Thursday, December 17, 2015


When we last left Brevard County Judge John Murphy, he had invited an assistant public defender into the hallway, where he gave him a good old thrashing. 

The JQC recommended a suspension, a hefty fine, 50 community service hours, and anger management. Or a punishment to that effect. 

Au contraire said our Supreme Court. In a per curiam opinion, they tossed him out of office. 

The video showed Judge Murphy’s verbal altercation with assistant public defender Andrew Weinstock after Mr. Weinstock refused to waive speedy trial for his client. Judge Murphy stated, “You know if I had a rock, I would throw it at your [sic] right now. Stop pissing me off. Just sit down.” When Weinstock refused to sit down, asserting his right to stand and represent his clients, Judge Murphy responded, shouting: “I said sit down. If you want to fight, let’s go out back and I’ll just beat your ass.” The two men left the courtroom and met in the hall. 

Then true to his word, and following Rumpole's fourth rule of litigation ("never make a threat you are not prepared to carry out") the good judge did in fact, beat his ass.

Removal is proper when clear and convincing evidence is presented that the judge has engaged in “conduct . . . demonstrating a present unfitness to hold office.” Art. V, § 12(c)(1), Fla. Const.; see also In re Albritton, 940 So. 2d 1083, 1088 (Fla. 2006). “Malafides, scienter or moral turpitude on the part of a justice or judge” is not necessary for removal from office. Art. V, § 12(c)(1), Fla. Const. 

Rumpole notes: hmmmm... we always thought mala fides was a prerequisite. Learn something new every blog post. 
We think we have a better class of PDs here. There are several who could have taken this punk judge no problem. You don't mess with the 305 PDs. 

"When you strike at the king, you must kill him." Ralph W. Emerson. 



  1. Joe Frazier was a warrior. You won't ever see a tougher or more dangerous fighter. And Forman throws a left hook at about 250 of the video that literally lifts Frazier off his feet and drops him for the fifth time in the fight. You don't see heavyweight champs taken apart like that. This fight was an unbelievable dismantling of one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time. a stunning defeat.

  2. I don't agree with what Former Judge Murphy did and he deserves to be kicked out for losing his cool the way he did. But this public defender was completely unprofessional and contentious and violated Rule 4.3-5.

  3. The Florida Bar disagrees with your contention that the "defender was completely unprofessional and contentious and violated Rule 4.3-5." No action has been taken. "That is how one should behave," says the Bar.

  4. Really? Refusing to waive is unprofessional?

  5. Here is an article from the local newspaper:
