Thursday, January 21, 2016


Assistant Public Defender Paul Kaminsky passed away this week. 

Paul had a well deserved reputation as one of the nicest lawyers at the PDs office. He always had time to mentor a young lawyer. 

Funeral Services on January 22, 2016 at Mount Nebo/Kendall Memorial Gardens at 5900 SW 77th Avenue at 2PM. 

We didn't know Paul very well, so if you post a comment we might just put it up here on the front page. 

Like this wonderful comment:

Paul was a true professional. He spent the last several years 
of his career at the PD's office as a staunch advocate for the 
mentally ill. He was one of the smartest people I know. 
A devoted husband and father to 14 year old twins. 
He was also one of my closest friends. My brother. 
My life was truly enriched by his friendship. 
He will be forever missed. Rest in peace my dear friend. 
Gale Lewis


  1. How very sad, he was truly such a gentleman. I am so sorry for his friends and family. RIP Paul.

  2. Paul was a true professional. He spent the last several years of his career at the PD's office as a staunch advocate for the mentally ill. He was one of the smartest people I know. A devoted husband and father to 14 year old twins. He was also one of my closest friends. My brother. My life was truly enriched by his friendship. He will be forever missed. Rest in peace my dear friend.

    Gale Lewis

  3. We were in the same graduating class at Kenwood Elementary in 1966, and the same graduating class at St. Thomas University School of Law in 1995. Paul was always a really nice, smart, all round good person. Jeff Cynamon
