quarters of a million dollars in salary and benefits for the next six years. 

"Of all the words of song and pen, the saddest are these....It Might Have Been."

Rumpole's Choice for Judges: 
In the upcoming election, we are endorsing the following candidates. 

Milena Abreu over Fred "Trump" Seraphin.

Judge Wendell Graham. 

Judge Ed Newman. 

Judge George Sarduy. 

Judge Robert Luck.

We haven't made up our minds in the other races. In most of them, we aren't familiar with any of the candidates. 

See You In Court. 


  1. A guy who is too stupid to know how to qualify to run for Judge is all the more reason for judicial appointments instead of judicial elections.

  2. You should support Jason Bloch over Hector Lombana.

  3. Rumpole, if you are endorsing Newman, you must not be appearing in front of him very often.

  4. Danny, google "Striesand effect," then reconsider your email, which isn't worth .20.

  5. He is a very stupid person and lawyer. He would fit right in with the majority of the clowns who sit as judges in the 11th circuit.

  6. In the words of the late, great Stuart Markus:

    "Nickels make dimes."

    Danny - that means you were short 4 nickels or, 2 dimes.

  7. The Right Honourable Mr. Chief Justice Milton "Milt" Hirsch finds Florida new death penalty law unconstitutional.

  8. Good riddance! The Bench is no place for a talentless hack who, under the guise of ADA activist, shakes down businesses for ransom. It must be the only way he can manage to pay those law school loans he defaulted on.


  10. Danny the Dreamer has now shown, once again, that he is uniquely unqualified to act as a judge. First he has trouble with simple math. Second, he appears to have trouble reading the rules necessary to open a campaign account. Third, he clearly has trouble writing in the English language. Now, once his inadequacies are highlighted by the moderator and posts to this blog, Danny resorts to a veiled threat against the moderator, and uses his superior intellect to post the threat using his own name. This lack of decorum, restraint and civility, makes us all very lucky that Danny could not spare a dime. Forgetting about the JQC, Danny's actions may constitute a violation of the Rules of Professional Regulation.

  11. Milt is at it again. He has entered an order, declaring the new Florida Death Penalty Scheme to be unconstitutional because of the lack of unanimity required of the jury in the ultimate decision to impose the death penalty.

    Judge Hirsch is carrying forward his liberal agenda (with which I do not necessarily disagree in theory), but he is just wrong on the law. Overwhelming SCOTUS precedents indicate that unanimity is not a constitutional requirement, even for a finding of guilt. 10 of 12, 5 of 6 is acceptable, see Johnson v. Louisiana, 406 US 356 (1972) and Apodaca v. Oregon, 406 US 404 (1972). The issue is whether the jury has a meaningful opportunity to deliberate. The requirement in the new Florida scheme clearly permits that by having votes on each and every aggravating circumstance and each and every mitigator. The final vote for imposing death at 10 out of 12 will stand up to constitutional muster.

  12. Judge Luck is the most arrogant, condescending judges currently sitting on the bench. You must have gotten him on a good day. I have watched how he treats other litigants as well as myself. Please reconsider.

  13. Newman is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. I've seen him dress down a young prosecutor for standing up to him...called him an idiot and a fool for making a certain argument. Credit to the young ASA for not losing his cool/running off and cowering in a corner.

    Sadly, he's the devil I know.

    His opponent, Lizzet Martinez, practices family and bankruptcy law and has been a member of the bar for 9 years. She must really like to study because, according to her firm website, she earned 3 Bachelor of Arts degrees from UM in Psychology, English, and Spanish with a minor in History. She went to Drake Law School in Iowa.

  14. Obviously you do not know Judge Sarduy either or you never would have endorsed him. I still have chills that run up and down my spine when I think back about what that judge did in a case on a number of occasions.

  15. Judge Newman is an excellent judge, who has a good feel for his courtroom. He treats everyone fairly and does not pick LEOs over ordinary folks. I do not think that the average citizen leaves Judge Newman's courtroom feeling other than treated with respect and having been justly treated.

  16. Hi, Rumpole. It would be great if you were to report the truth, including the entire email you sent me, instead of omitting certain things and adding language in your response that you did not send to me. Also, it's interesting how you write posts (and comments) as if I wrote them. In the end, it says a lot about who you are when you celebrate the mistakes of others. I wish you the best. But I hope going forward you wish the best for everyone, not just me.

  17. I pity the fool, and hope he learns from this lesson. If this is truly a "lifelong dream" he must learn to be prepared and not run off half cocked. Becoming a judge is no small feat and requires great responsibility. Sure, some people make it look easy, other people luck up and trip over the finish line first, but the vast majority of others fail to attain this dream. You gotta do your research, and have people around you that are smarter than you and know what they are doing. Failing to do so will result in mistakes that: cost you your dream, make you the subject of ridicule, and land you in the Daily Business Review. Lets face it no one wants to hire the attorney (or appear before the Judge) who didn't know what he was doing?

  18. Danny, Before you become more of a laughing stock, if that's possible.

  19. Important words used by Mr. CJ Hirsch in his learned order:

    Tautologous (page 8)

    Facinorous (page 13)

    Grundnormen (page 15)

    Epistemological (page 16)

  20. Hmmmm... decisions, decision....Judge Hirsch, or "The Perfessor."



  21. I cannot understand how a person with the history of Ms. Tauler or as she now calls herself "Ortega-Tauler" has the audacity to run for judge. Judge Sarduy is an excellent judge, treats all appearing before him with respect, and is an asset to the family bench.
