Tuesday, November 10, 2015




Will be elected one year from today.  On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, our country will hold the 58th quadrennial U.S. Presidential election.

Barring an indictment or serious health issue, Hillary Rodham Clinton, looks to become the first woman on the top half of a presidential ticket (from a major party) in the history of our country.  Many of our younger readers may not be aware of the fact that Hillary's two brothers, Hugh and Tony, both worked in South Florida for many years. 

Hugh Rodham worked for Bennett Brummer at the Miami-Dade Public Defender's Office, first as an investigator, and after he passed the bar, as an APD.  I believe that Hugh may have been one of the first APD's to be assigned to the Drug Court.  Hugh also ran for the US Senate in 1994 losing in the general election to Republican Connie Mack III.

Tony Rodham ran a process service company in South Florida for many years before he went on to marry Nicole Boxer, the daughter of California Senator Barbara Boxer. (They have since divorced).

As for the Republican nominee, that picture will still take many months to sort itself out.  Right now it is anyone's guess who will emerge as the party's nominee, but the names Trump, Carson, Rubio, Bush, and Cruz, are the most likely names to end up on the top of that ticket.  My money is on Rubio.

Who do you think will be the nominees from each party?


The Miami-Dade JNC has announced an opening on the County Court bench due to the fact that Judge Charlie Johnson was elevated recently to the Circuit Court by Governor Rick Scott.  Application are now being accepted for that open seat. The deadline for submission of your application is November 23, 2015.

Two notes about our local JNC.  First, they recently elected a new Chair.  Outgoing Chair was ASA Christine Hernandez-Baldwin.  The new Chair is

Daniel Fridman, Chair
White & Case LLP
Southeast Financial Center
200 South Biscayne Blvd. Suite 4900
Miami, FL 33131
Office: 305-995-5264

Mr. Fridman has been a member of The Florida Bar since 1999.  He is a graduate of the University of Florida and Haaarvard Law School.  After graduating law school, he clerked for US District Court Judge Alan Gold before joining the Department of Justice.  At the DOJ, he was an AUSA and then served as senior counsel to the Deputy Attorney General of the US.

And, last month, Governor Scott chose criminal defense lawyer Robert Pardo to an open seat on the JNC, (from a list of three nominees supplied to him by The Florida Bar).

If you want to get out of Committee, here is who you need to know:

Mr. Daniel W. Schwartz, Vice Chair (2016)
Ms. Melanie E. Damian (2016)
Mr. Paul Courtney Huck, Jr. (2016)
Mr. Robert H. Fernandez (2018)
Mr. Hans Ottinot Sr. (2018)
Mr. Luis E. Suarez (2018)
Ms. Christine Hernandez-Baldwin (2019)
Mr. Roberto R. Pardo (2019)


No changes in the contested Circuit and Court Court races since our last post.  There are still four contested Circuit Court races and one County Court contest.  Deadline for filing to run for Judge is May 6, 2016.




  1. If you have any affinity for the U.S. Constitution or the American virtue of free speech, do not vote for a Democrat. The protestors at Mizzou just sent out the following message: "Call the police IMMEDIATELY [caps in original]... if you witness hateful and/or hurtful speech.... if the individuals are identified as students, MU's Office of Student Conduct will take disciplinary action".

    Our Democrat President just issued his own message, having his Press Secretary applaud the "courage" and "heroism" of the protestors.

    We get it, Dems. You hate free speech. You hate debate. You hate having your feelings hurt. You will continue to use the White House to suppress dissent.

    Please let me know in advance if this comment is hurtful and I will surrender myself at TGK for a show trial at which I will confess my "privilege".

  2. Carson. Can't.
    Trump. Self implode.
    Cruz. Nuts.
    Bush blase.
    So now you have Rubio V Clinton.
    Rubio can't have bush as VP because of the bad blood. McCain? Maybe. He needs an older person with gravitas.
    Clinton beats Rubio 6 or 7 out of ten times but Rubio has more than a punches chance. A big slip up by Clinton or a shoe dropping that we aren't aware of and the 45th President of the United States with perhaps Donald Trump as VP is Marco Rubio.

  3. 12:48 - perhaps you would prefer the leader of the free world to attend rallies like the one that preacher Kevin Swanson spoke at on Friday - you know, when he endorsed killing homosexuals (he didn't dictate whether it should be done by stoning or by throwing them off a cliff, however). What a precedent for Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee to set. Much worse than a bunch of college kids trying to assert their civil rights.

  4. Which candidate supports Vaping??

  5. No one gives Eisenhower the credit he deserves for making the GO call on June 5, 1944

  6. No one gives MacArthur enough credit for Inchon. When we wiped out the Iraqi army in the first Gulf War when Powell drew up plans to have the army loop around behind and attack the Republican Guard from behind while using a widely publicized marine amphibious landing as a diversion - he was using MacArthur 's playbook

  7. I know farm raised salmon is not good for you but it's got these incredible lines of fat and it's so much cheaper. Discuss.

  8. My local sushi place makes these incredible fried salmon rolls with cream cheese and eel sauce. Amazing. Plus a nice ice cold beer. Can't beat that and livin large.

  9. Rubio is a Gator, so he gets my vote. GO GATORS

  10. 4:06 I have just called court liaisons because your speech is very hurtful. I have the right to a safe space in this comment section. And Rump, as the Dems are saying about the former Prez of Mizzou -- silence is violence. By not condemning and IP-outting 4:06, you are doing me violence as well.

    Btw, speaking of that ex-prez, have you now heard that the third of his Three Great Crimes (N word yelled once, N word yelled twice, feces smeared swastika in a dorm toilet stall), has now been debunked.

