Thursday, October 08, 2015


Brevard Judge John C Murphy, who threatened to beat the ass of an assistant public defender, was suspended by the Florida Supreme Court, which has in fact, beaten the ass of a few APDs in their time, just in a more lawyerly fashion.  The story is here. 

Broward Judge Lynn Rosenthal resigned from the bench today in light of her pending JQC hearing on her DUI charge for erratic driving (not erratic judging.) Kudos to our fellow Broward JAA bloggers who broke the story ahead of the "traditional" media. The Sun Sentinel was kind enough to give the blog credit for breaking the story. 

Rosenthal had a sweet-heart deal worked out with the JQC, but the Florida Supreme Court said "just hold your horses there one cotton-pickin-moment…":

We remand for further proceedings to include a full hearing before the Judicial Qualifications Commission in order to fully develop the facts regarding any misconduct that occurred during the criminal investigation and the Judicial Qualifications Commission investigation, including any destruction of evidence and any false and misleading statements made by Judge Rosenthal, so that the Court, in determining the appropriate sanction, will be apprised of all the facts and circumstances bearing on the violations.

 And of course congratulations to Judge Milton Hirsch and his beloved Cubs, who advanced to the playoffs last night. The Cubs will play the Cardinals. The Mets will play the Dodgers, and the winners of those two series will play each other for the right to play in the world series. Baseball in October. You can't beat it. 

See You In Court. 


  1. Chicken parm you taste so good.

  2. Gotta love the chicken parm sandwich

  3. Steve's Pizza has the best chicken parm ....

    Case closed!

  4. Judge Lynn Rosenthal is a GREAT judge. It is very sad that she is leaving. The Florida Supreme Court is no nonsense. If you are a Judge in Dade County, don't leave to go home after lunch. Channel 7 is watching you all. Be careful on the golf course or in the car pool lane at school!

  5. Speaking of judges. What is Eig doing with his campaign account? Is he not violating the law by keeping funds from last cycle and suggesting he is running again? Can someone explain what is going on?
