Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Is there anything more disgusting than a politician referring to a woman candidate losing an election to a man than to say that she got "schlonged"?   Or to describe what someone does in a bathroom as "disgusting"? Adolph Trump strikes again.  Is there anything this man won't say to offend everyone?

I am starting to believe it is part of his strategy.  Offend everyone and you will gain supporters, because everyone hates someone, and "the insulter of my enemy is my friend."

You know what is really disgusting?   Only 50% of Americans think Trump would be an embarrassment as President.  Only 50%.  It is hard to imagine that number being less than 80%.  Can you imagine him in a room with Angela Merkel. 

Trump:  So were your parents Nazis?  I like Nazis.  They have been very nice to me and helped me get elected.

Merkel:  We never discussed it.  If they were, it was clear they were ashamed.

Trump:  Why be ashamed?  Hitler did good things.  He made up his mind to get things done and he did.  He built the autobahn.  He rearmed Germany and made Germany "great again".  He got rid of those nasty civil rights.  He had his thugs beat up any opposition.  He deported anyone he did not like.  He ruled by decree and executive order.  He made Germans proud to be Germans again.  So what is wrong with all of that?  

Merkel:  Well, we are ashamed of all he did in our name, and we have outlawed the Nazi Party.  We are a free and open society now.  

Trump:  So in other words you schlonged Hitler?  

Merkel:  What is this "schlonged"? 

Trump:  Well it is sad that you don't know.  I guess that answers a lot of questions about you.

Okay, so this is a very little (not far) fetched, but then again they said that about things we saw in Star Trek, and look at us now.


  1. Beem me up, Scotty

  2. He wasn't the first to use the phrase. NPR beat him to it:

  3. I have a simply solution to Donald Trump.

    Every time I see him on TV, I turn it off.

    Problem solved.

  4. I can think of a lot of things more disgusting. But that's really not the issue. The issue is that the best qualified candidate is Jeb and come to think of it, he's getting shlonged.

  5. 11:05 Your solution is a good one if you were talking about Honey boo-boo or a Krapdashian. If I don't like the song on the radio I change the station.
    The problem is that other people are Not turning him off. People are listening to him. And idolizing him. And it's beginning to scare me.

  6. The latest liberal response to candidates they disagree with ("he SCARES me" and "the crowds of American voters SCARE me") needs a little work.

    Articulate why we should have open borders, why we should amnesty those currently here in front of those waiting, why we should not believe jihad to be an islamic issue, etc. That will serve the liberal agenda better than just saying, "[Nixon/Reagan/Bush/Cheney/Palin/McCain/Romney] is HITLER!" or "American voters SCARE me".

  7. Ted Cruz plays victim for a cartoon about his daughters, satirizing Cruz's campaign commercial WITH HIS Daughters reading a Grinch satire about Hilary using a private Email server, then is offended when the press makes fun of his use of his kids in the political ad, saying ' my daughters are off limits ' . Don't use your kids that way Mr. Two-Faced.

  8. 12:19 - Your usual comment which has nothing to do with the post. Time for you to come out of your bubble and see the real world, not the one described to you by Rush, Cruz, Marco and Trump. See this for what it is. An appeal by Trump to the fears of Americans, and an attack on American principals. "Let me do what I want and we will all thrive and be safe."

    Being an American has always meant not taking the safe route, but the dangerous one. Being an American means standing up for rights over safety, because it is our rights that keep us safe from tyranny and demagoguery. If you are a true Conservative then you understand. Although I agree with little that George Will says, I once heard him say, "The difference between Liberals and Conservatives is that Liberals believe in equality and Conservatives believe in freedom." In other words the Bill of Rights.

    Trump is scary because he either does not understand the Constitution, or he just doesn't care. In either case he is dangerous, and those around him, who would support some of his policies, his bullying and his vulgarity, are scary.

    What scares me the most is what if he does win? If he keeps doing what he is doing, and the Congress thinks enough is enough, impeaches him and the Senate votes to remove him, will he resist the action forcibly. Remember Donald does not lose, or take losing, without a "fight."

    He scares me and he should scare you. But, you are willing to see our rights and our way of life go by the wayside in order to feel "safe."

  9. 12:19,
    I disagree with Rubio, Cruz, Jeb!, Kasich, etc. I disagree with Hillary and Bernie. I like O'Malley.

    But I'm scared of Trump and his voters. The xenophobia and sexism are two of the reasons why. The arson committed at 2 mosques over the weekend is another reason why.
    It's one thing to have a discussion on the issues and we should.
    But the solutions to some of these issues which Trump is espousing is what bothers me.