    That's right -- there was no Shit Swastika! Rather, some anonymous person placed a flier denouncing Shit Swastikas. There exist no photos nor testimony of anyone ever actually SEEING one.

    So.... we've got a Prez being forced out because two random assholes, in a campus of 35,000 students and open to the public, shouted out the N-word.

    Im glad, as 4:06 asserts, that these kids are "asserting their civil rights".

    As are the young bright minds at Yale. Heard about this one? Were any Native Americans assaulted? No. Were any Native Americans insulted? Nope. Did anyone dress as an Indian for Halloween? Negative. Did anyone at least say it was a good idea to dress as an Indian for Halloween? No. Did the House Master write that, even if it is a bad idea to dress as an Indian for Halloween, the university shouldnt be policing costumes? Nope. HIS WIFE wrote that, even if it is a bad idea to dress as an Indian for Halloween, Yale university shouldnt be policing costumes.

    And the students, because of this, are UNSAFE. THREATENED. In need of rigorous SPEECH CONTROLS. They are asserting their "civil rights", correct 4:06?

    Anyone who votes for a Democrat may as well advertise the fact that they support the complete erosion and ultimate eradication of the virtues of free speech and open dissent and challenging ideas and rational debate, in favor of completely ideological thought control.

    Ladies and gentlemen, your 2016 Democrat Party.

  11. Someone at the PDO should train their puppy lawyers to wait their turn during morning calendar. A line full of lawyers with one case each to call and they jump in to call a dozen cases where AC/BW get issued because their clients haven't shown up yet. You gotta be there anyway. Take a seat.

  12. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/article44182737.html

  13. who played the japanese restuarant owner on the odd couple?

    name one football star and two entertainers, one of whom was in miami for many years, who were guests on the odd couple?

    what was felix ungers daughters name?

    what was oscar madisons dad's nickname?

  14. Pat Morita.
    Entertainers- Paul Williams. For one.
    Football star. Garo Yepremian although he didn't play himself.


  15. I drew a blank for a whike but Edward Varella was a guest on the show and he was and maybe still is director of the Miami Ballet but not at the time he was on the show.
    Also Deacon Jones was on the show "that's really speaken Deacon".

  16. 7:12, put down your alcohol and step away from the keyboard. Your booze-filled rant (at least I hope you were drunk when you wrote that post) isn't helping the GOP. You sound almost as delirious as that hate-filled preacher who wants to kill all the gay people in the world.

  17. Interesting article about our future generation that is an intellectual version of what the idiots above are discussing:


  18. well done--garo didnt play himself so he doesnt count and Edward Villela was the tough one.

    the scene where Felix tries to buddy up to Deacon Jones in the bar is great.

    It also must be said that one of the women who played Fleix's Ex Wife had an amazing Rack--and this is before 5 grand could buy you one.

    Oscar Madisons dad's name was "blinky"

    dont you remember the episode where they were in the speakeasy during the depression?

  19. GASTROBURGER says:

    I like Rubio cuz his wife is a former Dolphins cheerleader

  20. 12:48 and 7:12, you speak for me and many others. We live in an age of ideological totalitarianism; where manufactured narratives pass for truth and facts; where you're a racist or homophobe or discriminator or anti-(fill in the blank) if you have the gall not follow in absolute lock-step.

    Look at the comment at 4:06. You don't agree with him/her? Well, then, that must mean -- not that you're wrong, mistaken, or even insensitive. No. It must mean that you support the murder of homosexuals. Yup, that's the take away. Because you may not totally agree with something, the logical inference is that . . . . . . . . . . you support bigot-based murder.

    We're in serious trouble.

  21. 7:41 is totally correct. PDs represent poor people who can't afford a real lawyer; they should be in the back of the bus ( sarcasm alert).

  22. 7:41 -

    That's the judge's fault for not controlling their courtroom better.

  23. So I have to vote for Republicans and their recent history of disastrous economic performances and dreams of concentration camps for Latinos because you believe that people should be allowed to scream n----r at college students without objection?

  24. Dear 12:48:00 PM,

    You can love your party or you can love your country. The problem with you Republicans is you put your party over your nation. Why do you wrap yourselves in the flag when you hate it so much?


  25. It's Edward Vilella (sp?) who directed the Miami Ballet.

    7:12 p.m. -- you're like the dyspeptic neighbor shouting 'Get off my lawn' while wielding his rake. Change is challenging. It will be ok.


  26. Clearly Rubio's debating skills help him rise to the top of the repubs. Just not sure if that will translate to more votes at the polls. But when you look deeply at the competition, does anyone really think that Trump or Carson will end up with the most delegates. NO. That leaves Rubio and Cruz. toss-up between them.

  27. 7:41 is obviously an EXTREMELY important person. I'll make sure my colleagues and I know to respect your space the next time you flounce into our courtrooms, grab our calendars, and talk shit about us to defendants so you can get your $5,000 in blood money before withdrawing a few months later having done absolutely zero work (except, of course, taking a few continuances and blowing speedy trial rights.)


  28. My cat Hobart seems to like Cruz he perks up when Cruz is on TV. But he has some fleas. Hobart. Not Cruz.


  29. What do you think would be Rubio's answer to the following question held at a debate located in Miami, Florida; (or for that matter any of the other candidates' answers)

    Mr. Rubio:

    A boat comes ashore in Miami Beach. Three people are on the boat. A Mexican, a Haitian, and a Cuban. The Cuban, under the wet foot, dry foot policy, gets to stay in the USA forever. The Mexican and the Haitain are both deported based on current law.

    Please explain why this law is fair and whether you would continue to support the law is its present fashion.

  30. Cubans are fleeing an oppressive communist countey. Haitians are not and they brought aids to this nation. Mexicans can simply sneak across the boarder. They don't need a boat to cross the rio grande.
