Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Because of privacy concerns, we removed the previous post after a request. This is after all just a dopey blog and it shouldn't cause anyone any personal safety issues. We note that the story was emailed top us by several individuals who saw it on  the person's facebook page. Having not been on facebook in several years, we were not privy to the circumstances of the post. 

Social media. It's a new world. 

DOM has all the details on the lawyers nominated for the district court in the middle district, and South Florida Lawyers has the latest on Spencer's new You-Tube. 

Query- should we do a defense lawyer draft? 

You are arrested. Who would you hire? Email us and we will pick a dozen people and then do an email draft and you will draft in your position and explain your choice. We will pick 13th. First twelve are in.

Talk amongst yourselves while we work on a new post.


  1. You miserable creep. You jerk. You have ruined so many lives with this rag. I hope the judge issues a subpoena and you get arrested and sent to prison for running this blog. Then I would dance with joy. Die scum.

    BTW thanks for the picks. Who do you like this week?

  2. This is serious. The person running this blog intruded on someone's private life. They should be arrested and sent to prison with no trial. This is too important for lawyers and trials. This person is too dangerous and needs to be shut up.
    Thank you.

  3. It was s detailed restaurant review of the REN a venue.

  4. I agree this jerk has taken free speech too far. I say bring back lashes like Saudi Arabia and give him 50 in front of the courthouse he mocks. That will shut his big mouth.

  5. Tar and feather him. Then hang him. Then 50 community service hours. That works for me.

  6. Networks have moral and decency standards. Radio stations hold licenses for the public good. This guy has no oversight no standards for decency no review. He's just allow to say what ever he feels. This is dangerous and I hope this issue finally brings him down.

    The silent majority.

  7. The most effective lawyers are the "regulars", the ones in the court house every single day, dealing with regular people (as opposed to the unique client with unlimited resources). Dealing with the unreasonable , the career offenders, the mutilipe cases and other non-glamorous clients are the true testament of the savy and effective defense lawyer. Guys like Ken Weissman, Scott Saul, Jason Gray, Juan Gonzalez, Juan Mourin , etc ..., the high volume "trench guys" are the ones that know every nook and cranny , have relationships with staffs and demonstrate a hunger in always getting things accomplished. They're not the sexy, self-promoters but they have thousands of success stories under their belt.

  8. To the above comments: If you post something on any social media site - it's not considered private. Why? Because your friends have access to the content and if they "Like" or "Share" something/anything, their friends can see it to...

    That's how Facebook works, folks. Your pictures, posts, comments, likes, everything is fair game.

    What was the post about anyway?

    I like it when Rump posts outrages comments to minimize or defuse the potential backlash from the person that was slighted. "Tar and feather him." "Hang him."

    A bit much, no?

  9. Huh? What part of the deleted post invaded privacy? That the judge was once a prosecutor, as was her father before her? That she was in a pickup truck with an unnamed boyfriend? Or that they picked up a hitchhiker who turned out to be a wanted violent criminal? Even this rag of a blog is protected by the principle that elected public officials live in a fishbowl. You want campaign contributions and support, you pay with your privacy. Want privacy? Get rid of the gavel and robe and join those who work privately.

  10. The post written at 4:02 pm is the most clever I have read in many moons. I laughed out loud. Just brilliant.

  11. I have finally decided to answer the call of the people. I officially announce my candidacy for Supreme leader of Freedonia

  12. Tottenham Hotspur? really?

  13. What is the big deal? Who fucked up?

  14. Your question is not so easy - what are the charges ? State or federal court? Is trial certain ? Is there a plea to be had ? Do you need a cleaner / brawler or a ballet dancer?

    My list changes with the answers .

    Which is to say, despite all the haters, we have a deep bench in Miami. And I respect al who respect their craft.

    Go Hornets.

  15. Hey, 4:25 -- I guess Tony Marin is a great Judge as well. You are ridiculous.

  16. Five minutes after every comment I post on this site I have a moment of worry that I did not click the "Anonymous" identity. Anyone who is signed into Gmail has their real name as a default.

