Thursday, February 04, 2016


 149 people were found to be falsely convicted and their convictions vacated in 2015. 40% of those were in murder cases. The average prison sentence for these innocent people was fourteen years. 

Again we say, lets go behind the numbers. 

These were cases of people in prison actively investigated. How about people who weren't imprisoned or who were released?  The number will be much higher. 

It is our assumption here that most of those cases involved wrongful identifications, because as we who are in the business all know, personal identifications are some of the worst, most unreliable evidence there is. 

How many more innocent people have to suffer until we fix a broken system? 

Here is the NY Times article. 

In the REGJB Thursday morning, convicted killer Michael Hernandez, who as a juvenile killed a classmate, was back for re-sentencing under the new Supreme Court rules that most juveniles should not be sentenced to life, and all of them should have a meaningful opportunity for release. 

For the first time Hernandez took the stand in his own defense. 
ASA Gail Levine, who moaned about having to listen to weeks and weeks of his phone calls, conducted a soft-spoken and sensitive cross examination. 

You can follow the proceedings on TV and on David Ovalle's twitter at DavidOvalle305.  
No truth to the rumor there is a Gail Levine fan club twitter account. 

See You In Court. 


  1. Gail Levine is an evil harpy.

  2. 4:33 - G-d forbid it should happen, but if your beloved were to be killed, you would want Gail to prosecute the murderer.

  3. Our own Benji Waxman won a new trial in a death case yesterday, when the FSC reversed denial in Broward of 3.850 motion based on trial counsel's failure to present expert on facial recognition. Exotic, right? Check out Ibar v. State. Well-done Benji.

  4. Poor Gail had to moan about doing her job. Poor thing. To think, all the time she listened to jail calls I was jamming out to One Direction.

  5. Rumpole,
    Why would you allow such a comment about Ms. Levine on your blog? Where is the moderation?

  6. Gina Beovides is our new county judge.

  7. I think the comment approached the line but didn't cross it.

  8. Jason Bloch has no chance in the Hispanic community and Marcia Del Rey will take the Haitian community and make a significant impact in the African American community......Ask not for whom the bell Tolls Jason it tolls for thee

  9. i thought gail retired
    is she collecting and now on contract with sao like others
    who leave and contract back behind the walls?
