Monday, December 07, 2015


Monday morning in the REGJB, December 7, 2015.
Escalator from 1 to 2 not working.

An Infamy.

Also we remember Pearl Harbor today.
For those of you who are judges and prosecutors and PDS born in the 1980's (which is another infamy in its own right)
this was the day in 1941 the Japanese, without provocation, bombed our Naval Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Luckily, (although some have argued intentionally) our carrier fleet was at sea. Although we lost several great battleships including the USS Arizona, the USS Tennessee, the USS West Virginia, the USS California, the USS Maryland, and the USS Oklahoma- the aircraft carriers Lexington, Saratoga, and Enterprise were at sea and were not harmed and were all that stood between Hawaii, the West Coast of the United States, and a Japanese invasion.

The use of those carriers and the brilliant tactics of Admirals Halsey, King, Spruance, Nimitz, and Fletcher- names you should know as American Heroes- but which you probably don't- arguably helped save Western Civilization as we know it today.

The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor  gave the United States reason to enter what would become known as World War II.
Somehow from 1941 to 1945 we were able to defeat the armed empires of two nations, expel the Germans from almost all of Europe and expel the Japanese from almost all of the island chains in the Pacific, but in 14 years we can't eliminate a straggly band of murderous terrorists from the Middle East.

Anyway. you can pick up your Cafe Lattes from Starbucks now and have another sip and grumble at your wi-fi reception while perusing Tinder-  knowing your freedom was secured by the greatest generation. And perhaps in your spare time, you might consider reading a book or two about it.

See you in court.


  1. Rumpole, which are your top books on WWII?



    The President's Speech to the Nation last evening:

    As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. . . . No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph — so help us God.

    Cap Out .......


  3. Oops. Sorry, call it a scrivener's error. Obama actually never came close to that or anything that would qualify as sounding or acting like a Commander In Chief.

    That was FDR speaking to the Nation on December 8, 1941.

    Cap Out .....

  4. What community activist Obama really wanted to say was that we in the civilized and modern West are responsible for unspeakable sins from centuries ago and that is why we are hated. Thus we must suffer these barbarous attacks against those menacing targets at cafes, soccer stadiums, and community centers in California of all places. And if we only confiscated all the guns-from those that bought them legally of course-we would all be safe. But wait, France and most of Europe have very strict gun control laws and by strict I mean citizens can't have them. Doesn't matter. Never let the facts interfere with his disdain for Western society which he learned from his anti-colonialist Kenyan father and anthropologist mother.

  5. Hahaha! That's awesome! FDR was the man!

  6. Captain justice please stop spouting your fox nonsense

  7. And then FDR violated the Constitution by interning, I.e. Locking up, all Americans of Japanese heritage without cause, without Due Process or even reasonable suspicion.

  8. You're drinking too much of that Fox and Friends Kool-Aid, Eiglarsh (Captain Justice).


  9. " This cleaning up of our culture must extend to nearly all domains. Theater, Art, Literature, The Press, billboards, window displays Must be cleared of the symptoms of a rotten world and put into the service of a Moral State and culture.
    Public life has to be freed from the suffocating perfume of our modern eroticism, also all unmanly insincerity.
    For It IS an affair of the State , that means the Government , to Prevent a people from being driven into the arms of spiritual lunacy."
    Who articulated this Policy :
    Donald Trump ? Rafeal Edwardo ( TED) Cruz ? Jerry Farwell?
    Adolph Hitler - Mein Kampf

  10. Rump did not answer, but the definitive work on Nazi Germany is The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer. There is also a great documentary in multi parts called Hitler: Evolution of Evil from Smithsonian.

  11. Oh yes, there is Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer
