Tuesday, September 29, 2015


It was bound to happen. 

An attorney in Milwaukee won a  first degree murder trial. 
Then he took a selfie with his client. 
Then he posted it on Facebook. 
Then he got into trouble with the court. 
The story is here. 

Query: What is the difference between the attorney taking a selfie and an enterprising reporter taking a picture of the attorney with his arm around his client on the courthouse steps after an acquittal ( an emotional scene we have taken part in several dozen times)? 

It might not be the brightest thing to do. But we don't see it as violating any court order or Bar rule. A win is a win is a win. 


What is it about the feds that causes them not to just act snooty and superior to state court, but makes them trash state court whenever they can take a cheap shot? 

David Ovalle tweeted this today when covering a sentencing hearing:

When it bogged down, Judge Lenard even told lawyers "This is NOT state court" where judge rubberstamps the agreed upon plea-deal sentence

Judge Leonard, who we might remind her, started as a judge in state court, made the statement during a sentencing hearing where both the prosecution and defense made the same recommendation for a sentence.

We actually think more state court judges should not rubber stamp plea deals in state court. But why the cheap shot?

Item: The Russians are establishing a military presence in Syria. The last time they did some thing adventurous it was in Afghanistan circa 1978-79.

"History repeats itself first as a tragedy, then as a farce."
Karl Marx.

See You In Court, where unlike federal court, we can plea out more than one case an hour. Efficient use of court time, tax dollars, etc.


  1. How is taking a picture after an acquittal with no one around "disrupting a tribunal". Petty people.

  2. Are Kenny W. and Judge J. Colby in the B pool? Didn't see any picks for them? I did see them lunching with Judge Moreno though!

  3. What the lawyer did is in poor taste. That's just the bottom line. It's bragging and patting himself on the back publicly. Kind of like the judges and lawyers who post when they are still at work at 8 pm or are in day 3 of a trial. Please, just shut up and do your job like the rest of us.



    JUDICIAL ELECTION 2016 .....

    A new candidate has filed to run for Judge in 2016. He is Luis Perez-Mendez. He has been a member of the Florida Bar for nine years. He has filed to run for Circuit Court Judge. He has filed in Group 34, a seat being vacated by the retirement of Judge Gill Freeman. Two other candidates have already filed to run in that Group including Renee Gordon and Denise Martinez-Scanziani.

    CAPTAIN OUT .....

  5. FREE SHumie from The REN (a venue) NOW

  6. Captain the rumor is that John Colby will make a Nixon-like return from his estate in San Clemente California and run for the seat as well. He is amassing funds as we speak, mostly from his success in Fan Duel fantasy football.

  7. While selfies are obnoxious and reflective of our increasingly self-absorbed culture, it is no different than having a Herald photographer take your picture after a trial. No posting on social media applies only during the trial. Once the defendant was declared not guilty and the jury was discharged, the rule no longer applied as the judge would instruct the jurors that they were now free to talk about the case if they wanted to.

    I think the judge just personally finds them distasteful and wanted to give the younger lawyer a piece of his mind.

  8. "Titan Of Tickets. The Untold story of Scott Hidnert and his battle for supremacy in Miami's million-dollar traffic ticket industry."
    Lawsuits, spies, sex, briefcases of cash and bar complaints are all unveiled in this shocking look behind the scenes of Miami's Traffic Ticket law firms. Now A Penguin E-Book.

  9. OMG please please please tell me this was a put on.

  10. 934 am is a prosecutor who would crow immediately after the conviction that THE STREETS ARE NOW SAFER.

    Or one of the deadweight PDs still there 20 years after I left who never try a case

  11. I love when an ASA gets a guilty verdict they post on Facebook about their victory - ignoring that fact that there was a victim and that the defendant's family is now ruined. This combined with the real difficulty in obtaining a guilty verdict with a recorded confession, DNA, GSR, fingerprints, and a flip.

  12. After winning a DUI case with a Kotzin motion and rising to the top of the Sunday DUI power rankings, I called the Shumie and joined Kenny W and Colby at the REN (a venue) for some wll deserved rest and relaxation over drinks and appetizers during happy hour.

  13. The only "possible" rule he violated was confidentiality if the client did not give him permission to post his picture. I do hope that you all really do see the difference in a reporter posting information about a case and the attorney, who has a duty of confidentiality to the client.

    The judge is likely an old prude who was pissed that a _______ was found not guilty in his courtroom and he couldn't make comments to the defendant, so he lashed out at the only person he could, the defendant-lover.

  14. 12:38 a.m., weren't Alan and Chris there too?

  15. I think Judge Lenard's comment was directed at an AUSA. She astutely detected that he bought his suit at Marshall's for $79.00 and not at Brooks Brothers for $500.00.