    Can "Anonymous" be made the default instead?

  17. This is incredible! In order to be a great lawyer, it is obvious that all you have to do is be located in the enclave of NW 14th Avenue and 16th Street. I have office space for rent which appears as though will put you into an upper echelon of lawyering. Obviously, I need to now charge an "awesome lawyer premium" on top of the normal rent

  18. Finally this ass gets his due. I'm sure he is in trouble with the judge. No one monitors what he says. He answers to no one. This is intolerable. We can't allow someone that everyone reads to be able to speak with no oversight. Congress should get involved.

  19. Please join us this Friday for a ban the blog rally on the steps of the court house. The more people who show up the better chance we have have of getting this blog shut down. 7:42 is completely correct.

  20. the irony of lawyers criticizing free speech !

  21. Funny thing is, I'm sure it will all be public record once the information is filed and the investigation is complete. Judge's don't seem to care if they are on TV joking around with a defendant even though the defendant's private personal matter is now all over CBS4, et al. But when a judge is a witness, we demand secrecy. What a joke.


    The Republican debate tonight has been moved to Kendall, Florida and will take place at The REN (a venue) where candidates and members of the media will be treated to fine food and liquors and the debates will proceed in an environment conducive to the infotainment of potential voters.



  24. REN is the "Shumie" for 2015. Please edit out REN stuff, it's lame and embarrassing to to the integrity of the blog

  25. 4:25 pm. the so-called 'regulars" are the bottom feeders of the REG. No talent and low fees.

  26. Is there an archived version of the post? I'd like to see what the big fuss was about. Some of these comments are funny, others are ironic or oxymoronic, and some just plain ole dumb, but they have all peaked my interest.

    Perhaps if I show up at the Ban the Blog Rally on Friday someone will have a huge posterboard of it that I can read. Hopefully they do not get banned from the rally before I can read it though.

    For everyone who believes privacy was invaded, I was once told that the only thing that is private is what's between your ears, and once it leaves there it's no longer private. Safe to say that some people have nothing that is private because....

  27. Please delete the Ren stuff. Booooring

  28. The movement is growing. People are talking. Common citizens and all the judges have finally had enough. Rally with us Friday at noon. We DEMAND the following :
    1- immediately shut down the blog.
    2- immediately unmask the criminal running the blog.
    3- immediate incarceration and prosecution of the criminal running the blog.
    The silent majority fights back finally.

  29. 12:27 is right when he says 4:25 is wrong. Those lawyers are very sexy.

  30. Marvin Gaye is Rumpole. I heard it through the grapevine.

  31. Post was about a judge and her bf who gave a ride to a hitchiker who turned out to be fleeing after committing a robbery. Police surrounded the vehicle with gun drawns and arrested the suspect. Thankfully, cops believed judge and bf and neither were arrested as principals or accessories. The point of the post is that something like this happened to anyone else, most judges would not believe the explanation that theyr were just given a ride to a hitchiker.

  32. If they did move the debate to REN, it would be the first time they had 11 people in the vermin infested joint.

  33. The Republican candidates are treating Justice Roberts like he put his pubic hair in their cokes.

    Dear Justice Roberts:

    Come to the left wing. We will not treat you like the ratty stepchild nobody wants or shit talk you all over CNN. They're clearly upset you're not the sock-puppet they banked on. You can be our "Philosopher King" all day long - the throne is yours. F**K Senator Cruz!

    Very truly yours,

  34. I'm voting for Donald Trump's hair. His hair is more qualified than anyone else involved in the debate.

  35. Has anyone read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? And, more importantly, does Judge G make a cameo?

  36. Is it me or is Donald Trump the most likable right now?

  37. So you want to be a Circuit Court Judge? Well apparently House Representative Yolly Roberson has decided to ditch Tallahassee and enter the fray. She filed against Judge Robert Luck on 9/16/2015.

    I hope she re-evaluates her race - Luck is a great Judge and there are plenty of other sitting Judges up for election should could have filed against. The fact that she clearly had not researched the Judges and picked to file against Luck right off the bat shows she has no clue as to what is going on in the judiciary, and she just wants that government check to keep coming imo.

