Friday, October 23, 2015

Governor Scott Appointment ..... IT'S ABOUT TIME



Rick Scott surprises us again, with another great appointment.  This time it is a four year appointment to the Eleventh Judicial Circuit's Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC).

And who did Governor Scott appoint?  Criminal defense attorney:

                                          ROBERTO "BOB" PARDO

Congratulations to Bob.  A well deserved honor and great news to know that the JNC finally has a criminal defense practitioner to weigh in on nominees to the Circuit and County Court bench here in Miami-Dade County.



  1. Bob is a good guy even though he's a Republican. We can level with him.

  2. I really like Bob. Hard to figure out what a guy with common sense will be able to do in a den of vipers, but I wish him good fortune in his efforts.

  3. Real glad to have someone with Bob's criminal defense experience in the committee that will select future judges. Maybe we can get more candidates with a better rounded background and that have actually tried cases in private practice.

  4. Bob Pardo: a true gentleman and an excellent lawyer.

  5. Shocked! Good luck Bob!

  6. Bob is a good guy!! Great appointment! Kudos Bob.

  7. It was a Florida Bar appointment and not Governor appointment. Get your facts right before you report Captain.

  8. Pardo is a funny guy good lawyer better person . Love you Pardo.. Congrats Arnie Trevilla

  9. Thank you for the kind words. I am humbled by the responsibility that has been entrusted to me by the Governor.
    I am thankful to the Florida Bar Board of Governors for submitting my name for consideration.
    Bob P


  10. to 9:11 AM:

    I love writing for this BLOG. Especially for the numnuts like you 9:11 AM. Maybe you should educate yourself on the JNC Appointment process before you call me out on something you clearly known absolutely nothing about.

    The Governor appointed Mr. Pardo to the JNC. The Florida Bar Board of Governors sends three names to the Governor for his consideration and then it is up to the Governor to appoint one of those three, or to ask for new names (like he has done on occasion in the past).

    Here is the June 15, 2015 Press Release from the Florida Bar announcing the three names:

    The Florida Bar Board of Governors nominated three lawyers each for a vacancy on each of the state’s 26 judicial nominating commissions at its May 22 meeting in Key West.

    11th Circuit JNC

    Alejandro Brito, Miami
    Roberto R. Pardo, Miami
    Effie D. Silva, Miami

    And here is the Governor's Press Release from Thursday night:

    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott announced twenty-six appointments to eleven Judicial Nominating Commissions.

    Eleventh Circuit Judicial Nomination Commission

    Daniel Fridman, 41, of Coral Gables, is a partner with White & Case, LLP. He is reappointed for a term beginning October 22, 2015, and ending July 1, 2019.

    Christine Hernandez-Baldwin, 35, of Miami, is an Assistant State Attorney Division Chief at the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office. She is reappointed for a term beginning October 22, 2015, and ending July 1, 2019.

    Roberto Pardo, 59, of Miami, has a criminal defense law practice. He is appointed from a list of nominees submitted by the Florida Bar for a term beginning October 22, 2015, and ending July 1, 2019.

    Now, if you are really nice, and apologize, I won't call you out again the next time you make such an uneducated comment.

    Cap Out .....

  11. The appointment is considered a Florida Bar appointment under the current system even though The Governor picks from a list of three nominated by the Bar. Governor gets his own direct picks in addition. The current system is weighted entirely in favor of the Governor because he can reject the Bar's entire slate as he's done previously.
