Friday, November 13, 2015





Massacre at Bataclan hall, where hostages were reported. It is now confirmed over 100 dead inside. American band playing a concert is not among the dead. 


  1. I am with the French right now. I wish I could be there to hug everyone.

  2. This will be similar to 911. In that, before the politicians are willing to commit to a full scale military effort, it will take an attack on American soil. A couple of beheadings of US citizens on their turf is answered by a drone strike killing Jihadi John. But if what happened in Paris tonight, instead happened in NYC or Chicago or LA, the President and Congress would not hold back in funding an all out full scale war against ISIS/ISIL.

    Until then, Obama will offer his "support" and stand by our oldest friend, France. Nothing more.

  3. Jackie Martling says .... "Giggle giggle ha ha ha"

    And a Baba Booey to you all.

  4. I think I understand the purpose of the our enemies properly. And that the best way to deal with them is to meet them fair and square on any issue. We must fight them, cut into them, not talk to them, and pursue them till they cry Enough. War is the remedy our enemies have chosen and I say let us give them all they want.

    - William Tecumseh Sherman

  5. I agree with the Captain. However unfortunately it won't be long now. We have to accept that a full scale effort with the assistance of NATO is not far off. The Kurds have over 100,000 fighters, who only need weapons and support as we have seen in the past week. In return the Kurds will be given the homeland for which they have been fighting for a decade or more.

    These suicide fighters do this for martyrdom and the 72 virgins in heaven. Maybe we need to send a message they you will not get to heaven. Give back what they give. They have denied many ethnic groups respect for their beliefs, so maybe it is time to stop respecting those which ISIS holds so dear. It sounds barbaric, but try setting an example right now: we will not bury you per Islamic law. First we behead your remains. Then we cremate your body and separately dispose of your head. No heaven, no martyrdom and no virgins.

    ISIS says that what it wants is American boots on the ground. I can only say, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

  6. Fuck respecting their beliefs. They are terrorists who threaten national security. Blow them up. Leave their stinking bodies it rot. We've gotten too soft.

  7. Let us THINK and plan, not just react w vengeance. Targeted multi covert operations will give us more effect than boots on the ground. The Iraqi war should have taught us that. Don't turn Paris into the Gulf of Tonkin

  8. Holy shit, the first time I ever agree with the "Professor". Profess on, brother. Great post.

    - WTS

  9. The primary problem is the gentleman who inhabits the White House. His campaign to give 100 billion dollars to the world's largest sponsor of terrorism has been successful. His constant diatribe against Israel should cause all reasonable people to question his loyalty. And now he is the man who is leading the fight to grant asylum to 10,000 male Syrian refugees who soon will be in our country to do their destructive work. Hard to believe how diabolically clever, as well as traitorous, he is. One mans's humble opinion.

  10. "Constant diatribe against Israel?" Even if this is true, why is it a reason to "cause all reasonable people to question his loyalty?," unless, of course, loyalty to Israel is more important than loyalty to the interests of the USA?

  11. 2:32 - the problem in this world is hateful, ignorant people like you.

  12. 232 go back to your parents basement and keep listening to Glenn Beck and playing call of duty

    you are a moron

  13. Random thoughts -
    - The driving force for ISIL and its ilk is religious extremism and hatred of the US. Attacks like this will continue because those who believe that they are acting in the name of a god will never cede this notion. In their minds, since god is behind them (or in support) of their actions, everyone else is evil/wrong/damned, whatever. With that mindset, evil is limitless.
    - The attacks in France and any western nation grab our attention because they are "like us." We see ourselves in our allies. Similar (if not more horrific) atrocities are perpetrated by ISIL and other fundamentalist religions (so-called Christians, too) against brown and dark-skinned peoples in countries that most Americans can't pronounce and don't give a shit about. But little is reported about this, as if these people were worthless or disposable.
    - Religion has wrought more death, misery and conflict than just about any other human idea. I'm convinced the world would be a better place without this fairy tale bullshit that is often used to manipulate the weak and excuse the inexcusable.
    - We are truly in a Catch-22 situation. Of course, the immediate reaction is that we have to annihilate the perpetrators at their source. That's all well and good, but it is this same action that will sow the seeds for future extremists. It's like fighting a damn Hydra. Cut one head off and two others will spring in its place.

  14. Fuck, fuck, fuck these Arabs...kill every one of them.

    Islam needs to be vanquished. If the so-called moderate or nice Muslims can't eradicate these people then the logical, although not politically correct answer, is to go to the obvious root of the problem...Islam a religion of hate, oppression and interpretation for evil.

  15. 1227 - Islam should be eradicated because no other religions have ever been used to justify killing other people, right? What an ignorant comment.

  16. 12:27 - Just not so. Islam itself is a peaceful religion. With over 1 Billion Muslims in this world, we can not conceive of eradicating all Muslims. The root of the evil is a core of fundamentalists who are intolerant of non-believers. An attitude born of the Crusades and reinforced by the Crusades of the Bush administration.

    Leave us not forget the evil born of the Christian religion. The aforementioned Crusades, the slavery trade of the "New World", the Inquisition, just to name a few. Just like you can not conceive of moderate or peaceful Muslims, they can not conceive of moderate or peaceful Christians or Jews.

    What needs to be vanquished is the evil that exists within the Islamic world, actually evil wherever it exists. My earlier statements had nothing to do with eradicating Islam. It had to do with showing the same respect for the "evil doers'" beliefs that they show for their victims. Take away the incentives to be radicalized.

  17. Hey 8:34, Glen Beck was right you douche bag. He's been calling everything that's happened the last 5 to 10 years. Get your head out of your ass and admit it.

  18. I recommend Graeme Wood's piece from March in The Atlantic, "What Isis Really Wants."

    They are Muslim and represent an apocalyptic, medieval, unrefined strain of Islam. It is dangerous and does a disservice to say they are "not Muslim." Not mainstream, sure, but there is a theological method to the madness. The Westboro Baptist Church lunatics are, unavoidably, Christian, albeit batshit crazy and disavowed by almost all others.

    And yes, what they want is a showdown with Western (the U.S. will do nicely, thanks, but it could also be the Crusader French, German or "Roman" boots as well) armies. They are looking for a showdown on the plains of Syria (there's an actual place) that they believe will usher in the End of Days, etc.

    ISIS doesn't exist without territory. It is a caliphate, a state. If they are defeated militarily then that shows the rest of the Arab and Muslim world that, like Jim Jones or David Koresh, the ISIS caliph was just another in a long line of pretenders. If ISIS somehow defeats the combined might of a modern army, well . . . we've got bigger problems than Obama or Rubio.

    So . . . take the territory away from them. ISIS believes God will protect them. Let's find out.