  38. 10:45
    I have my towel ready. Are the Vorgons coming ?

  39. Robinson is likely term limited in the House. She can't , or hasn't made a living off her law practice so she needs a job with a salary , medical insurance and a pension.

  40. Luck is horrible and never gives anyone a break. Every time someone moves for early term of probation or CC, Luck denies it. He's a federal prosecutor in a robe. He keeps telling everyone how smart he is and even the prosecutors are glad to see him gone.

  41. 9/16/15 @ 12:27,

    Let me tell you what it's like to be a "bottom feeder".

    My "bottom feeding" lifestyle enabled me to raise 4 kids in a great location and send them to the finest schools, colleges and law schools without them having any student loans;

    Those "low fees" blessed me with the ability to have a wife that was initially a top notch corporate lawyer, but, because we didn't need the money, she elected to withdraw from the work force and be an amazing full time mom to my kids;

    Being a "bottom feeder" allowed me to have a huge amount of freedom in my life, never missing any family event, coaching every team, attending every play, conference and performance and being there for anything and everything for my family...without ever asking permission from anyone;

    "Bottom feeding" has allowed me to create a comfortable life, have investments, live mortgage, rent and debt free and have an essential balance in my life;

    Having an "inferior from your eyes" practice has sustained me since 1991 and never burdened me with a lengthy trial that would take me away from my life or family;

    "Bottom feeding" has resulted in me having a client base made up of thousands which fosters an ever expanding referral base...including other forms of law (like big PI cases);

    Being a "bottom feeder" has allowed me to represent people who otherwise couldn't afford a lawyer where I have helped family members of clerks, law enforcement, judges, prosecutors and bail bondsmen;

    Lastly, this "bottom feeding" lifestyle has allowed me to actually be happy with the practice of law (while many abhor it), I've been able to take care of myself and be happily married;

    Those other mentioned "bottom feeding" lawyers... they're great professionals and righteous people. You never here anything negative about them since they are well-liked and respected ...it's an honor to be among those other "bottom feeders".

    Remember, Wall Mart makes a lot more money than Neiman Marcus

    You know, the scum and sediment that I am slopping up at the bottom of the riverbed tastes pretty damn good!

  42. Colby and Kenny the siskel and ebert of suicide pools announce...."Stayin alive " the suicide pool podcast every Friday night.
    Listen to the guys talk about their picks and trash each other in the finest siskel and ebert tradition.
    Stayin alive. Two thumbs up!!!

  43. Right on Scott. I echo your sentiments exactly.

  44. Bravo Scott Saul.

    Im a younger attorney who had the opportunity to get some career advice from him recently. I ought to have paid him because it was better than anything I learned at law school.


    Colby: with Colby and Kenny
    Kenny: With Kenny and Colby....
    Colby: whatever
    Kenny: Whatever happened with that pick of the Chargers last week? Barely scraped by.
    Colby: Open your eyes. Who ever said it was the "win by a big amount" league? its a survivor league and I survived which is more than I can say for your prospects this week.
    Kenny: Oh yeah? Who you picking? I'm rolling with .....

    Tune in to the podcast Stayin Alive this Friday night to here the guys picks as they settle this argument and have several more.

  46. Scott just dropped the mic.

  47. Does anyone really believe that bullshit story about a hitchhiker?

  48. Stayin alive. Total brillance

  49. Great post, Scott! Good for you to find a balance between work and family.

  50. I'm very proud to be mentioned in the same breath as Weisman, Mourin, Gray and especially Saul. I wonder if it's this good feeding at the top?

  51. Yolly Roberson has no business running against Robert Luck. This move is completely racial and disgusting!

  52. Who is taking overb Luck's division? Is it newly appointed Charlie Johnson? He will certainly be an improvement.

  53. Division changes.

    Lisa Walsh in for Luck. HUGE improvement.
    Charlie Johnson in for Rodney Smith Even more improvement
    Spencer Eig for Verde. Best news of all!
